Gossip Girl

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[QUOTE=molds13;121115]Well, you know what I mean. I think the guys were all ******** in the books, weren't they? I know Dan and Chuck were, I can't remember if Nate was.[/QUOTE] Not that I can recall. I wonder what happened in Jenny's series, I only read a few of them.
So I just started watching the show and I kinda like it.
I'm not sure how I feel about them being older now and in college...does anyone else feel the same way?
Last nights episode was really good. One of the best episodes of the series in my opinion. I do hope when the new epsiodes start again in march, that they get rid of Tripp, i really cant stand him.
[QUOTE=Lionsfan780;142887]Last nights episode was really good. One of the best episodes of the series in my opinion. I do hope when the new epsiodes start again in march, that they get rid of Tripp, i really cant stand him.[/QUOTE] I can't stand him either!! The car accident was definitely the low point. I always hoped she would end up with Nate and next week looks like it might finally happen...
[QUOTE=molds13;142890]I can't stand him either!! The car accident was definitely the low point. I always hoped she would end up with Nate and next week looks like it might finally happen...[/QUOTE] Yeah the car wreck situation was crazy. I was glad when Nate punched him in the face.
So did anyone see the finale, I missed it :O!!!! I heard someone got shot and someone's prego.
[QUOTE=ishot_JT;178226]So did anyone see the finale, I missed it :O!!!! I heard someone got shot and someone's prego.[/QUOTE] Georgina is pregnant, and Chuck got shot.
[QUOTE=molds13;178227]Georgina is pregnant, and Chuck got shot.[/QUOTE] NO way did anything else surprising happend too??
[QUOTE=ishot_JT;178228]NO way did anything else surprising happend too??[/QUOTE] Dorota had her baby. Blair didn't show up to meet Chuck at the Empire State Building and so he was super upset (but had no idea she was with Dorota at the hospital). Jenny showed up at their apartment to talk to Nate but he wasn't there. Jenny lost her virginity to Chuck, and Blair found out right before he proposed to her (because Jenny was upset and told Dan, who punched Chuck in the face right in front of Blair). Rufus sent Jenny away to some boarding school I think.
Whoa eh it sounds sooo good, thanks!
[B]Chace Crawford Arrested for Marijuana Possession:[/B] [QUOTE]Chace Crawford from "Gossip Girl" was arrested in Plano, Texas for possession of marijuana ... cops confirm to TMZ. We're told Crawford has bonded out of jail. Crawford was arrested just after midnight this morning for possession of marijuana under 2 ounces. The charge is a misdemeanor, which carries a 6 month maximum sentence. Crawford was busted in the parking lot of Ringo's Pub. Sources say Crawford was in a car with a friend when he was busted and cops found one unlit joint. via [URL="http://www.tmz.com/2010/06/04/chace-crawford-arrest-texas-marijuana-weed-pot/"]TMZ[/URL][/QUOTE] [url=http://vevmo.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=6701][img]http://vevmo.com/imagehosting/15244c09eb7ab8deb.png[/img][/url]
I was hoping to see more Chuck in the premiere. :(
Anonymous's picture
Guess [URL="http://http://www.tvline.com/2011/07/exclusive-gossip-girl-targets-elizabeth-hurley/"]who[/URL] joining the Gossip Girl cast? Exciting. :D
Molds are/were you still watching this season?
And I thought they would completely do a "GG" is actually no one we know. Holy Crap... how did they pull off Gossip Girl being [SPOILER]DAN!?[/SPOILER] That was quite impressive... and it kinda made a lot of sense in the end. Funny seeing a bunch of familiar faces at the end. Vanessa, Juliet, Olivia & Charlie in the paper, Jenny, Eric, and last but not least, Kristen Bell & Rachel Bilson in funny cameos. Probs a few others too.
I was mad that Dan was Gossip Girl. Like how is this even remotely possible.

Dan was bae. But they really screwed his character up, right around when he dated Blair. That's when I knew the writers ain't shit. Like there was no explanation till this day and the Serena/Dan acting was shit (after their break up).
