I watch, but haven't seen last night's episode yet. I let my fiancé watch the HABS trounce Boston, so I taped it when it aired on KTLA. It only cost him his Monday night RAW. Sometimes, I'm evil. :evil2:
[QUOTE=Kathleen;10651]I watch, but haven't seen last night's episode yet. I let my fiancé watch the HABS trounce Boston, so I taped it when it aired on KTLA. It only cost him his Monday night RAW. Sometimes, I'm evil. :evil2:[/QUOTE]
LOL, okay, let me know as soon as you watch it so we can discuss!! I am so excited that we finally have a show in common Kathleen!!!
I haven't gotten around to watching the episode yet, it's been a busy week. I'll probably get to it some time this weekend. I don't mean to leave you hanging. ;)
[QUOTE=Kathleen;10813]I haven't gotten around to watching the episode yet, it's been a busy week. I'll probably get to it some time this weekend. I don't mean to leave you hanging. ;)[/QUOTE]
No problem-o Girl. I can be patient :)
[quote=stacee_danielle;10816]No problem-o Girl. I can be patient :)[/quote]
I think Katie watches too as it was on her list, but now that she has a new boyfriend she has totally been MIA. I think we can safely call this the Astro syndrome. ;)
[QUOTE=Bacchus;10819] I think we can safely call this the Astro syndrome. ;)[/QUOTE]
Where is that Astroprincess anyway! Gosh I miss her. She hasn't been on the BB feeds either. I'm glad Katie has a new guy, but jeesh...ya can't give up Vevmo! You can have both! LOL
[QUOTE=Kathleen;10824]Where is that Astroprincess anyway! Gosh I miss her. She hasn't been on the BB feeds either. I'm glad Katie has a new guy, but jeesh...ya can't give up Vevmo! You can have both! LOL[/QUOTE]
I know, how many of us on here have a sigificant other but we don't bail...actually we need a smiley for that :) I noticed that she hasn't been on in a while, but I didn't know it was cause of a new boytoy.
Last night was a really good episode...Did you happen catch up yet Kathleen??
Does anyone else out there watch...feel free to jump in and discuss with me :)
I watched last week's episode over the weekend and I logged on earlier and saw that you posted again, so I felt bad and went and watched last night's episode.
Wow, I am certainly intrigued to find out Georgie and Serena's big dark secret. And how evil that G is! I didn't think anyone could be more evil than B.
I'm not sure I like the idea of Nate hooking up with Dan's friend. Seems so Pretty in Pink to me and that didn't work out well. I think Nate's fairly decent, I'm just not really liking her character so much.
Jenny needs a good smack and I'm glad Rufus is not letting her get away with it.
I kinda like Vanessa with Nate...I think she is a genuine girl, BUT she is so different from her character in the books. And don't even get me started on Little miss sticky fingers Jenny, LOL. I mean don't get me wrong, the rich******* would push me to a breaking point as well, but not to the point of theft and such.
Did you hear that one of the charachters is going to end up gay? (just not the same one who does in the books)
[spoiler]I hear it is Eric, Serena's little brother[/spoiler]
And that there is going to be some ************ action coming up as well
[SPOILER]Georgina & Serena[/SPOILER]
I am wondering if Serena even did anything after Georgie spiked her drink or if they just went back to the room and crashed out...
[SPOILER](or something more from the rumor I mentioned above, LOL)[/SPOILER]
I keep forgetting this series is based on books. You'll have to give me the deets about those.
The previews say that someone comes out next episode. And the person you mentioned doesn't really surprise me, I suppose it would explain what happened last year and why.
************, huh? It doesn't really seem like something a teen party girl of the new millennium would be that ashamed of.
Vanessa! Thank you, I was drawing a blank on her name. For some reason I wanted to call her Angela. I have no idea why.
Okay book background info (it has been years since I read but I remember some of it)
Serena and Blair are basically the same as in the book.
Dan is very similar to how he is in the books only a little less cool...and he ends up turning gay
Jenny is described as a average short girl with mousey curly brown hair and double D's
Vanessa lives with her sister and hangs out with her sisters band...and she is bald...and poetic.
Blair has a step brother in the books that seems pretty cool. I borrwed the first two books in the series from a friend and started reading them again but I have to go out and buy the rest since the liabrarys are sure to NOT have them.
Thanks SD, I'm going to have to check out my library.
I love the guy who plays Dan, I've watched all the shows he's been on on the CW/WB. He tends to play the same type of character, with difference but they all turn out the same some how.
Yeah I recently saw a pic of him pre GG before he cut his hair...he is a really good looking guy, but I like him with the haircut more. I have seen a lot of people say he looks better with longer hair though.
I can't remember what ended up happening with Asher Hornsby (the dog walker) in the books, but his name is so familiar so I am going to investigate.
OK, I'm all caught up now!
I can't believe Monday is the season finale! This split season really made things go by so quickly!
I knew S was lying to Dan. What gets me, even though her secret was pretty bad... it wasn't THAT bad that Dan would freak and leave her for it! Jeesh!!! I'm hoping he isn't dumb and does something utterly stupid with G.
Loved the ending. I so want Rufus and Lily to get back together. That kiss was hot!
[QUOTE=Kathleen;12306]OK, I'm all caught up now!
I can't believe Monday is the season finale! This split season really made things go by so quickly!
I knew S was lying to Dan. What gets me, even though her secret was pretty bad... it wasn't THAT bad that Dan would freak and leave her for it! Jeesh!!! I'm hoping he isn't dumb and does something utterly stupid with G.[/QUOTE]
I know, I really dislike how they made him change his morals for G...the Dan from earlier in the season would not take lightly being lied to the way G did...I can't wait until B, Nate and Chuck catch up to her and exact revenge for S.
[QUOTE=Kathleen;12306]Loved the ending. I so want Rufus and Lily to get back together. That kiss was hot![/QUOTE]
Me too!!! I am thinking that they are the couple destined to be together, not S and Dan...There is just so much chemistry between those two...sparks fly when they are in the same scene...maybe that is why they have him falling for Georgie porgie...
[quote=stacee_danielle;11048]Okay book background info (it has been years since I read but I remember some of it)
Serena and Blair are basically the same as in the book.
Dan is very similar to how he is in the books only a little less cool...and he ends up turning gay
Jenny is described as a average short girl with mousey curly brown hair and double D's
Vanessa lives with her sister and hangs out with her sisters band...and she is bald...and poetic.
Blair has a step brother in the books that seems pretty cool. I borrwed the first two books in the series from a friend and started reading them again but I have to go out and buy the rest since the liabrarys are sure to NOT have them.[/quote]
So glad Vanessa isn't bald.
I hope Dan doesn't turn gay.
[QUOTE=Insider;29325]So glad Vanessa isn't bald.
I hope Dan doesn't turn gay.[/QUOTE]
I don't think he will....Chuck was bi in the books, LOL. And he had a pet snow Monkey that went everywhere with him.
So who all is watching with me?? I am addicted to this show it is on my weekly watch list and I would love to chat with someone about it, IF there is any fans here...I know that Kathleen watchde last season, but I think it may have fallen off her radar since I haven't seen her post about it in a while.
I'm still here and up-to-date.
I find it so frustrating with D and S!!!!! Why does it matter that they are different people from different backgrounds. I didn't hear anyone propose marriage. It's just a high school romance! Why can't they be together right now?
I keep getting this sick vibe that Vanessa and Rufus are gonna.....ewww I can't even say it.
I'm not looking forward to the next episode. S looks like she has her ***** on and I really don't think that is fair of her considering.
[QUOTE=Kathleen;29586]I'm still here and up-to-date.
I find it so frustrating with D and S!!!!! Why does it matter that they are different people from different backgrounds. I didn't hear anyone propose marriage. It's just a high school romance! Why can't they be together right now?
I keep getting this sick vibe that Vanessa and Rufus are gonna.....ewww I can't even say it.
I'm not looking forward to the next episode. S looks like she has her ***** on and I really don't think that is fair of her considering.[/QUOTE]
D and S's "problems" are that she is too carefree and he is too serious imo.
I got that vibe as well kinda...BUT do you think it may have had something to do with the actor and actress more than the script?
[QUOTE=Kathleen;29599]Are they an item IRL???[/QUOTE]
No, I was just thining of it logically because they would just be so ooogy to hook those 2 up. We already have to deal with Nate and the Cougar ***** I don't wanna se another relationship like that.
I watch too!
I'm a bit disappointed in this season though, loved last season! Those 3 preteen girls were a bit ridiculous IMO.
I wish this Dan and Serena storyline would figure itself out already, it's getting really annoying. Together one show, not the next, back together, etc. etc.
I really like Vanessa and Nate together.
The chuck and blair storyline is entertaining. They always make me laugh. I didnt like the new guy, i'm glad he caught them kissing.
I wish Jenny would stand up for herself more!
I think the pre-teen girls were just to show how many people actually read Gossip Girl's blog.
I think the Dan and Serena thing is done because I know they are bringing in a new Love interest for her that is supposed to mirror Aaron Rose from the books who happens to be Blair's Hippie Step Brother. But her mom hasn't married on this hsow, so I think they dropped the part about him being Blair's step brother.
I liked Vanessa and Nate as well, but Nate is a dog...he didn't need the money when he first started screwing the Dutchess only after he got back to NYC but he still used that as an excuse to Vanessa.
I am hoping that Jenny will start suprising us soon...you saw how she was with Blair...she eventually defended herself very well.
[quote=Kathleen;29586]I'm still here and up-to-date.
I find it so frustrating with D and S!!!!! Why does it matter that they are different people from different backgrounds. I didn't hear anyone propose marriage. It's just a high school romance! Why can't they be together right now?
I keep getting this sick vibe that Vanessa and Rufus are gonna.....ewww I can't even say it.
I'm not looking forward to the next episode. S looks like she has her ***** on and I really don't think that is fair of her considering.[/quote]
At last there is a show I can discuss. I'm to old for this show but I'm hook now.
I also have this sick feeling that Vanessa and Rufus are gonna "HOOK UP" yuk! OMG I said it.
Looking at the premieres for next week. Selena is really *****y. I agree she shouldn't have an atititude. Dan should.
I hope this season turns out better than last. I loved the first season.
[QUOTE=womanfriday;29631]At last there is a show I can discuss. I'm to old for this show but I'm hook now.
I also have this sick feeling that Vanessa and Rufus are gonna "HOOK UP" yuk! OMG I said it.
Looking at the premieres for next week. Selena is really *****y. I agree she shouldn't have an atititude. Dan should.
I hope this season turns out better than last. I loved the first season.[/QUOTE]
Oh man, I hope they do not go that route with Vanessa and Rufus. Don't get me wrong, I got the same impression as you guys but I just [I]hope[/I] that it was chemistry between the actress and actor.
I didn't see the preiviews for next week, I am going to have to check that out.
I look forward to everyones opinion this season though, I am glad that we have a couple more people that like the show this season :)