[QUOTE=AJHill;161610]I can't believe that people still want to blame CT for "keeping Eric around". That is absolutely ridiculous. When Evan got thrown into the Gauntlet by the Rookies, it was only the THIRD mens' gauntlet and still relatively early in the game. Evan was the Veterans' second best player (behind CT) and CT was very adamant about not losing Evan. If I remember correctly, CT was very vocal about not throwing in Eric and taking the chance of Ram It Home or Force Field being chosen. He convinced the team to put in Johnny, who he thought Evan would beat. The only reason Eric made it to the final mission was because he was not given safety in this Evan/Johnny gauntlet, which was given to Adam. By the time the Veterans lost another male gauntlet day, it was the one right before the final. No one could have predicted so early in the game that the Veterans would win every male challenge between the third male gauntlet and the last male gauntlet. There was really nothing the veterans could do about that since all the guys did everything they could to win every male day to ensure their safety. And when they finally lost a male gauntlet day, the Rookies smartly protected Eric, which was the only logical thing to do. You can't pin the blame for Eric being in the final all on CT. It was a combination of the Veteran guys working extra hard to win male gauntlet days to save their own *****, and the Rookies' good strategy.[/QUOTE]
In case you didn't know as well, the last part of my post was dripping in sarcasm. I was merely implying that if CT gets to have all the glory and credit of "trimming the fat", then he mine as well take responsibility for not trimming the biggest fat of them all.
And you didn't really need to explain all of that, I watched the Gauntlet 3 and I know what happened. Let's, for a second, forget the fact that the Rookies team was utterly and completely garbage, giving the vets absolutely no run for their money. Okay. Now if what most people say is true, that CT was running the whole game and getting his own teammates eliminated (the "weak" ones), then why was it such a bother to get the biggest anchor, Eric, to go home? Seems to me the voting process was clouded by some stupid popularity contest. Um, hello CT? Coral and Katie won challenges and final missions, unlike yourself. They're not liabilities in the final mission unless spiders are involved. And I'd rather carry a tiny Katie to the finish line than an Eric. Beth; I'm not quite sure why she's considered weak all the time. She's not the best swimmer, okay, but she can sure run [B]and[/B] pull her own weight (rickshaw mission on G2). So uh, I still don't quite understand the logic of purposefully getting rid of these three ladies as opposed to a male competitor who has proven time and time again that he is in fact weak and a liability. But, oh, as long as he said he can run a 5 minute mile, then it's all good! Take him to the Final Mission, you guys!
Robin pretty much hit the nail on the head on the final episode. The guys weren't willing to do the work themselves to get rid of Eric, but they sure had a blast pitting their girls against each other like some sick and twisted cockfight. Half the Gauntlets were made to favor bigger people, I'll give you that much. However, cowardice isn't an excuse. If no guy (minus CT) was willing to face Big E in the Gauntlet, then um, don't be shocked when he causes you to lose the Final Mission. I think it's asanine to take pride in sending your own girls home and then *****ing about losing a Final Mission when CT's team [B]did[/B] have the potential to get rid of Eric. They simply chose not to do it. And they got their just desserts in the end. There's a reason why this guy hasn't won a challenge yet. Terrible decision-making.
Coral and Katie won final challenges back when the final challenges consisted of jogging 40 yards between Chuck E Cheese games! Comparing the final challenges in their days to what the final challenges of today have become is like comparing the Special Olympics to the Boston Marathon.
That whole spider story with Coral was 100% BULL and everybody knows it. Kenny Santucci hit the nail right on the head about her. She likes to run her mouth and talk a big game but when it's time to put up or shut up, she's going into cardiac arrest from getting bit by spiders or her kneecap is popping out of place and then magically popping back into place. CT had already done a final challenge with her where their team had a decent lead heading to the final station, and her loud mouth prevented them from working together and solving the puzzle because she kept talking and shouting over everybody and was trying to do the puzzle on her own.
She wasn't a team player at all. When Mallory, Trishelle, and Julie were on the team Coral was all for not letting those girls pick Katie to oppose them in the Inferno because their team was banking on Katie possibly slowing down Road Rules in the final, but after all those other girls had gone home and there were no other women to send to the Inferno besides Coral, she immediately tried to play the other side of the fence and wanted to take in Katie; saying it was "her" decision and not a team decision!
She also thinks she's a big shot talking a ton of crap about these other castmembers on MTV specials when they're not there to verbally defend themselves, and she's ticked A LOT of people off. People just didn't want her around or on the team because she was nothing but a spineless big mouth.
Oh... and prior to that final challenge on Gauntlet 3, when did Eric EVER show signs of being weak and being a liability? He always gave 100% in every mission regardless of what it was and never showed any signs of somebody on the verge of flatlining after swimming 50 feet. Those other three chicks, on top of being brats and headaches, have all proven themselves to be quitters and not the most intense competitors when it comes time to put up or shut up.
Most of your points are valid except Eric. There is no way Eric would ever be able to do a final challenge in the shape he was in. This is why the group had conspired to pay him a huge lump sum of money to not compete in the mission at all but instead he said he wouldn't do that.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;161672]Most of your points are valid except Eric. There is no way Eric would ever be able to do a final challenge in the shape he was in. This is why the group had conspired to pay him a huge lump sum of money to not compete in the mission at all but instead he said he wouldn't do that.[/QUOTE]
I never heard anything about that.
I've never heard anything about that before either. I don't see Chris, or Evan or Kenny for that matter, simply giving away free money like that to somebody who didn't earn it.
This is I guess a luxury of me getting to see MTV Canada. I see Evan Starkman all the time and in this instance they where doing a recap on the finale and he was saying how they were going to pay Eric more then anyone else for him to say that he was sick/ couldn't compete. He also said that Eric took WAY longer to actually do the swimming portion then it was potrayed.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;161672]Most of your points are valid except Eric. There is no way Eric would ever be able to do a final challenge in the shape he was in. This is why the group had conspired to pay him a huge lump sum of money to not compete in the mission at all but instead he said he wouldn't do that.[/QUOTE]
I'd like to know where your facts come from.
What made it so accurate, Adam? Because a lot of it was just hypothetical jibberish and fallacies. Eric had never showed "time and time" again to be a weak player or a liability; especially nowhere near as weak or as big of a liability as those three chicks. I never recall Eric ever giving up in the middle of a mission, quitting, or complaining about not wanting to do something.
Being mentally liable and physically liable are two very different aspects in the game. One being more obvious than the other. If I had to do a triathalon, I'd rather take a Coral or Katie with me than someone three times my size with me. As far as past challenges go, Coral/Katie >>>> Eric by a long shot. They've accomplished a lot more in final missions moreso than Eric has, despite their evident weaknesses. And once again, team missions =/= final mission. Eric may be an asset in strength based missions (pushing the jeep one), but any 7 year old could tell he wouldn't last 5 minutes in the running portion of a final mission. And he showed just that. Coral and Katie have at least shown to handle those situations decently (minus Gauntlet 1 where the spiderbite was involved). Each lady has been in quite a few final missions. I don't like to judge a book by its cover, but I mean come on, it doesn't take a genius with 20/20 vision to tell that Eric would fail a final mission that involves running a marathon under the blazing sun. I've never seen a man that big run that long of a distance with success. And to keep this post more to the point and on-topic, I personally would say that CT's behavior towards an almost-collapsing Eric was downright disturbing. There's the sweet irony in it all, ya wouldn't have had to deal with him slowing your team down if ya just had gotten rid of him like you did with all your other "weaklings" :(.
Besides, what makes you think the spiderbite story was just a hoax? You can't just write it off as fiction based on nothing...Sarah Greyson went with Coral to take a whiz in the bushes and witnessed it before the final mission began. I can understand why the Real World team would choose to deny the story because they were angry at the time that she cost them their money prize.
And just because Eric has a sunshine positive "I can do anything" attitude, doesn't make him more of an asset than Coral. He thought he could do the final mission and had all that self-confidence going into it. But did he deliver? No. Nothing is going to change that. He wasn't physically able to do the final mission, simple as that.
[QUOTE=cystic;161698]Being mentally liable and physically liable are two very different aspects in the game. One being more obvious than the other. If I had to do a triathalon, I'd rather take a Coral or Katie with me than someone three times my size with me. As far as past challenges go, Coral/Katie >>>> Eric by a long shot. They've accomplished a lot more in final missions moreso than Eric has, despite their evident weaknesses. And once again, team missions =/= final mission. Eric may be an asset in strength based missions (pushing the jeep one), but any 7 year old could tell he wouldn't last 5 minutes in the running portion of a final mission. And he showed just that. Coral and Katie have at least shown to handle those situations decently (minus Gauntlet 1 where the spiderbite was involved). Each lady has been in quite a few final missions. I don't like to judge a book by its cover, but I mean come on, it doesn't take a genius with 20/20 vision to tell that Eric would fail a final mission that involves running a marathon under the blazing sun. I've never seen a man that big run that long of a distance with success. And to keep this post more to the point and on-topic, I personally would say that CT's behavior towards an almost-collapsing Eric was downright disturbing. There's the sweet irony in it all, ya wouldn't have had to deal with him slowing your team down if ya just had gotten rid of him like you did with all your other "weaklings" :(.[/QUOTE]
i agree, when the "Trim the fat" thing first started, eric shouldve been the first or second one to go. But, the vets were too scared to send a male in and possibly lose him against eric, so they lost $300,000 instead.
[QUOTE=cystic;161698]Being mentally liable and physically liable are two very different aspects in the game. One being more obvious than the other. If I had to do a triathalon, I'd rather take a Coral or Katie with me than someone three times my size with me. As far as past challenges go, Coral/Katie >>>> Eric by a long shot. They've accomplished a lot more in final missions moreso than Eric has, despite their evident weaknesses. And once again, team missions =/= final mission. Eric may be an asset in strength based missions (pushing the jeep one), but any 7 year old could tell he wouldn't last 5 minutes in the running portion of a final mission. And he showed just that. Coral and Katie have at least shown to handle those situations decently (minus Gauntlet 1 where the spiderbite was involved). Each lady has been in quite a few final missions. I don't like to judge a book by its cover, but I mean come on, it doesn't take a genius with 20/20 vision to tell that Eric would fail a final mission that involves running a marathon under the blazing sun. I've never seen a man that big run that long of a distance with success. And to keep this post more to the point and on-topic, I personally would say that CT's behavior towards an almost-collapsing Eric was downright disturbing. There's the sweet irony in it all, ya wouldn't have had to deal with him slowing your team down if ya just had gotten rid of him like you did with all your other "weaklings" :(.[/QUOTE]
When have Coral or Katie ever proven to be an asset in any of the final challenges of the recent ones? Katie has been in one final challenge, and that was on the Inferno 1, and that final challenge was a JOKE. Coral was also on that one and the one on Battle of the Seasons and Battle of the Sexes 2; those two finals were also JOKES by comparison to the finals they have on newer challenges. Coral did terrible on Gauntlet 1 and it was not because of a "spider bite" I can assure you. Those two would've been just as slow as Eric on the final on Gauntlet 3, neither are in that great of shape and both smoke pack after pack a day. Coral was barely able to muster up the energy to walk at a fast pace during the second round of her Gauntlet with Beth!
Katie and Beth are also both very prone to very slow times and disqualifications and you can't have people like that on your team when your fate in the game hinges on everybody's performance on your team. One really slow time or a disqualification can lose it for your whole team.
Yes, Eric's pace was obviously going to be slower than the rest of the guys on the team but he had never shown any indications in anything he'd done that showed he would be THAT much slower than not only them, but the girls too. He'd pulled his own weight up to that point and had contributed to the team and he earned his spot on the team. He contributed just as much as any of the other guys on the Veteran team during that challenge.
As for CT's behavior towards Eric during the final... you weren't there in the water with Eric to see what he saw. He looked in Eric's eyes and saw a guy that flat out quit within 100 yards of swimming from the boat. He saw how hard the final was going to be and just how hard the first leg of the final was going to be and he wanted no part of it. Funny, that despite being in such a "grave condition" he was able to find the breath to muster up excuse after excuse during the final without having to pause to catch his breath or anything like that. Funny he was also out of that hospital and partying it up like only Big Easy could do at the wrap party too!
I hate to be a buzz kill kids... But this is a CT thread. Feel free to search for or create an Eric Banks thread if you'd like. We're veering a bit off subject.
I'm not going to talk about how good/bad Eric was compared to Coral/Katie/Beth but to CT's defense, he would have taken Eric out if he had the chance and it was smart to not risk Evan because he was the 2nd strongest on the team. Also, I know Evan was looked at as the leader when it came to the final on G3 but I have to say that CT stepped up when staying with Eric and pushing him, even if it was a harsh way, he was pushing him. I think CT is a great competitor, a good person (even if I'm the only one to think so), a great threat to alliances and other power players, and someone I'd like to see back. He's just had a lot of bad luck. Kinda like Brad except I'd say more because CT is much stronger.
[QUOTE=faceless;161713]I'm not going to talk about how good/bad Eric was compared to Coral/Katie/Beth but to CT's defense, he would have taken Eric out if he had the chance and it was smart to not risk Evan because he was the 2nd strongest on the team. Also, I know Evan was looked at as the leader when it came to the final on G3 but I have to say that CT stepped up when staying with Eric and pushing him, even if it was a harsh way, he was pushing him. I think CT is a great competitor, a good person (even if I'm the only one to think so), a great threat to alliances and other power players, and someone I'd like to see back. He's just had a lot of bad luck. Kinda like Brad except I'd say more because CT is much stronger.[/QUOTE]
Chris would've had no problem taking out Eric if the opportunity presented itself, but the structure of the game and the other players wasn't going to allow it. He was a little intimidated of going up against him on the first Duel because he didn't know much about Eric other than he was a big, heavy guy but after he saw him get flung around in the sand by a rack of bones that was 100 pounds smaller than him, he had no doubts that he'd be able to handle him in anything strength based.
Have you ever been on a RW/RR challenge? Just wondering...[/QUOTE]
Are you asking him this just cause you wanna know or to state that he doesn't know anymore then us? Cause I think he does know a little more then us cause of his friendship or whatever with CT.
Townie, you said that CT doesn't really trust anyone on the show. I was wondering who does he actually get along with outside the game and during the game.
Well, he knows what CT tells him. I'm sure if a member were close friends with Coral then I'm sure we would be hearing horrible things about the people that she dislikes.
The only people that REALLY know what happens are the people that were there...
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;161794]Well, he knows what CT tells him. I'm sure if a member were close friends with Coral then I'm sure we would be hearing horrible things about the people that she dislikes.
The only people that REALLY know what happens are the people that were there...[/QUOTE]
While that is very true, it does give him a little more insight then us don't you think?
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;161796]He does much more of an insight, but it also comes with a large bias and one sided view of what happened....[/QUOTE]
Well, that's always going to happen with anyone. I believe what Townie says that CT says though.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;161796]He does much more of an insight, but it also comes with a large bias and one sided view of what happened....[/QUOTE]
Seeing as Chris was the one calling the shots, how is my explanation biased when those ARE the reasons why they got stuck with Eric at the end and why they wanted to get rid of those other people?
As far as who he gets along with outside the shows, he's never been big on rolling with anybody from the shows when he isn't doing a show with them. He lives with them & interacts with them on shows because he pretty much has to but after that when he goes back to his real life, he's done with them.
[QUOTE=townie;161861]As far as who he gets along with outside the shows, he's never been big on rolling with anybody from the shows when he isn't doing a show with them. He lives with them & interacts with them on shows because he pretty much has to but after that when he goes back to his real life, he's done with them.[/QUOTE]
So in game, CT doesn't really care to team up with anyone? Cause on I2 it seemed like he got along well with all the guys except Dan and Karamo and even admitted to having an alliance with Brad, Derrick and Darrell, Duel 1 he didn't need an alliance but seemed to get along with the other guys or some, G3 we all know the deal and Duel 2 we know the deal. I know a lot of guys are afraid of him, probably almost all, but it seems like Evan, Johnny, Kenny, Eric, etc. are really adamant about not wanting to compete against him.
[QUOTE=faceless;161793]Are you asking him this just cause you wanna know or to state that he doesn't know anymore then us? Cause I think he does know a little more then us cause of his friendship or whatever with CT.
I was asking because [B]Townie does know a lot of details about the challenges.[/B]. I'm not questioning anything that's been posted. I believe Townie has a solid friendship with CT. I was just wondering if maybe Townie had been on one of the "earlier" challenges.
[QUOTE=faceless;161863]So in game, CT doesn't really care to team up with anyone? Cause on I2 it seemed like he got along well with all the guys except Dan and Karamo and even admitted to having an alliance with Brad, Derrick and Darrell, Duel 1 he didn't need an alliance but seemed to get along with the other guys or some, G3 we all know the deal and Duel 2 we know the deal. I know a lot of guys are afraid of him, probably almost all, but it seems like Evan, Johnny, Kenny, Eric, etc. are really adamant about not wanting to compete against him.[/QUOTE]
He has acquaintances on the show but not really anybody he'd consider to be a real "friend" when they're away from the camera. A few of the castmembers have his phone number and he's been contacted before challenges by people like Kenny, Evan, and Brad to see who's all going and to discuss possible alliances and whatnot, but he isn't like visiting any of these people to hang out or go to their weddings or anything like that.
More further proof that CT has not been banned from challenges, as he is doing promotional stuff for the upcoming one
[QUOTE=townie;162691]More further proof that CT has not been banned from challenges, as he is doing promotional stuff for the upcoming one[/QUOTE]
Working for an appearance fee at a bar has nothing to do with if he is banned or not from Challenges, lol.
I'm pretty sure most everybody knows he's not banned, its just some of the other castmembers who don't want him around. Its been mentioned around here a few times that he's been called for the recent challenges...
[QUOTE=Bacchus;162693]Working for an appearance fee at a bar has nothing to do with if he is banned or not from Challenges, lol.[/QUOTE]
I think it was said that because he was "banned from the challenges", he isn't allowed to promote MTV challenges.