[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;159855]Good point, it seems that at least to me that CT should be responsible for his actions and not blame others for what happened. Being acountable is huge to ones character and that would be appreciated. To the Adam point that someone made earlier that he wanted this. Even if he did who cares. Seriously Adam is 60-70 pounds lighter than CT and heaven forbid no one should do to C.T. what he has done to others (take advantage of the situation in order to get what they want) CT had bullied/victimized him on and off for a period of 5 years. I don't know about you but I could definately see why Adam wanted it to be over.[/QUOTE]
Adam brought the bullying on all by himself. Chris actually considered Adam a good, close friend when they were living together in Paris and stuck his neck out to watch out for Adam a lot. He never did anything to him for Adam to turn around and talk as much crap about him as he did behind his back when they were living there. It was like he joined in with the girls and Simon in the CT bashing just so he could fit in or something. After Chris caught on to what was going on behind his back he never had the kind of respect for Adam that he did for the first half of their stay in Paris.
Adam has always tried to pardon himself from any conflict involving Chris just because Chris is so much bigger... it is a lame cop out. It's ok for him to do and say stuff to Chris because Chris is a big guy, but Chris can't retaliate in any way because Adam is smaller? Pretty much all the guys on these challenges are significantly smaller than Chris is, he is even a good 25-30 pounds bigger than Evan, Johnny, Kenny, and Dunbar and they are the bigger guys on the challenges and he has had no problem getting into their faces before. This whole idea that he just bullies on smaller people is crazy. Ryan, Brad, Derrick, and Abe are all much smaller than Chris and he has never bullied or had any sort of problem with any of those guys before.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;159839]Were going in circles at this point but it was really none of Diem business, CT was single and he could do whatever he wants. End of story.
[B]To sit there basically blame Diem for CT and Adam's fight is ridiculous. She may have stirred the pot but she didn't throw any punches[/B].[/QUOTE]
But that whole fight WAS her fault. Had she not go around asking everyone about what happend with Ct and Shavoun and left it alone I'm willing to bet that whole fight would not have happend. Yes Ct and Adam do share some of the blame too but Mostly it was Diem and I stand by that.
I know for a fact that CT wouldn't have confronted Adam had he not overheard his conversation with Diem. If she did the logical thing and went to CT first to address the rumors, that confrontation and that fight does not happen. After he saw the episode and how things played out before the fight, he definitely harbors more ill feelings towards her and Katie than Adam over it. He overheard their discussion, heard Adam say he'd tell her if he heard anything, and then not too long after the Diem/Adam conversation, she's confronting CT about what happened with Shauvon. So, naturally Chris thought it was Adam who said something to her when it was really Katie.
[QUOTE=Debut Album;160007]But that whole fight WAS her fault. Had she not go around asking everyone about what happend with Ct and Shavoun and left it alone I'm willing to bet that whole fight would not have happend. Yes Ct and Adam do share some of the blame too but Mostly it was Diem and I stand by that.[/QUOTE]
Thats fine, but I disagree.
CT is grown *** man and just because Diem ran her mouth doesn't mean its her fault. For example, if the same thing happened to me and I got in a fight, I wouldn't blame the other person. I choose to fight, as did the other person, therefor its my fault and the person who fought with me fault.
CT and Adam simply could have not fought.
IMO, it is ridiculous to blame Diem for the fight. CT and Adam are 100% responsible for the fight.. They were the ones fighting, not Diem. To me it seems like CT went in there looking for a fight after seeing hime try to fight Isaac.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;160011]IMO, it is ridiculous to blame Diem for the fight. CT and Adam are 100% responsible for the fight.. They were the ones fighting, not Diem. To me it seems like CT went in there looking for a fight after seeing hime try to fight Isaac.[/QUOTE]
Again, you just go by a little 30 second clip you saw on TV & just assume CT was looking for a fight with Issac. Issac ran his mouth off first about kicking CT's *** and CT basically called him out to throw a shot & do it and not talk about it.
The arguing about this is ridicilous Townie is going to just take the side of CT as he is friend and then their are the people that oppose him. Everyone has a right to their opinion but I think this argument the line in the sand has already been drawn.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;160065]The arguing about this is ridicilous Townie is going to just take the side of CT as he is friend and then their are the people that oppose him. Everyone has a right to their opinion but I think this argument the line in the sand has already been drawn.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, and the line in the sand is more like a tectonic plate.
[QUOTE=mr.unamazing;160065]The arguing about this is ridicilous Townie is going to just take the side of CT as he is friend and then their are the people that oppose him. Everyone has a right to their opinion but I think this argument the line in the sand has already been drawn.[/QUOTE]
There's nothing really here to argue about if you ask me seeing as Chris himself has even said that the only reason he confronted Adam after Diem confronted him was because of the conversation he overheard between the two. Without overhearing that, he has no reason to be mad at Adam and has no reason to confront him... and guess what? That = no fight!
[QUOTE=townie;160009]I know for a fact that CT wouldn't have confronted Adam had he not overheard his conversation with Diem. If she did the logical thing and went to CT first to address the rumors, that confrontation and that fight does not happen.[/QUOTE]
Expecting Diem to act like a logical person is a tall order. She could have still gotten her camera time without acting like the psycho ex-girlfriend by directly confronting CT. But, Diem has a mind of an eight grader and discussed something that wasn’t her business in the first place with Katie. She’s so lost, stupid and has been through so much I just want to give her a hug and make her my special princess. Opps, the moment has past.
I think the Duel 2 reunion was very revealing. A poster who was in the audience was kind enough to post off camera tidbits. He said that Brad was quick to defend CT when the fight was brought up. When it was Diem’s time to speak, Evan and Mark chanted “It’s all your fault!” Even Maria Menounos insinuated that she was the cause of the fight but no one spoke up to defend her. It’s very similar to the reunion of first Duel. Beth ripped into Diem and all we heard was crickets…
When CT had his little alone camera time on D2, he said "he has a couple cocktails, gets drunk." he was wearing a white T. when he fought Adam he was wearing that riot shirt. Was he talking about Issac when he was saying the cocktail thing? Because if I remember right, when they showed that footage of Issac and CT getting into an argument and CT was pushing hi, he was wearing a white T.
[QUOTE=r3iKo;160233]When CT had his little alone camera time on D2, he said "he has a couple cocktails, gets drunk." he was wearing a white T. when he fought Adam he was wearing that riot shirt. Was he talking about Issac when he was saying the cocktail thing? Because if I remember right, when they showed that footage of Issac and CT getting into an argument and CT was pushing hi, he was wearing a white T.[/QUOTE]
Yes, that comment CT made was in reference to what happened with Issac but they edited it in to fit into him overhearing the Diem/Adam conversation. Like I said before, Issac tried to punk CT out in front of everybody that he could kick his *** and the subsequent blow-up that CT had on Issac was basically him calling him out to be a man and stand behind what he claimed he could do.
[QUOTE=townie;160278]Yes, that comment CT made was in reference to what happened with Issac but they edited it in to fit into him overhearing the Diem/Adam conversation. Like I said before, Issac tried to punk CT out in front of everybody that he could kick his *** and the subsequent blow-up that CT had on Issac was basically him calling him out to be a man and stand behind what he claimed he could do.[/QUOTE]
Was Isaac just joking around and CT took it the wrong way like Landon and other said on the reunion and *** they should have shown?
I would assume Issac was just drunk and joking around but CT just has to be tough like that all the time for some reason. It's like the minute something about him is put into question he has to stand up for himself. It wasn't that big of a deal and it wasn't anything personal, they were both over it the next day.
[QUOTE=eggs78;160226]Expecting Diem to act like a logical person is a tall order. She could have still gotten her camera time without acting like the psycho ex-girlfriend by directly confronting CT. But, Diem has a mind of an eight grader and discussed something that wasn’t her business in the first place with Katie. She’s so lost, stupid and has been through so much I just want to give her a hug and make her my special princess. Opps, the moment has past.
I think the Duel 2 reunion was very revealing. A poster who was in the audience was kind enough to post off camera tidbits. He said that Brad was quick to defend CT when the fight was brought up. When it was Diem’s time to speak, Evan and Mark chanted “It’s all your fault!” Even Maria Menounos insinuated that she was the cause of the fight but no one spoke up to defend her. It’s very similar to the reunion of first Duel. Beth ripped into Diem and all we heard was crickets…[/QUOTE]
Brad's always had CT's back, that's why I think it's crazy for anybody to think he was in on any scheme to get CT kicked off. He also spoke up for him on the Gauntlet 3 reunion too when a few people decided to take a few shots at him since he wasn't there to speak for himself.
[QUOTE=townie;160286]I would assume Issac was just drunk and joking around but CT just has to be tough like that all the time for some reason. It's like the minute something about him is put into question he has to stand up for himself. It wasn't that big of a deal and it wasn't anything personal, they were both over it the next day.[/QUOTE]
I'm sure it was no big deal but it seems like everyone here likes to bring that up too because a lot of people don't like CT.
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that a lot of these people like to start conflict for the sake of getting camera time and CT just has that kind of personality that allows himself to get sucked into that crap. Where he's from, when somebody instigates conflict with you, you stand up for yourself by all means necessary. What flies in Charlestown will get you a negative rep with reality TV drama queens. There's absolutely no way people on these shows like Wes, Kenny, and Adam would ever stand up to CT in a physical confrontation outside of the shows when they know there's a 90% chance he isn't going to do anything because of the no fighting clause.
[QUOTE=faceless;160290]I'm sure it was no big deal but it seems like everyone here likes to bring that up too because a lot of people don't like CT.[/QUOTE]
I like CT, in fact he's my favorite cast memeber.
[QUOTE=townie;160295] There's absolutely no way people on these shows like Wes, Kenny, and Adam would ever stand up to CT in a physical confrontation outside of the shows when they know there's a 90% chance he isn't going to do anything because of the no fighting clause.[/QUOTE]
Kenny is pretty insane with his temper when he finally snaps. I think that he would have to be mad enough... But I wouldn't assume that he wouldn't.
These are the sorts of things I guess we'll never know for sure.
For what it's worth, I've heard from someone that CT will not be doing a Challenge for a year, maybe even 2 years. I don't know CT personally nor have I ever met him, it's one of those I know someone who knows someone who hangs out with him sort of deals. Hopefully everything goes well for him and we see him come back when he's ready, and be the dominant physical player we were so used to seeing. Evan (who, as much of a ****** as he can be, is a very good physical player) has openly admitted to being completely petrified of him in any type of competition.
[QUOTE=AJHill;160483]For what it's worth, I've heard from someone that CT will not be doing a Challenge for a year, maybe even 2 years. I don't know CT personally nor have I ever met him, it's one of those I know someone who knows someone who hangs out with him sort of deals. Hopefully everything goes well for him and we see him come back when he's ready, and be the dominant physical player we were so used to seeing. Evan (who, as much of a ****** as he can be, is a very good physical player) has openly admitted to being completely petrified of him in any type of competition.[/QUOTE]
That is pretty accurate. Don't expect him to do a challenge while his family is still dealing with legal matters with his brother's shooting death. It all depends on how fast that stuff gets wrapped up.
That's from spring break this year; it's him, Nehemiah, DJ Silver, and Six Gauge but I don't recognize the other guy. Just thought maybe he was on a show too or something.
[QUOTE=townie;160714]That's from spring break this year; it's him, Nehemiah, DJ Silver, and Six Gauge but I don't recognize the other guy. Just thought maybe he was on a show too or something.[/QUOTE]
Doesn't look like anyone familiar to me. Sorry.
Probably just a friend of one of those guys.
^^^ um thats so unbelievably obvious. Diem is a nice girl that seems to always want things her way. She seems like a control freak. So with someone like CT, I would think she struck gold in trying to "tame" the bad boy. I think it's honestly that.
[QUOTE=thamsenman;160816]What is CT's appeal to someone like Diem anyway?
I would think he'd be more of a KellyAnne person with his wild nature.[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=RubenJay05;160819]^^^ um thats so unbelievably obvious. Diem is a nice girl that seems to always want things her way. She seems like a control freak. So with someone like CT, I would think she struck gold in trying to "tame" the bad boy. I think it's honestly that.[/QUOTE]
It’s really a shame that people just don’t read anymore. You two clearly didn’t read this thread. Diem is far from a nice person. She just another Hollywood hamster who used CT to get into the pages of US Weekly. Nothing special about her.
First of all, I thought CT was banned?
Doesn't matter, he is a coward. He picks on SMALL guys such as Davis, Karamo, Isacc, Adam, etc.
But notice when WES stood up to him on The Duel I, he kept his mouth shut.
CT won't mess with anyone who can fight OR anyone his size. I'd like to see Darrell or Abram fight him, beat him to the ground.
He can't fight. He bullies the LITTLE guys.