[QUOTE=molds13;197896]Are they at least spinning faster?[/QUOTE]
Not by much. Britt said it was moving a little faster. It's kind of sad how pathetic this season is. No one has the balls to win HOH and put up Rachel and Brendon.
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;197892]Lane, Britney and Hayden jumped off as soon as Brendan was gone. They only wanted to make sure he would not win. If Ragan wins, I bet Grodner makes one of his sabeteur tasks to not nominate Brendan and Rachel.[/QUOTE]
Yes, safe bet.
[QUOTE=RMD1;197900]Matt is the new HOH[/QUOTE]
If I were in front of you in person, I'd be giving you a blank stare. :| Booze these people up, and let's get the **** goin'. It did wonders for BB6 and BB11.
These people are so stupid.
FIRST the house is dumb enough to keep Rachel over Annie; where Rachel eventually tears through the competitions and leaving the only apparent alliance in the house.
THEN Rachel uses her HOH to get rid of the useless Monet? ***??
THE NEXT WEEK Matt wins HOH and puts NONE of his targets on the block... very big move.
LASTLY Rachel gets rid of Kristen for mainy personal issues.
Matt says he will put up Brendan and Rachel. If one of them wins POV Kathy goes up and Brendan or Rachel goes home 5-1. They think they prefer Rachel out because she is better at the quiz competitions.
What is a have not?
And Matt is talking about telling Brenchel he won't put them on the block for the 5,000 dollars. But just plans on taking it, donating it to charity & still putting them on the block. If he does that, that'll be the lowest move I've ever seen anyone do.
[QUOTE=TheKorean;197993]What is a have not?
And Matt is talking about telling Brenchel he won't put them on the block for the 5,000 dollars. But just plans on taking it, donating it to charity & still putting them on the block. If he does that, that'll be the lowest move I've ever seen anyone do.[/QUOTE]
A have-not is a person in the Big Brother house who usually loses a competition. They have to eat slop, take cold showers, and sleep in the have-not bedroom. There are ususally more than one, but this week only Kathy is a have-not.
I can't believe that Matt would even consider doing that, but I can see Rachel fallin for it anyways.
Ragan has decided to be the sab.
However, everyone thinks its Rachel. LMAO Their reasoning.
1. She went into the DR right after Mike.
2. She twisted Kathys sock puppets arms around.
3. They randomly found her in the jumanji room laying on the floor.
4. They all think shes America's Favorite.
[QUOTE=TheKorean;198139]Ragan has decided to be the sab.
However, everyone thinks its Rachel. LMAO Their reasoning.
1. She went into the DR right after Mike.
2. She twisted Kathys sock puppets arms around.
3. They randomly found her in the jumanji room laying on the floor.
4. They all think shes America's Favorite.[/QUOTE]
That makes it even more intersting. I hope Ragan does a great job as the sab.
I went back and watched the part where they announced the re-entrance of the sabetour and I think Ragan acted pretty great. It seems like he may actually be better than Annie at this job. :D
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;198313]Rachel is toast. Bummer...love her or hate her, she's great TV.[/QUOTE]
At least we won't have to hear her laugh anymore, unless the game somehow mysteriously changes.