Amazing Race 18: Unfinished Business - Spoilers

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Anonymous's picture
This sucks, once Gary and Mallory are eliminated I'll be done with this season lol. If the Cowboys, Globtrotters, Margie/Luke, Jamie/Cara, Kisha/Jen, Ron/Chris, Zev/Justin, or Mike/Mel win I would be severely dissappointed. Go Gallory!!!!
It seems most people are really only interested in Amanda/Kris, kynt/vyxsin, and Gary/Mallory...I just can't imagine who cast this season, and who approved the choices????? Oh well nothing can be done but hope the only 2 good teams left stay for a while lol
Anonymous's picture
Teams are for sure going to Hong Kong. Kynt/Vysxin, Mel and Mike and Margie and Luke are currently behind. I really hope this team wins. [url=][img][/img][/url]
[QUOTE=tatertots;223065]Is it bad that I kind of wish they had brought Dandrew back? I still watch the clip of them trying to march every time I need a good laugh. I like Mike and Mel a lot because they had a really good spirit and would joke a lot. Mel would randomly say funny things and they just had a good relationship. [/QUOTE] The Nerdy Frat Boys!!! I didn't really like them on their season, but they were always good for a great laugh. Especially the marching. It was SO horrible. I'm still kind of shocked they actually passed that detour/roadblock. As for Mike/Mel, they were always good to watch and I really loved Mike because he wrote School of Rock and I love that movie. [QUOTE=TSPKM;223102]Teams are for sure going to Hong Kong. Kynt/Vysxin, Mel and Mike and Margie and Luke are currently behind. I really hope this team wins. [/QUOTE] Is it bad that I really want Margie/Luke to leave knowing they are behind?? I just can't really stand them. They were somewhat tolerable on their season, but it really went downhill near the end. As for the team you really want to win, I think I've jumped on the Gary/Mallory train too. Right behind Kynt/Vyxsin though :D
[QUOTE=TSPKM;223102]Teams are for sure going to Hong Kong. Kynt/Vysxin, Mel and Mike and Margie and Luke are currently behind. [/QUOTE] I believe they are just connecting through Hong Kong on their way to Tokyo.
Anonymous's picture
Oh I see, I must have misunderstood, I thought they were going through Tokyo first then to Hong Kong. I'm hoping Margie and Luke are out next as well.
Anonymous's picture
So it looks like the 5 leading teams from the flights were; 1. Globtrotters 2. Cowboys 3. Gary and Mallory 4. Kisha and Jen 5. Ron and Christina And the 5 trailing teams were; 1. Jamie and Cara 2. Margie and Luke 3. Goths 4. Mel and Mike 5. Zev and Justin.
Anonymous's picture
Anyone else find it strange that there was supposedly another team on tif second flight but all the first flight teams are accounted for? Anyway the second team (theoretically) should be eliminated by now.
Anonymous's picture
Hmm is it possible that the first leg was a NEL? according to weihen at RFF: "Someone saw 6 teams on flight via HongKong,so I think maybe your friend didn't see other two teams. Now we know on flight via HongKong Mel and Mike Jamie and Cara Zev and Justin Margie and Luke Goth [B]one team unknown..."[/B] and another poster wrote: "I can confirm 5 teams on Qantas QF21 by Mario who I mentioned earlier was at Sydney airport spoke to 3 teams and saw 2 others. He saw them at 7pm yesterday: Gary/Mallory Flight Time/Big Easy Kisha/Jen Jet/Cord Ron/Christina" Hmmm another poster put "I went there in the afternoon. I don't know which temple that was as I'm also a foreigner here but it's the one where you have to climb a number of steps before you reach the top. I saw cowboys, 2 black ladies, 2 pink-dyed hair ladies, and a [B]Caucasian couple[/B]. I was able to take a picture of the cowboy and the black ladies." "just got confirmation that it was indeed at the Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine (see the Google street view link above) on Friday afternoon where he spotted Jet/Cord, Kisha/Jen, Kynt/Vyxsin, and what I am guessing as [B]Amanda/Kris[/B] " Could Amanda/Kris have been spotted today racing? Interesting huh I'm not getting my hopes up though, I still see them as being the first out. I do think its wierd that one of the strongest teams and nicest teams and one of the teams that never made a mistake during their season, and a team that was leading at the beginning of this race was eliminated first....but hey you never know....they could still be racing or they could be eliminated...For now lets just leave it at UNKNOWN as their status.
[QUOTE=TSPKM;223352]Hmm is it possible that the first leg was a NEL? Hmmm another poster put "I went there in the afternoon. I don't know which temple that was as I'm also a foreigner here but it's the one where you have to climb a number of steps before you reach the top. I saw cowboys, 2 black ladies, 2 pink-dyed hair ladies, and a [B]Caucasian couple[/B]. I was able to take a picture of the cowboy and the black ladies." "just got confirmation that it was indeed at the Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gu Shrine (see the Google street view link above) on Friday afternoon where he spotted Jet/Cord, Kisha/Jen, Kynt/Vyxsin, and what I am guessing as [B]Amanda/Kris[/B] " Could Amanda/Kris have been spotted today racing? Interesting huh [/QUOTE] I highly highly highly doubt that they would have a TBC leg followed by a NEL leg. Someone had to have been eliminated. For the second part, it's definitely possible that the Caucasian couple could have been Margie/Luke.
Anonymous's picture
So it looks like this so far; Leg 1: Australia-Amanda/Kris eliminated Leg 2: Japan-? eliminated Leg 3: Japan-? eliminated Leg 4: China-current leg Gary and Mallory were spotted looking for a bus to Lijiang, meaning they most likely survived Leg's 2 and 3. There havent been any other spottings of other teams since Thursday.
Anonymous's picture
Kisha/Jen and Ron/Christina have been spotted heading to Lijiang as well!!! Still waiting on sightings of Cowboys, Globtrotters, Mel/Mike, Jaime/Cara, Margie/Luke, Goths and Zev/Justin. ^ It is possible 2 of those 7 teams MAY be eliminated already.
Anonymous's picture
The Cowboy's have supposedly been spotted in China as well. Not sure if Ron and Chris were actually spotted in China or not, people keep saying that they might have seen them but it seems as though people may be referring the the Asian people surrounding other teams. Btw there still has been no photographic evidence of Ron/Chris being there since the first leg, only possible sightings.
Anonymous's picture
5 Teams spotted in China; Gary/Mallory Ron/Christina Kisha/Jen Jet/Cord Flight Time/Big Easy RFF source said they helped out/saw 4 teams which included the Cowboys, Globtrotters, Gallory and Ron/Chris. I dont know where Kisha and Jen fit into that. Uknown wherabouts at this point are; Mel/Mike, Goths, Jaime/Cara, Margie/Luke, and Zev/Justin. 1 of those teams is definitely eliminated, but possibly 2 are out.
[QUOTE=TSPKM;223585]5 Teams spotted in China; Gary/Mallory Ron/Christina Kisha/Jen Jet/Cord Flight Time/Big Easy RFF source said they helped out/saw 4 teams [B]which included the Cowboys, Globtrotters, Gallory and Ron/Chris.[/B] I dont know where Kisha and Jen fit into that. Uknown wherabouts at this point are; Mel/Mike, Goths, Jaime/Cara, Margie/Luke, and Zev/Justin. 1 of those teams is definitely eliminated, but possibly 2 are out.[/QUOTE] Of course 3 of my least favorite teams are some of the only ones accounted for up to this point. Fantastic.
Anonymous's picture
You dont like Gallory???? Why not? Zev and Justin have been spotted!!!!
[QUOTE=TSPKM;223595]You dont like Gallory???? Why not? Zev and Justin have been spotted!!!![/QUOTE] Hahaha, no. I just said that 3 of those teams are my least favorite. So now that you know I like Gary/Mallory, I'm sure you can do the math ;)
Anonymous's picture
Oh okay I see, good call though I dont care for the other 3 teams either.
Anonymous's picture
There is some speculation going on over at RFF that Jaime and Cara were eliminated in one of the Japan legs. *** NO EVIDENCE here someone is monitoring her facebook so it was really nothing. Zev and Justin are in last place in the China leg though, so somewhere 2 teams are out there unnoticed.
Anonymous's picture
Alright guys; 11th place: Amanda/Kris 10th place: Mel/Mike The 3rd leg was a Non Elimination Leg and Kynt/Vyxin came in last place. They must come in 1st place of this next leg or they enquire a 30 minute penalty. There is going to be a U-Turn in leg 4, rumor has it there will be no speedbump.
Boo!! What's up with the good teams going first? :(
Good? Blah. Thank goodness that Jaime & Cara are still there. Or else this race would have went from bad to worse, immediately. They are one of the [U][I][B]few[/B][/I][/U] that I am rooting for.
[QUOTE=TSPKM;223609]Alright guys; 11th place: Amanda/Kris 10th place: Mel/Mike The 3rd leg was a Non Elimination Leg and Kynt/Vyxin came in last place. They must come in 1st place of this next leg or they enquire a 30 minute penalty. There is going to be a U-Turn in leg 4, rumor has it there will be no speedbump.[/QUOTE] What a more horrible start to this season. It will just go even further down hill if the Goths get eliminated next. If the Globetrotters or the Cowboys some miraculous way pull out the win, I might not even watch the season. And getting rid of the speedbump is almost the same with having it there. Just a ten minute sitting on a chair type thing and your done.
Anonymous's picture
Jamie and Cara are currently in first, the Goths are still in last place.
[QUOTE=TSPKM;223722][B]Jamie and Cara are currently in first[/B], the Goths are still in last place.[/QUOTE] :give_heart::girl_dance::yess: :heart::heart::heart:
Anonymous's picture
1.cowboys/gallory 3.margie/Luke 4.kisha/jen 5.goths 6.globtrotters 7.Ron/Chris, zev/Justin Eliminated: jaime/cara
Well there are 6 teams I would have liked to see leave over Jaime/Cara, but at least Kynt/Vyxsin survived!
[QUOTE=TSPKM;223760]1.cowboys/gallory 3.margie/Luke 4.kisha/jen 5.goths 6.globtrotters 7.Ron/Chris, zev/Justin [B]Eliminated: jaime/cara[/B][/QUOTE] :girl_cray2::cry::mad::bawl::evil2:
[QUOTE=TSPKM;223760]Eliminated: jaime/cara[/QUOTE] [url=]YouTube - Sister Act 2 - Oh Happy Day[/url]
