Damn, I really want Kathy out and Andrew to stay. But the Brigade might find him a threat. And Britney wont vote for him, neither would Kristen (She votes how Hayden votes).
Maybe the Brigade will find him useful? Rachel and Brendon will vote for Andrew, I think...
[QUOTE=DScott;194480]I think Kristen and Hayden want Andrew to stay[/QUOTE]
That would be awesome news. Didn't hayden not really like Andrew so much? Lane can't think for hiself, so he will probably go with Hayden, and Matt said he wanted Andrew to stay. After all Kathy did vote for him...
Last night, Britney, Matt, and Ragan were having a conversation about who should go. They were throwing out pros and cons of each. They all agreed that getting Andrew out is a great idea because he's fantastic at competitions, which he is. On the other side getting rid of Kathy is supposedly better because she could be in an alliance with Brendon and Rachel. Britney was really pushing hard to get Andrew out while Matt and Ragan think Kathy is the better option.
I think they should get rid of Kathy, just because I like Andrew ten times better :D
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;194550]Andrew has been on their radar for weeks so I don't expect him to escape the block unless something big happens.[/QUOTE]
True, but they just wanted him out because he was annoying. Week 3 is a game changing week. I really think Matt wasted an HOH.
[QUOTE=RMD1;194562]True, but they just wanted him out because he was annoying. Week 3 is a game changing week. I really think Matt wasted an HOH.[/QUOTE]
Matt thinks that he has the game in the bag so it might be a tad bit over confidence that drove him to be more laid back with his HoH.
I'm reading on some forums, Andrew may be safe... A long shot buy possibly. It seems Kristin liked him And respects him as a player and doesn't think it was fair he was put up... kristin, ragain, bren and rachel for Andrew?
Well Andrew may be screwed now after the veto ceremony. The brigade is now sure that Andrew is with Bren and Rachel. I don't ever watch the feeds but I read everything that is said on mortys.
NOOOO....Andrew was one of the only people in the house with a personality(besides Brit, and even she only has one behind ppls backs).
I swear this is like the most non confrontational group since BB4, and that's saying something. All the girls seem to love to talk **** in the DR, but cry at the drop of a hat in person.
If I had to take a shot of goose everytime I saw Monet, Annie, Brit, Rachel and Brendon cry.....I would be at the ER right now getting my stomach pumped.
[QUOTE=gamer73;194811]I really don't understand why everyone likes Andrew so much.He is so annoying and has no personality at all.[/QUOTE]
I originally thought that, but he is quirky. People are saying that. It's funny to have someone like that. Who do you like Hayden or Matt who yells at the camera? Or kathy who just lays around the room? Andrew is funny and smiles... I am starting to like him, and if he's given the chance, he can do a lot more than kathy can in all aspects of the game.
I've been thinking and trying to convince myself that Andrew has the possibility to stay, but now I'm pretty sure he's going home. I think the only two votes on his side are Brendon and Rachel. He could get another one, but he would still go anyway :(
Ahh, what's happening right now? Are Kristen and Rachel still fighting? Is the house completely torn upside down?
Matt totally wasted his HoH. But whatever - so long, Andrew!