LOL. This was originally posted on TWOP.
I think I know what to get you guys for Christmas this year!
[url=] | Twilight jacket[/url]
Not gonna lie, I do kinda like the jacket :)
Annnnnnnd this is another reason why I love Chenoweth.
[url=]YouTube - Kristen Chenoweth Kicks New Moon Wolf Pack Butt HD[/url]
[QUOTE=molds13;150576]Annnnnnnd this is another reason why I love Chenoweth.
Haha that is so funny, Kristin Chenoweth is amazing!
Did anyone else see Queen Latifah's spoof at The peoples Choice awards? It was pretty darn funny too :D
This. Is. Fabulous.
[url=]YouTube - How Twilight Should Have Ended[/url]
I guess Taylor is legal now!
I highly suggest ffwding to the 0:40 mark for the best b-day wish if you think you won't be able to make it more than 10sec watching b-day messages from fans.
[url=]YouTube - Happy 18 Birthday Taylor Lautner From Your Fans[/url]
[QUOTE=molds13;160892]I saw it on E! News after Chelsea Lately.[/QUOTE]
I was just wondering cause no one has posted about it. Hmm, is everyone getting sick of twilight? :D.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;160894]I was just wondering cause no one has posted about it. Hmm, is everyone getting sick of twilight? :D.[/QUOTE]
Oh, I can only hope.
Here's the trailer, save 10bucks and watch it here instead :p
[url=]YouTube - THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE - Trailer[/url]
For just $40 you could be the lucky owner of this original work of [URL=""]art[/URL]!
[B]"Ideal Man: MANLLOW half man. half pillow. PICTURE INSERT VERSION"[/B]
[QUOTE=tjhallow;166992]Thats disturbing...wouldn't even do it for my current obsession, Ian Somerhalder.[/QUOTE]
But it's customizable! You just print out a head shot then slip it into the insert, then voila! Instant Ian Somerhalder "MANLLOW"! :D
OK, this is just weird.
[url=]And the most popular baby names are... -[/url]
[quote]Isabella dethroned Emma as the top name for girls born last year, according to the Social Security Administration's annual list of most popular baby names, released Saturday.
The boy's name that rocketed up the list the fastest is Cullen -- the name of the lead character in the popular "Twilight" book series.
Cullen's girlfriend in the books is Bella, short for Isabella.[/quote]
I saw this a few days ago and was amazed and shocked.
[QUOTE=ishot_JT;160928]Here's the trailer, save 10bucks and watch it here instead :p[/QUOTE]
That trailer was a letdown. Hopefully thats a teaser.
[QUOTE=molds13;175750]OK, this is just weird.
[url=]And the most popular baby names are... -[/url][/QUOTE]
Haha I saw that on the website last night. I wasn't surprised that Jacob was the most popular name for the boys, since it has been for many years.
As for Isabella, I was a little surprised. Since Twilight names took the top spots, I thought that Edward would've been in the top ten, but it's nowhere to be seen...