[QUOTE=Bacchus;155596]IThe Real World isn't interesting enough for today's youth. They need contrivance and [B]over the top characters[/B].[/QUOTE]
I agree with alot of you, i miss the whole 30 minute episodes. Sad to say this but most of the 30 min eps were more intense and watchable then the 1 hr ones they have. I remember when the real world used to be on for like 4-5 months instead of the 13 eps which last only 3 months.
I think the real world needs to go back to the basics. They need to cast more characters instead of people. Where are the Corals, beths, tonyas, cts, people who make us want to watch the season.
Cancun was horrible, i mean the only ppl who got true attention was Jonna, Jasmine and Pat, and he wasnt even in the main cast. he got more air time then CJ. Bronne, Ayiia,Emile were supporting and the rest were extras.
This cast is no different; Ashley has been in all the drama, and the worst part is shes boring as hell and i hate watching her with her ugly nose. Mike is the token gay guy, but his plots are watchable and Ty and Emily are only shown when its about their relationship, Andrews only theme is sex, which honestly is getting annoying. But he is funny i was dying when he was cleaning the microwave. Sometimes i forget that ericka, josh and callie are apart of the cast. Actually Callie get plots.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;155596]I blame it on the "The Hills" and the mold it set forth.
No one cares about documentary type reality shows any more. It is all about hyper reality.
The Real World isn't interesting enough for today's youth. They need contrivance and over the top characters.[/QUOTE]
I somewhat agree.
They do need to go back to 30 minute episodes. They also need a blended cast. The thing is the show swings from over-the-top Cancun to under-the-bar DC. They need a cast that has some substance but also has interesting, over-the-top characters.
I had extremely high expectations for DC, but I think they've poorly executed this season. On top of that -- they have TERRIBLE marketing and programing time slots...which is MTV's fault. I also think they are overkilling The Real World brand by having 2 seasons a year plus all those challenges. It's like the show is over exposed like Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez were when they dated.
Scale the show back to 30 minute episodes, go back to once a year. Actually put some downtime between airings and amp up your marketing research team -- specifically, go hire all those geniuses from Disney to revamp the series.
Wow, BMP needs to use the same casting directors for the Bad Girls Club for the Real World. It's sad that the Bad Girls Club is beating the Real World by a landslide and it isn't even on basic cable.
All these numbers are kinda meaningless without knowing how many watch online. That number could grow every week for all we know.
Also if you're a true fan of the Real World, why would you want just half an episode a week? They play RW/challenges pretty much nonstop other than a 2 week break, so you're just shorting yourself. Shortening the episode doesn't make the plots any better; if you dislike the show at 1 hour, splitting the episode in half isn't going to change that.
Maybe there should be a thread about how people would change the show, what they like and dislike, etc. Imo, no more Jonnas and Pats, and no more of Australia's long drawn out tension over nothing.
Tobe perfectly honest, I'm getting really scared. I don't want to go to Wikipedia in 2012 and the first sentence on the page be "The Real World [B]was[/B]..". I think that's where it's heading.
[QUOTE=Xeri99;155754] if you dislike the show at 1 hour, splitting the episode in half isn't going to change that.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for stating the obvious. This was needed.
I'm not sure what the "halvers" plan to gain out of chopping episodes up, being they don't seem to like the content of the current episodes, so having them served in halves is not going to change anything but slow the pace and delivery.
So basically we get last night's show, but only half of it. Right? And instead of having to deal with it over 12 weeks, it is now 24 weeks.
I don't see how a half hour format would change or fix anything.
Here is the reality...
Most of us here, are long time fans and we feel nostalgia about seasons of yesteryear. The show is not that different from what it was, except it has tried to keep up with modern reality show editing.
If you watch season 1 day 1 you will quickly learn that the original would get less viewers than a cable access show in Manhattan in today's market...
The spectrum has changed. People want The Real World to be The Hills, or Jersey Shore. They want fake reality. They want maximum drama for the full period.
They don't understand or don't care that actuality does not coincide with the reality of a documentary.
The Real World will never pull big numbers again because it is somewhat real, and even that is fading.
The Real World is boring. We as a society prefer the fake world. We like actors or want to be actors and highly cut scenes that depict "reality." The mold is set and the ratings have shown, reality is dead. The era of hyper-reality is upon us...
Also if you're a true fan of the Real World, why would you want just half an episode a week? They play RW/challenges pretty much nonstop other than a 2 week break, so you're just shorting yourself. Shortening the episode doesn't make the plots any better; if you dislike the show at 1 hour, splitting the episode in half isn't going to change that.
I feel they covered more issues/topics/interactions when the shows were 30 minutes long than an hour long. I think the fact that they had to make more episodes that spanned more months contributed to that. It felt like a more rounded depiction of what happened. For me I felt like I got more time to know the cast, in a way. Basically the show does not seem to be treated the same way with the handful of hour episodes as it was when it was spread out more.
Also, with the seasons being aired quicker, it's almost like diminishing returns (despite the fact that we are getting a new cast). The seasons occurring so quickly kind of makes them less special in a way.
The ratings for this season kind of match up with my watching. I think I stopped caring as much after episode three. If I hadn't heard about the drama with Erika's past, I wouldn't have made it a point to watch yesterday's episode. I agree with those of you who say the young demographic today is looking for over the top characters these days. After seeing the success of Jersey Shore, I remember thinking that maybe if extra stereotypical people where cast for The Real World, it might be as huge with the target demographic as JS is. And that's sad and kind of ironic because a lot of longtime viewers of RW have been annoyed with the stereotypical casting and editing of the show. It's not the way I'd want RW to be.
Here's the deal, RW561015. I'm not sure that just because the show aired for 24 weeks, means they filmed longer. I think that's the point you're missing. As Bacchus said before me, the content seemed better when the show was shorter because it was better. It has nothing to do with the length of the episodes. It's just a different show now. That's all there is to it.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;155766]Thanks for stating the obvious. This was needed.
I'm not sure what the "halvers" plan to gain out of chopping episodes up, being they don't seem to like the content of the current episodes, so having them served in halves is not going to change anything but slow the pace and delivery.
So basically we get last night's show, but only half of it. Right? And instead of having to deal with it over 12 weeks, it is now 24 weeks.
I don't see how a half hour format would change or fix anything.
Here is the reality...
Most of us here, are long time fans and we feel nostalgia about seasons of yesteryear. The show is not that different from what it was, except it has tried to keep up with modern reality show editing.
If you watch season 1 day 1 you will quickly learn that the original would get less viewers than a cable access show in Manhattan in today's market...
The spectrum has changed. People want The Real World to be The Hills, or Jersey Shore. They want fake reality. They want maximum drama for the full period.
They don't understand or don't care that actuality does not coincide with the reality of a documentary.
The Real World will never pull big numbers again because it is somewhat real, and even that is fading.
The Real World is boring. We as a society prefer the fake world. We like actors or want to be actors and highly cut scenes that depict "reality." The mold is set and the ratings have shown, reality is dead. The era of hyper-reality is upon us...[/QUOTE]
Honestly though an hour long spot for the real world? Thats a large ammount of attention grabbing that a show would need to produce and patience that the viewers at home would need to have. Even the die hard fans of real world will tell you the main factor in how the real world works is building up a storyline with a bunch of bull**** storylines and having the audience be distracted by other less interesting storylines and then in the end all the viewers care about is watching that fight or that hookup that makes you go "***" or *gasp* that was being built up by 'bull**** storyline A'. I don't think the real world had high enough ratings to go to hour long episodes, most people don't care anymore.
I think that mtv should quit putting its eps on the web for ppl to watch until the season is over and only keep its dailies up or something. I also think that with that being said they should of course put up all 22 previous seasons up to keep us die hard fans happy, but that will prob. never happen and is just an opinion. Also of course with the removal of the "webies" they should of course air an episode more than 4 times a week, i feel like back in the day they would air an ep on repeat like all the time but now its like they don't care. I only see a repeat of the new episode like twice on the tv and no more, instead I see dumb crap like teen mom or something that I could care less about. besides real world I hate mtv.
I also think that they should advertise before a season begins alot more. How do they expect to grab ppls attention and make them want to watch a season if that new generation that could possibly 'save' the real world doesn't even know what the real world is. All they need is another season to build a fan base like Las Vegas, San Dieago, or Austin and then the real world could be saved.
Do y'all remember real world austin? If you ask any die hard real world fan they will tell you that besides a few events that season was a big snore and that it would rival Paris and London for being one of the most boring seasons ever. However, if you ask any young newer fan of the real world what there favorite season is or when did they start watching real world they will more than likely tell you Austin. Why is that you ask? Do you not remember how good the advertising was for that season? I remember seeing commercials constantly, and I remember they had that ****** trailer (I bet you could find it on mtv.com if you searched) that just pulled anyone in. To us that season was just the same old crap every recent season had given us, but to the generation that was new to the real world it was a breathe of fresh air, and very interesting. Those viewers continued to watch all the way up until I'd say about the Brooklyn season and then all those "fans" went away to watch more interesting things. If they would just advertise the hell out of a new season before it airs ON TELEVISION as in COMMERCIALS (bc thats how most of us ppl find out about new shows and things bc who goes on mtv.com really?), I bet they could pull a new young generation of middle schoolers, high schoolers and college kids alike in and then obviously the real world would be saved.
But thats of course if they want it to be.
[QUOTE=mcis1979;155801]Honestly though an hour long spot for the real world? Thats a large ammount of attention grabbing that a show would need to produce and patience that the viewers at home would need to have. Even the die hard fans of real world will tell you the main factor in how the real world works is building up a storyline with a bunch of bull**** storylines and having the audience be distracted by other less interesting storylines and then in the end all the viewers care about is watching that fight or that hookup that makes you go "***" or *gasp* that was being built up by 'bull**** storyline A'. I don't think the real world had high enough ratings to go to hour long episodes, most people don't care anymore.
I think that mtv should quit putting its eps on the web for ppl to watch until the season is over and only keep its dailies up or something. I also think that with that being said they should of course put up all 22 previous seasons up to keep us die hard fans happy, but that will prob. never happen and is just an opinion. Also of course with the removal of the "webies" they should of course air an episode more than 4 times a week, i feel like back in the day they would air an ep on repeat like all the time but now its like they don't care. I only see a repeat of the new episode like twice on the tv and no more, instead I see dumb crap like teen mom or something that I could care less about. besides real world I hate mtv.
I also think that they should advertise before a season begins alot more. How do they expect to grab ppls attention and make them want to watch a season if that new generation that could possibly 'save' the real world doesn't even know what the real world is. All they need is another season to build a fan base like Las Vegas, San Dieago, or Austin and then the real world could be saved.
Do y'all remember real world austin? If you ask any die hard real world fan they will tell you that besides a few events that season was a big snore and that it would rival Paris and London for being one of the most boring seasons ever. However, if you ask any young newer fan of the real world what there favorite season is or when did they start watching real world they will more than likely tell you Austin. Why is that you ask? Do you not remember how good the advertising was for that season? I remember seeing commercials constantly, and I remember they had that ****** trailer (I bet you could find it on mtv.com if you searched) that just pulled anyone in. To us that season was just the same old crap every recent season had given us, but to the generation that was new to the real world it was a breathe of fresh air, and very interesting. Those viewers continued to watch all the way up until I'd say about the Brooklyn season and then all those "fans" went away to watch more interesting things. If they would just advertise the hell out of a new season before it airs ON TELEVISION as in COMMERCIALS (bc thats how most of us ppl find out about new shows and things bc who goes on mtv.com really?), I bet they could pull a new young generation of middle schoolers, high schoolers and college kids alike in and then obviously the real world would be saved.
But thats of course if they want it to be.[/QUOTE]
This is ancient, well plowed ground. BMP and MTV didn't care two years ago when the subject was well vetted here, and they won't care now. Save the electrons and ***** about something else, or better yet, volunteer in a homeless kitchen. I always find that to be more effective therapy for my angst.
[QUOTE=V1man;155811]This is ancient, well plowed ground. BMP and MTV didn't care two years ago when the subject was well vetted here, and they won't care now. Save the electrons and ***** about something else, or better yet, volunteer in a homeless kitchen. I always find that to be more effective therapy for my angst.[/QUOTE]
Oh how I miss your sense of humor :)
I was watching the last episode and this caught my eye.
[*][IMG]http://vevmo.com/onair/realworld/season23/images/video/episodes/2307/140x105.jpg[/IMG] [B][B]Ep. 7 ***** Begins with Bi[/B] [/B]
Erika and Ashley's personalities clash, resulting in one of them threatening to leave DC and Mike tries to work out his relationship with Eric.
[*][B]Posted[/B] 2/10/10
[*][B]Views[/B] 103,971
[*][B]152[/B] Comments
[*][B]100%[/B] Rating
[*]Rate Video[URL="http://www.mtv.com/videos/real-world-washington-dc-ep-7-*****-begins-with-bi/1631552/playlist.jhtml#"]Thumbs Up[/URL] [URL="http://www.mtv.com/videos/real-world-washington-dc-ep-7-*****-begins-with-bi/1631552/playlist.jhtml#"]Thumbs Down[/URL]
[QUOTE=Bacchus;155569]I totally disagree. I don't think I could take another 20 + week season like Sydney. It was so dragged out, it was actually painful and when anything good happened they'd stick it in the last 2 minutes and then have a to be continued...which would make me want to throw things at my TV.
I'd rather have all the plot elements play out in an hour and have a shorter more concentrated season, followed by a Challenge (as it currently is set up.)[/QUOTE]
I agree! Near the end, Sydney was so painful. Esp. with all those annoying girls.
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;155830]I agree! Near the end, Sydney was so painful. Esp. with all those annoying girls.[/QUOTE]
I don’t necessarily have a problem with the content of DC, I have a problem with the execution of the storylines but not the storylines themselves. I think a 1 hour format is great for a documentary-style show; however, when you don’t pack it with a lot of action, it becomes somewhat boring. And that’s why I think if they are going to keep running the storylines in this way they should cut back the episodes.
I have no problem with the hyper-reality model either. I’d be okay with BMP hiring an actor or two to be on the season to create drama or tie in storylines. Or if they don’t want to do that they either need to blend the cast (goodie-goodies next to someone who has done adult films, whatever it takes) or they need to extend the filming time to get more footage so they can pack more action into each episode.
There’s an argument for the show to go numerous directions. Personally, I think BMP still has a somewhat formulaic casting model. I mean, look back in these forums to September and you’ll see that I said RW24 will be a much more ethnically blended season with a lot of drama and that is exactly what RW24’s cast appears to be. We also all said that they would be heading somewhere in the South – and that was definitely the case. If we can predict it then the viewer can as well and the show looses its edge as a groundbreaking series.
There are still so many interesting plots they could show: throw the cast in Amsterdam with a few people who openly do drugs and like stripper bars. Make sure there is someone who is a goodie-goodie who wants to be bad but has never had the chance. Throw in a few people strongly against drugs or that type of lifestyle and you’ve got an interesting drama packed season that can air on TV as it is legal for them to do drugs in Amsterdam.
BMP could go back to San Fran and have a cast that includes an adult film star, a former prostitute or striper, someone trying to take classes online who needs money but doesn’t know how to get it, a film freak, and a art student who loves painting nude forms.
Go to Nashville and put a skin head *** member in the house with a NAACP person. Also, have several people looking to sing in the local bars as country singers.
Go to Charleston, SC and fill the house with preppy guys and girls who look like they stepped out of a 1950s frat of sorority house. Add in a local from the islands who likes to make sweet grass baskets and sell them at the market. Also include a native-born Mexican who needs to work as a bus boy to get by and of course at some point he will wait on his wealthy preppy counterparts.
Go to Provincetown, MA or Fire Island with one of the most anti-gay cast that they can possibly find. Let’s see what drama they get into.
Go to Montreal with someone who desperately needs healthcare and can get it through the Canadian system. Add in an individual who is strongly supportive of the Tea Party movement, a video game junkie, someone actually from Canada who doesn’t know what they’re getting into, and someone with so much American pride that it is embarrassing.
A million different scenarios that could amp up the show. DC should have been more blended like the above or had longer filming schedules to create more drama in each episode.
[QUOTE]There are still so many interesting plots they could show: throw the cast in Amsterdam with a few people who openly do drugs and like stripper bars. Make sure there is someone who is a goodie-goodie who wants to be bad but has never had the chance. Throw in a few people strongly against drugs or that type of lifestyle and you’ve got an interesting drama packed season that can air on TV as it is legal for them to do drugs in Amsterdam.
That is actually a really, really good idea. lol print it and mail it to B/M
[QUOTE=CannotTellU;155851]I’d be okay with BMP hiring an actor or two to be on the season to create drama or tie in storylines. Or if they don’t want to do that they either need to blend the cast (goodie-goodies next to someone who has done adult films, whatever it takes).......
....... throw the cast in Amsterdam with a few people who openly do drugs and like stripper bars.........
BMP could go back to San Fran and have a cast that includes an adult film star, a former prostitute or striper, someone trying to take classes online who needs money but doesn’t know how to get it, a film freak, and a art student who loves painting nude forms.
I wouldn't watch that. It would be trashy and tasteless.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;155569]I totally disagree. I don't think I could take another 20 + week season like Sydney. It was so dragged out, it was actually painful and when anything good happened they'd stick it in the last 2 minutes and then have a to be continued...which would make me want to throw things at my TV.
I'd rather have all the plot elements play out in an hour and have a shorter more concentrated season, followed by a Challenge (as it currently is set up.)[/QUOTE]
I enjoyed Sydney, a little but, but not much. I want longer seasons because I actually get time to used to the cast.
[QUOTE=SPK713;155941]I enjoyed Sydney, a little but, but not much. I want longer seasons because I actually get time to used to the cast.[/QUOTE]
True dat, I guarentee you despite what others say that if the real world continues to have better ratings they will go back to 30 min. episodes
[QUOTE=mcis1979;155956]True dat, I guarentee you despite what others say that if the real world continues to have better ratings they will go back to 30 min. episodes[/QUOTE]
Haha, what do you mean by "continue to have better ratings"? They have been going downhill.
[QUOTE=molds13;155959]Haha, what do you mean by "continue to have better ratings"? They have been going downhill.[/QUOTE]
lol i meant lower ratings....sorry
[QUOTE=Insider;155775]Here's the deal, RW561015. I'm not sure that just because the show aired for 24 weeks, means they filmed longer. I think that's the point you're missing. As Bacchus said before me, the content seemed better when the show was shorter because it was better. It has nothing to do with the length of the episodes. It's just a different show now. That's all there is to it.[/QUOTE]
Actually, that's not the point I was making at all. I definitely don't think they filmed longer when they did 30 minute episodes. I was making the point that because the show was 22-26 episodes, 30 minutes each, they seemed to focus on showing more things. And that's understandable. When you have to do so many episodes, you have to find a number of things to focus on. Having the hour episodes and less episodes overall now, it's kind of an issue of them taking a topic that they would have shown with one 30 minute episode, and then expanding upon it to stretch it out to an hour, instead of focusing on something else as well. Sometimes that's a good thing (when it's a really meaty topic), but sometimes it's not, IMO. It's necessary for hour episodes that they not jump to a couple of other issues in the time slot because the episodes won't flow well. I think with 30 minute episodes, it's more likely that they focus on exploring other stuff, even if it's smaller, because they are kind of forced to think of other things to show. And in doing so, sometimes we get to see interesting little interactions with cast members, funny moments, sweet moments, etc. I think the way the hour episodes are set up takes away from that stuff. I guess you could say that's what they dailies are for, and sometimes the dailies provide this, but sometimes they are lacking. Plus not everyone watches those. And it's disjointed.
It's really more of an issue of how some of the audience gets a feel for the cast, as other posters mentioned. It's more about enhancing the experience of viewing the show. These later seasons are like a flash in the pan. The cast's amount of time for staying in the RW house is the same, but the experience to me as a viewer feels like a blur. Obviously not everyone agrees, but some people do and can understand. I wish I could explain it better, but it's just about personal preference. It's not what I consider to be the only thing that needs to be done to fix the show, either.
No, I don't think it would have made much of a difference for a season like Cancun (which didn't do it for me and I was fine moving on from it so quickly), but I think it could have made Brooklyn (a season I was cool with) feel more rounded and interesting.
Of course the show is different now, and I don't ever expect it to be the same. But one of my issues with the show is that it's over so quickly and I feel detached from it (when I watch) even more now that it is gone off my TV so fast due to shorter seasons.
[QUOTE=RW561015;156007]Having the hour episodes and less episodes overall now, it's kind of an issue of them taking a topic that they would have shown with one 30 minute episode, and then expanding upon it to stretch it out to an hour, instead of focusing on something else as well.[/QUOTE]
That's not true, they will have several plots within the hour show, and this is something all good shows do...Seinfeld used to have 3 or 4 plots within a 30-minute show which the writers weaved and interlaced into comedy gold. And like you said, 30-minute shows are limited in this regard.
Do none of you "30-minute people" watch the RW/Road Rules challenge series? I can't get for the life of me why you'd want to cut the show in half, and that's the only reason I can think of.
BMP could address these low ratings by casting people with personalities similar to the girls used for Bad Girls Club. People obviously want high-drama so BMP needs to deliver this to the audience. The show needs to be full of over the top people who cause insane amounts of drama. I'd like to see the RW have multiple arguments and fights each episode.
[QUOTE=KitKatsBrkFs;155937]I wouldn't watch that. It would be trashy and tasteless.[/QUOTE]
Depends on how they edit the footage....
The point I was trying to make is that there are ways for them to have a blended cast of over-the-top personalities mixed with legit story lines.
[QUOTE=sassyselena;156025]BMP could address these low ratings by casting people with personalities similar to the girls used for Bad Girls Club. People obviously want high-drama so BMP needs to deliver this to the audience. The show needs to be full of over the top people who cause insane amounts of drama. I'd like to see the RW have multiple arguments and fights each episode.[/QUOTE]
They've had Bad Girl type personalities on the show before -- and from the looks of it, they may have some of those in the B2NO cast.
As I continue to state, they need both extremes in one season. I mean, look at the San Fran cast. They were not all "buddy buddy" and it worked.
[QUOTE=RW561015;156007]Actually, that's not the point I was making at all. I definitely don't think they filmed longer when they did 30 minute episodes. I was making the point that because the show was 22-26 episodes, 30 minutes each, they seemed to focus on showing more things. And that's understandable. When you have to do so many episodes, you have to find a number of things to focus on. Having the hour episodes and less episodes overall now, it's kind of an issue of them taking a topic that they would have shown with one 30 minute episode, and then expanding upon it to stretch it out to an hour, instead of focusing on something else as well. Sometimes that's a good thing (when it's a really meaty topic), but sometimes it's not, IMO. It's necessary for hour episodes that they not jump to a couple of other issues in the time slot because the episodes won't flow well. I think with 30 minute episodes, it's more likely that they focus on exploring other stuff, even if it's smaller, because they are kind of forced to think of other things to show. And in doing so, sometimes we get to see interesting little interactions with cast members, funny moments, sweet moments, etc. I think the way the hour episodes are set up takes away from that stuff. I guess you could say that's what they dailies are for, and sometimes the dailies provide this, but sometimes they are lacking. Plus not everyone watches those. And it's disjointed.
It's really more of an issue of how some of the audience gets a feel for the cast, as other posters mentioned. It's more about enhancing the experience of viewing the show. These later seasons are like a flash in the pan. The cast's amount of time for staying in the RW house is the same, but the experience to me as a viewer feels like a blur. Obviously not everyone agrees, but some people do and can understand. I wish I could explain it better, but it's just about personal preference. It's not what I consider to be the only thing that needs to be done to fix the show, either.
No, I don't think it would have made much of a difference for a season like Cancun (which didn't do it for me and I was fine moving on from it so quickly), but I think it could have made Brooklyn (a season I was cool with) feel more rounded and interesting.
Of course the show is different now, and I don't ever expect it to be the same. But one of my issues with the show is that it's over so quickly and I feel detached from it (when I watch) even more now that it is gone off my TV so fast due to shorter seasons.[/QUOTE]
My point is that if they aren't going to change the content then they need to go down to 30 minute episodes bc the show right now doesn't remind me of "The Hills" -- it reminds me of MTV's "True Life." If they want to continue with this format then at least give us an edgy version of "The Hills" -- make it "The Hills" meets "Intervention" meets "Bad Girls Club" meets "Fame" meets "Rent". The show doesn't currently have an edge to it, and that's what they need.
[QUOTE=sassyselena;156025]BMP could address these low ratings by casting people with personalities similar to the girls used for Bad Girls Club. People obviously want high-drama so BMP needs to deliver this to the audience. The show needs to be full of over the top people who cause insane amounts of drama. I'd like to see the RW have multiple arguments and fights each episode.[/QUOTE]
Did you not see Real World Cancun? Prob the most dramatic and trashy season yet...but still hardly anyone watched it. I don't think casting trashy, always drunken villains is necessarily what pulls ratings in. I think that well rounded diverse, and good personalities is what does, and if you look at the highest rated seasons in the past it can show you that.
[QUOTE=mcis1979;156050]Did you not see Real World Cancun? Prob the most dramatic and trashy season yet...but still hardly anyone watched it. I don't think casting trashy, always drunken villains is necessarily what pulls ratings in. I think that well rounded diverse, and good personalities is what does, and if you look at the highest rated seasons in the past it can show you that.[/QUOTE]
It's all about getting people that the audience can relate to, rather than getting your typical white good looking person.
Casting an asian-american female/male would definitely get asian-americans to watch The Real World, and there's a lot more asian's than people think in America. I know so many people who would watch the real world if they casted an asian-american male because they want to see how the guy would be portrayed and to support him. As an asian-american male, I know for a fact that people will tune in just because they casted an asian as stupid as that sounds.
[QUOTE=jhl182;156100]It's all about getting people that the audience can relate to, rather than getting your typical white good looking person.
Casting an asian-american female/male would definitely get asian-americans to watch The Real World, and there's a lot more asian's than people think in America. I know so many people who would watch the real world if they casted an asian-american male because they want to see how the guy would be portrayed and to support him. As an asian-american male, I know for a fact that people will tune in just because they casted an asian as stupid as that sounds.[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure the target demographic for the show is white people 16 to 24 in the middle of the country. Just keep that in mind.