Harry Potter

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Harry Potter
Just saw the poster for HP7. I think it looks great. Plus, it's about time HP got its own thread :D [center][url=http://vevmo.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=7466][img]http://vevmo.com/imagehosting/15504c7a78a12e866.jpg[/img][/url][/center]
That looks really good! They better not screw this one up...
I have high hopes for this one. Haven't really been blown away by any of the movies. But I absolutely love the books and 7 is my favorite.
This looks great! I'm looking forward to it. I didn't know you were a HP fan, molds!
I'm really looking forward to this. There was a special screening Chicago and from what I heard about it, not much was left out of the first half. I CANNOT WAIT.
That poster makes me so sad seeing Hogwarts burning. [B]HP nerd alert:[/B] I have a countdown until the movie premiere on my dashboard. :D 81 days 12 hours 22 minutes and counting! Do you guys want photos released from the film posted here or is that too spoilery for what the movies may be like?
[QUOTE=tatertots;203028]That poster makes me so sad seeing Hogwarts burning. [B]HP nerd alert:[/B] I have a countdown until the movie premiere on my dashboard. :D 81 days 12 hours 22 minutes and counting! Do you guys want photos released from the film posted here or is that too spoilery for what the movies may be like?[/QUOTE] I saw a bunch on this Portugese website this morning! Exciting stuff, and I was going to post them but there's like 80 of them, so I held off :D
[QUOTE=molds13;203030]I saw a bunch on this Portugese website this morning! Exciting stuff, and I was going to post them but there's like 80 of them, so I held off :D[/QUOTE] I think I know the ones you are talking about and they were from a Brazilian HP fan book or something. Overseas stuff seems to get a lot of the good photos first. There are a lot of them that's why I didn't post them either. I usually check Mugglenet for updates because they are pretty good at posting hi-res versions quickly. There are definitely some exciting photos floating around. I really like to see what new characters look like!
[QUOTE=tatertots;203032]Yeah there are a lot of them that's why I didn't post them either. I usually check Mugglenet for updates because they are pretty good at posting hi-res versions quickly. There are definitely some exciting photos floating around. I really like to see what new characters look like![/QUOTE] They did a really good job with Luna's dad. I need to remind myself to re-read the book before the movie comes out!!
[QUOTE=molds13;203035]They did a really good job with Luna's dad. [B]I need to remind myself to re-read the book before the movie comes out!![/B][/QUOTE] That's exactly why I have the countdown!
That poster is awesome! I can't WAIT for these movies! EEEE!
[QUOTE=molds13;203035]They did a really good job with Luna's dad. I need to remind myself to re-read the book before the movie comes out!![/QUOTE] I think they did a great job with Luna's dad and the Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour. I really need to re-read the book as well because I can't remember all the details.
[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KE5PrDSDZxo&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 - TV Spot 1 (HD)[/url] First TV Spot, which means it's getting closer and that I'm getting even more excited :D
The first full length trailer should be released tonight at 9/8 c. You have no idea how much I feel like a little kid in a candy store right now! Here's a picture for your further enjoyment of the Seven Potters: [img]http://media.mugglenet.com/i//movie7/seven_potters.jpg[/img]
[url=http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1810004780/video/219]Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I trailers and video clips on Yahoo! Movies[/url] The official trailer for part one was released about an hour ago! I'm so excited for this!
I just watched it!! So excited :D
Stoked!!! Great trailer, and now my impatience kicks in.
New Poster!!!!! Just 48 days to go my friends :D [CENTER][img]http://media.mugglenet.com/i//movie7/trio_poster.jpg[/img][/CENTER]
48 days oi... that means like 138 days before I get to see it :^\
I probably wouldn't have seen it in 3D anyway, but I'm sure all the 3D lovers will be crushed. [url=http://www.mugglenet.com/app/news/show/3830]WB scraps plans to release Deathly Hallows, Part 1 in 3D[/url]
[QUOTE=fabulous788;213026]I probably wouldn't have seen it in 3D anyway, but I'm sure all the 3D lovers will be crushed. [url=http://www.mugglenet.com/app/news/show/3830]WB scraps plans to release Deathly Hallows, Part 1 in 3D[/url][/QUOTE] Well yeah, Lord Voldemort spilled that a few days ago :D [url=http://vevmo.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=7883][img]http://vevmo.com/imagehosting/15504cb33c31142da.png[/img][/url]
[QUOTE=molds13;213028]Well yeah, Lord Voldemort spilled that a few days ago :D [/QUOTE] Such a shame that I don't follow Lord Voldemort.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;213045]Such a shame that I don't follow Lord Voldemort.[/QUOTE] [url=http://vevmo.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=7884][img]http://vevmo.com/imagehosting/15504cb369ffe19a9.png[/img][/url]
Bahahahaha. He'll never know, so please do not tell him.
More TV spots, which just means it's getting SUPER close. The 8th one is quite hilarious :D [url=http://www.mugglenet.com/movies/movie7/videos.shtml]MuggleNet | The World's #1 Harry Potter Site - Deathly Hallows Movie, The Wizarding World, JK Rowling, and much more[/url] And another one: [url=http://www.mugglenet.com/app/news/show/3869]WB releases tenth Deathly Hallows TV spot[/url]
Run time for the new movie!!! :D [QUOTE]Deathly Hallows, Part 1's listing on the official IMAX website which reveals the film clocks in at 147 minutes. For those without a calculator handy, that equates to 2 hours and 27 minutes. We took a look at the other films in the franchise to see how Deathly Hallows, Part 1 stacks up: - Sorcerer's Stone: 152 minutes - Chamber of Secrets: 161 minutes - Prisoner of Azkaban: 141 minutes - Goblet of Fire: 157 minutes - Order of the Phoenix: 138 minutes - Half-Blood Prince: 153 minutes - Deathly Hallows, Part 1: 147 minutes[/QUOTE] [url=http://www.mugglenet.com/app/news/show/3876]via[/url]
Love how my one of my least favorite movies was the longest.
I'd say Chamber is pretty low for me because I've seen it so much, but Azkaban is by far my least favorite because there's not much going on once you know Sirius is trying to help him.
[QUOTE=molds13;217441]Love how my one of my least favorite movies was the longest.[/QUOTE] I know right? Chamber of Secrets is also my least favorite book and the movie just really dragged on for what seemed like forever. [QUOTE=Aereas;217496]I'd say Chamber is pretty low for me because I've seen it so much, but [B]Azkaban is by far my least favorite[/B] because there's not much going on once you know Sirius is trying to help him.[/QUOTE] How could you? :D Azkaban is probably my favorite out of the movies so far, followed closely by Order of the Phoenix, but I do have a feeling Deathly Hallows might pass both of them.
My thoughts on 2/3: The movies for Chamber and Azkaban (moreso than the others) lean on suspense of the unknown to drive their stories. Once you know who the Heir of Slytherin is and the identify of the attacker (2) and who Peter is and what Sirius is after (3), there's no tension left in those 2 movies. They feel like setup movies to me, to get to the point where stuff is actually starting to happen (Goblet). There's also something about Azkaban that I don't like. I'm not really sure what it is, maybe the visual style and tone the director used. It's distinct enough for me that I'd skip the movie if I were going to watch them all back to back.
