Real World DC: White House, Glass House

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I think they missed an opporutunity to play the Clash's song should i stay or Should I go. It would have been great for the situation.
I tried, for the sake of the RW family I really tried to watch. Can't do it.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;161825]Right. One is an "irritant" because she is living life, speaking her mind and is highly social with views that might not correspond to yours. The other faked a terminal illness, wants to be the center of attention and is very, very mentally ill.[/QUOTE] I get what davitt was saying, though. Erika may have done worse things, but it doesn't mean Ashley can't be seen as too much as well. There are a lot of people who aren't feeling Ashley because they feel she's overly dramatic in a not so good way. Not because she speaks her mind or lives her life or has different social views. It's not always an issue of trying to defend Erika by comparing her to Ashley or justifying Erika's actions by mentioning Ashley is too dramatic as well. When Erika was a background character in the earlier episodes, some viewers found Ashley to be too much then. People on other boards I read find her annoying, too. People are finding both to be overly dramatic, albeit they have different situations.
[QUOTE=RW561015;161903] People on other boards I read find her annoying, too.[/QUOTE] She does have a way about her that some people might be turned off by and I understand that. However, people on "other boards" also probably live within what they see on TV and not the reality of the situation. We are fortunate enough here to have insight beyond the edit. I've had the opportunity to speak with Ashley on occasion and she sums up to me as a really smart girl that has had a few knocks in life, and personally took a stand to not be defeated by the past. I think context is the major problem here. I personally would have a real problem with someone who lied to the world about having terminal cancer and it would definitively color my opinion of them. It would also make me question their motives and I'd surely think they were crying wolf or seeking further attention no matter the circumstances. I am almost postive that was the case with Erika in the house and when people such as Ashley just said go, she had no more cards to play. The gig was up. BMP/MTV really did a disservice in not offering the true story, but instead offering a left field edit that does not accurately portray the events. Of course this happens all the time in reality television, but you'd think with the blogged visibility of Erika's near past, they would have at least touched on the subject to provide proper context. You can hate Ashley, or hate Erika. We are all entitled to our opinions. However, to discard such a flash point topic (cancer) and then use "other boards" as a reference to popular opinion seems a bit off, and quite unfair. [B]Edit:[/B] I will add, that clearly I am biased as I appreciate the friendly accessibility Ashley offers and do gravitate to cast members like her. I think I lot of good points have been made, but I do feel she has been mischaracterized.
Why does everyone dislike Erika so much? I happen to like her and feel bad for her. There are a lot of things we haven't seen... But let the girl be. She was depressed and unhappy, and of course the edit made her seem insane, but the truth is she is just an unhappy person, and maybe she thought the show would change her. Obviously it didn't work, but no one knows the real story behind it and if you don't have depression, no one has the right to judge her.
Damn, Ashley is starting to get on my nerves. All out the hottub over nothing, she's so pretentious.
Erika kinda reminds me of Paula in a way. Paula all she did was cry and cry and be dramatic. I liked Paula and I felt sorry for her but all she did was cause drama. Same with Erika. I like Erika but the constant crying got old real fast.
This episode was boring to me Im tired of people saying they gonna do something like go home and they dont or takes them a long time to finally do it. The previous episode was ok, andrew's girlfriend is cute.
Erika AND Ashley bug me for different reasons. Erika, say you're going home then go home. Ashley, stay out of people's business and allow people to finish their sentences. Done.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;161819]The fact that MTV is not sharing the full story makes this entire piece contextually weak.[/QUOTE] Do you mean the cancer thing, or is there more to the story than even that?
[QUOTE=Wilderwolf;161828]I love how Josh wasn't with them at the end scene. aha At least next episode is about Mike. It should be good.[/QUOTE] Josh is the worrrrrst! Seriously, who casted [I]him[/I]!? Anyways - Erika - meh, I could take her or leave her. Not my fave, but not my least fave by a long shot. I don't know why so many people are down on this season! I think its pretty good and am enjoying it! ::::RSV still doesn't know how to multi-quote...WHOOPS::::
[QUOTE=DaTruthHurts;161829]Erika is the lamest person in Real World history. Congratulations for beating out the person who shall not be named from Hollywood for that honor.[/QUOTE] Noooooooooooooooooo. Stop it. That's just silly.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;161865]Ashley wasn't forcing her to stay at all. She was probably sick of Erica's whining and I don't blame her AT ALL for getting out of the hot-tub over that that ****. Erica pretty much admitted she wanted her roommates to beg her to stay. My gosh just because she is an emotional roller coaster, doesn't mean she needs drain her roommates too. NO ONE CARES. It got old. You keep saying you're gonna leave, leave. Good luck with life.[/QUOTE] I see what you're saying. That's true. [QUOTE=DaTruthHurts;161829]Erika is the lamest person in Real World history. Congratulations for beating out the person who shall not be named from Hollywood for that honor.[/QUOTE] [I]God[/I] no! lol She has a long-*** way to go in order to out-lame Will, Dave and Greg. To me, Will and Dave were more lame than Greg could ever be!
I really do try to watch episodes here and there but I end up turning them off. This is one of the most forgetable casts in the shows history. I don't know what they were thinking! CAST REMEMORABLE PEOPLE! Stop trying so hard to force a story...that will happen naturally with 8 interesting, rememorable people!
I'm surprised nobody here was at the reunion. If anybody went, any details?
Good riddance! I don't mind having one episode centering on the drama of someone debating leaving the house. But I feel like I've been watching Erika's indecisions for the last three episodes and would much rather see what Emily, Ty, and Ashley have been up to instead of hearing the same back and forth from Erika. Also I don't really want to get to know a roommate who is about to leave the house--I'd rather invest my time and interest into the roommates who are willing to invest in the house/city/a good story for viewers. I agree with most sentiments that Erika is continuing to seek attention with her threats to leave, and probably wants her roommates to beg her to stay in order to feel that they value her. Unfortunately, she lost her gamble this time and they called her bluff. I'm glad she's gone mostly because I want new story lines besides this one. Other than Erika and Josh, I am enjoying this cast a lot more than previous seasons like Cancun and Hollywood. I think they are more grounded and interesting as people, and seem more "real" to me, opposed to people seeking fame and a Hollywood career. If I wanted to watch a reality show about people trying to become singers, actors, and models I would watch American Idol and Top Model and Scream Queens. I find Mike's political interests and Emily's work with youth refreshing. :)
[QUOTE=Penelope;162131] Other than Erika and Josh, I am enjoying this cast a lot more than previous seasons like Cancun and Hollywood. I think they are more grounded and interesting as people, and seem more "real" to me, opposed to people seeking fame and a Hollywood career. If I wanted to watch a reality show about people trying to become singers, actors, and models I would watch American Idol and Top Model and Scream Queens. I find Mike's political interests and Emily's work with youth refreshing. :)[/QUOTE] I agree!
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;161908]Why does everyone dislike Erika so much? I happen to like her and feel bad for her. There are a lot of things we haven't seen... But let the girl be. She was depressed and unhappy, and of course the edit made her seem insane, but the truth is she is just an unhappy person, and maybe she thought the show would change her. Obviously it didn't work, but no one knows the real story behind it and if you don't have depression, no one has the right to judge her.[/QUOTE] To hell I don't have the right to judge her, or are you judging ME for judging her? How.... judgmental !!!!! Do you see the flaw in the demand for no judging? Good. I don't hate her, but I have to say the constant whining did get extremely annoying. She comes across as a genuinely miserable person, and it seems that is a normal state for her to be in. The fact that the house was so much lighter when she left is telling, she was an energy vampire sucking the energy out of the place with her depression. Even if you are feeling down, acting on it constantly has an effect on OTHER people, not just yourself. Have you ever been upset? Angry? Does that give you carte blanche to bring everyone else down to your state because YOU have an issue inside your head? You excuse, coddle, and ENCOURAGE her negative energy sucking vampire drain on those around her by letter her get away with it. At some point, be it biological or environmental, depression is not a thing the universe needs to adjust itself around. So shape up or get away and get help, but don't bring the earth down because of your issues.
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;162266]I agree![/QUOTE] I agree too. This is not a forgettable cast... well at least some of them. And there were surprises. I did not expect to take to Ty at all, even though we share the same name (that made me cringe when I first saw it, what is it with real world and the name TY ?!?!?) but he turned out to have much more depth than I expected. And then there is Andrew. If you dislike Andrew, you dislike kittens, and are a terrible person and human being.
I heard Erika didn't want to go to the reunion... then she did... then she didn't... then she did... then she cried... then she cried some more... then nobody cared.
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[QUOTE=BosNite;162386]I heard Erika didn't want to go to the reunion... then she did... then she didn't... then she did... then she cried... then she cried some more... then nobody cared.[/QUOTE] Sounds about right :D
