Big Brother 12: Feed Discussion

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I really hope Matt doesn't stick to nominating Kathy and whoever. Now that Monet is gone the only people I like in there are Britney and Kathy.
Matt will do whatever is best for him I would think. I wouldn't be surprised to see Brendon and Rachel up but Katy and Andrew look to be prime targets as well.
This is kind of what I was hoping for. Matt will totally ruin his game this week as his ego is way to big. I predict if he acts anything like he has acted in the last 2 weeks he will be eliminated 5th or 6th.
Putting up Kathy and Andrew is a mistake in my book. I know he wants to BD Brendan and Rachel but what if one of them wins POV??
What he SHOULD do is nominate Andrew (give a fake reason like he was happy that Rachel won HoH last week) & another member of The Brigade that is likeable and a strong competitor like Hayden to divert suspicion. Maybe then try and backdoor Brendan and even if Brendan or Rachel wins POV they can still 90% chance evict Andrew because the 2 members that can vote plus Kristen (who won't want to Evict Hayden) will vote to Evict Andrew and then you need just one more vote because with 4 votes thats enough for a tie and Matt will evict Andrew. Just sayin', it might divert suspicion.
[QUOTE=Spinner554;193198]What he SHOULD do is nominate Andrew (give a fake reason like he was happy that Rachel won HoH last week) & another member of The Brigade that is likeable and a strong competitor like Hayden to divert suspicion. Maybe then try and backdoor Brendan and even if Brendan or Rachel wins POV they can still 90% chance evict Andrew because the 2 members that can vote plus Kristen (who won't want to Evict Hayden) will vote to Evict Andrew and then you need just one more vote because with 4 votes thats enough for a tie and Matt will evict Andrew. Just sayin', it might divert suspicion.[/QUOTE] I think that's a great idea, but I'm not sure Matt, the self proclaimed smartest person in the house, is going to think of that. :)
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Do you guys really think it's in Matt's best interest to nominate and hope to evict either Rachel or Brendon? I mean, are those two [I][B]really[/B][/I] the strongest competitors in that house?? I don't think so, but I don't watch the feeds so what do I know :p I just wonder if you guys really believe that Brendon and Rachel are the strongest players in that house, and if not, who would you say is/are the strongest competitor(s)?
[QUOTE=T0714;193236]Do you guys really think it's in Matt's best interest to nominate and hope to evict either Rachel or Brendon? I mean, are those two [I][B]really[/B][/I] the strongest competitors in that house?? I don't think so, but I don't watch the feeds so what do I know :p I just wonder if you guys really believe that Brendon and Rachel are the strongest players in that house, and if not, who would you say is/are the strongest competitor(s)?[/QUOTE] I actually do because they both have won a challenge and are in an alliance. There is only one other alliance and that is the Brigade. I'm not saying they are the strongest, but the two of them together is better than just one of them alone. I would say the Brigade is looking pretty strong. Matt nominated earlier today and went for the dumb move which was nominating Andrew and Kathy, so he could backdoor Brendon and Rachel. Later they drew for POV and Matt, Kathy, Andrew, Lane, Brendon, Rachel are playing in the POV. Hmmmm.
Shock of all shocks: Grodner's favorite players Rachel and Brendon were BOTH conveniently picked to play in POV tomorrow.
I know, that's what I was thinking.
Lord, Britney called Brenchel "the Dollar Tree version of Jeff and Jordan." I can't stand Britney, but that was classic.
Is a comp going on right now? The feeds are off.
[QUOTE=gamer73;193456]Is a comp going on right now? The feeds are off.[/QUOTE] They are playing the veto competition.
Brendon wins the veto!!! This will just stir the pot even more :)
[QUOTE=fabulous788;193626]Brendon wins the veto!!! This will just stir the pot even more :)[/QUOTE] Ugh! I love Brendon, but ugh! I didn't want Andrew or Kathy to leave. Looking at stills from Joker's, the PoV had an Aladdin theme.
I think they are considering getting rid of Kathy because she a hands down vote for Brendon and Rachel.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;193632]I think they are considering getting rid of Kathy because she a hands down vote for Brendon and Rachel.[/QUOTE] Isn't that, like, wasting an HoH? I'm saying that because it seems that most of the house is in Brenden and Rachel's favor anyway, and that Kathy hasn't shown to be any threat.
Well the plan this week was to actually get rid of Brendon or Rachel via the back door plan, but since Brendon won veto, the noms will probably stay the same. I guess it's kind of a waste because he doesn't get to do what he wanted, but I think it will help them later to get rid of Kathy.
God the girls are dropping like flies this season!
Would Brendon be stupid enough to take Kathy off the block to force Matt to put someone else up? I mean...didn't Matt tell Rachel he was on their side?
[QUOTE=molds13;193691]Would Brendon be stupid enough to take Kathy off the block to force Matt to put someone else up? I mean...didn't Matt tell Rachel he was on their side?[/QUOTE] I actually think he may be. Then Rachel would go up and then go home which would be the best for me. I'm sick of her horrendous laugh.
I really don't want to see Kathy go.
[QUOTE=gamer73;193785]I really don't want to see Kathy go.[/QUOTE] I don't either, or Andrew. I don't think Brendon will use the veto though so one of them will end up going home. If I was forced to choose I would pick Kathy to go. On another topic, I've heard the first few cast members are being sequestered after being evicted. I'm thinking this could be a voting someone back in the house season. They did it in 3, 6, and 9, so maybe this will be another one of those years.
I really would love to see Andrew go. He is boring and gets on my nerves.
[QUOTE=fabulous788;193859]I don't either, or Andrew. I don't think Brendon will use the veto though so one of them will end up going home. If I was forced to choose I would pick Kathy to go. On another topic, I've heard the first few cast members are being sequestered after being evicted. I'm thinking this could be a voting someone back in the house season. They did it in 3, 6, and 9, so maybe this will be another one of those years.[/QUOTE] I want Annie to come back SO bad.
Brendon trusts Andrew.... you don't think he will use it on him? Is Andrew in danger?
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;194093]Brendon trusts Andrew.... you don't think he will use it on him? Is Andrew in danger?[/QUOTE] I think he'll save Andrew. Many watching think that he will. It that does happen, it'll be epic if Matt throws Rachel up.
[QUOTE=jjlucash;194105]I think he'll save Andrew. Many watching think that he will. It that does happen, it'll be epic if Matt throws Rachel up.[/QUOTE] Thank you so much for the info :)
Is the brigade mad at Matt?
No **** in hell Brenden is using that veto.
