Someone says some stuff, some people do some things, and some people go home.
Hi, I came into watching the show a few minutes late. Waiting for something big to happen. Hopefully it will soon. Watching mainly for Landon, and I'm waiting to see the blow up that I think could happen with the Wes alliance, based on the way they've been playing.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;176682]Maybe I'm crazy but Ryan is looking really good.[/QUOTE]
He has a kind of cutesy looking face, so he's not unattractive. But I don't think he's one of the best looking guys there like a couple of the girls said in a daily.
[QUOTE=RW561015;176685]He has a kind of cutesy looking face, so he's not unattractive. But I don't think he's one of the best looking guys there like a couple of the girls said in a daily.[/QUOTE]
Maybe its just cause he had the hat on. I don't know, I have skinny white boy thing going on these days...
This episodes boring.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;176688]Maybe its just cause he had the hat on. I don't know, I have skinny white boy thing going on these days...
This episodes boring.[/QUOTE]
I tend to like the more "beefcake" looking guys on these shows.
[QUOTE=RW561015;176685]He has a kind of cutesy looking face, so he's not unattractive. But I don't think he's one of the best looking guys there like a couple of the girls said in a daily.[/QUOTE]
He's always been hot, he's just a bit skeevy.
So what is this turn-log mission again?
[QUOTE=Insider;176694]Oh no! Evelyn threw the challenge. BOOOO![/QUOTE]
OMG kill her!!!!
In all seriousness, I think Jenn/Noor and Ev/Luke could have done better against Kenny/Laurel and Jill/Pete. Noor and Luke are good competitors, and Jenn and Ev are better competitors than Sydney and Mandi. That was just embarrassing... Wes and CJ got steamrolled.
What were the teams? Jenn/Noor with Ev/Luke, Kenny/Laurel and Jill/Pete, Wes/Mandi and CJ/Sydney and Landon/Carley with Ryan/Theresa? Who won? haha sorry for all the questions, I haven't seen it yet.
[QUOTE=faceless;176701]What were the teams? Jenn/Noor with Ev/Luke, Kenny/Laurel and Jill/Pete, Wes/Mandi and CJ/Sydney and Landon/Carley with Ryan/Theresa? Who won? haha sorry for all the questions, I haven't seen it yet.[/QUOTE]
Sorry, I didn't care enough about the mission or pay enough attention to it to tell you the details. :no: Maybe someone else can explain it.
[QUOTE=faceless;176701]What were the teams? Jenn/Noor with Ev/Luke, Kenny/Laurel and Jill/Pete, Wes/Mandi and CJ/Sydney and Landon/Carley with Ryan/Theresa? Who won? haha sorry for all the questions, I haven't seen it yet.[/QUOTE]
Those were the teams, yeah. Landon/Carley and Ryan/Theresa lost to Kenny/Laurel and Jill/Pete after an hour elapsed and the girls were removed. Ev/Luke threw it, so they and Jenn/Noor lost their round, which took like a minute as a result. Wes/Mandi and CJ/Sydney were fully rested and got hosed by Kenny/Laurel and Jill/Pete. It was pathetic. Then, Kenny/Laurel threw the final round and let Jill/Pete win, since they'd told them they didn't think they'd win an Exile after doing such an exhausting mission.
[QUOTE=producer88;176706]Can anybody stop Kenny/Pete/Jillian/Laurel!!! They are my favorites this challenge, I'm going to call them the Fantastic 4 :-p lol.[/QUOTE]
You and your nicknames....
[QUOTE=Insider;176704]I think it's funny that Wes and Evelyn are beside themselves that CJ would lie to them... when that's all they do.[/QUOTE]
Oh, but didn't you know that when Wes and Ev do it, it's all a game and in the competition and smart but once someone else does it, they're stupid?
[QUOTE=Insider;176704]I think it's funny that Wes and Evelyn are beside themselves that CJ would lie to them... when that's all they do.[/QUOTE]
I was thinking that they should not make a big deal about it, because they were willing to sacrifice CJ before he even lied to them. He lied after he was upset about being thrown in. CJ already had a distrust for them at that point. But of course Wes makes everything seem like someone has committed some big crime against him - he even turned around his voting for Danny into Danny having done him wrong somehow.
They are trying to send the [IMO] good looking guys home! No! Of course I want Landon to win, though.