Get Ready for the next season which is rumored to be an All-Star season according to Reality Fan Forum the 11 expected teams to be on are;
1. Kynt and Vyxsin (TAR 12)- 5th place
2. Margie and Luke (TAR 14)-3rd place
3. Jamie and Cara (TAR 14)-2nd place
4. Kisha and Jen (TAR 14)-4th place
5. Mel and Mike (TAR 14)-6th place
6.Amanda and Kris (TAR 14)-8th place
7.Flight Time and Big Easey (TAR 15)-4th place
8.Zev and Justin (TAR15)-8th place
9.Jet and Cord (TAR16)-2ndplace
10.Gary and Mallory (TAR17)-6th place
11. Ron and Christina (TAR12)-2nd
[B]NOTE[/B]: Unless otherwise stated, all spoilers are from