Raquel Duran - Road Rules: Campus Crawl

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I think it should be added to the where are they now thread.
Random Christina RR: Australia (I think) and Battle of the Sexes is on Chelsea Lately tonight good for her. I'm glad to see this thread getting attention hopefully BMP picks up on this I doubt it based on the next challenge and the cast. Anyway, on Raquel's facebook there's a recent picture it's kinda weird though but she looks beautiful (she doesnt add people she doesnt know but she did answer my message). Charlie I dont think has any interest in doing any challenges. He was asked to do Battle of the Sexes 2 but wanted to get in better shape, then after that he decided not to do one/or wasnt asked.
I remember Raquel! I would love for her to come back. But Ive given up hope on seeing a rise in the number of old schoolers on these challenges.
Hope is running thin, but you never know.
I'd love to see her on a challenge! I was so sad when Sarah got voted off CC but at least they replaced her with someone like Raquel. She seemed very nice :) I hope they get her on one! I love to see the people from older seasons, especially the RRers.
I remember her! I thought she was cute and had alot of personality. I especially liked her take down of Jeremy on RR...eh I dont remember which Road Rules season that was called.
I agree Runt, I was kinda indifferent towards Raquel on her season just cause there was so little time to get to know her but when she came back for that South Pacific mission just in those couple episodes I became a huge fan and have been hoping to see her on a challenge ever since.
I remember her aswell. But I think the OP kinda got it wrong. I heard that Raquel was asked to do the Gauntlet 2 but she turned it down. So she has been asked for challenges.
That pic of her kinda reminds me of Ibis when she was on RR: X-Treme. I would love to see her on a challenge! shes hot!
[QUOTE=Debut Album;142192]I remember her aswell. But I think the OP kinda got it wrong. I heard that Raquel was asked to do the Gauntlet 2 but she turned it down. So she has been asked for challenges.[/QUOTE] I was just about to post that she was asked to do The Gauntlet 2. I believe she was even confirmed for it but had to back out at the last minute to attend a very close friend's wedding. Veronica and Rachel confirmed this rumour. Sucks that she didnt do G2, had she made an impact on the show she wouldve probably been asked back for other challenges. I really liked Raquel on Campus Crawl, I remember her flirting with Steven and handcuffing him to win the mission for the Road Rules team, but her time was so short lived. Inside info is that her and Steven were already familiar with eachother during the casting process. Them being both from Texas (I believe Raquel is from Austin). So their paths had already crossed, I wish she would come back but I doubt we will ever see someone as amazing as her. I agree with whoever said that she alone could bring so much more to these challenges than Paula and Ryan could ever bring.
I don't remember her being asked for the Gauntlet 2, but even though that was a while ago it gives me hope. Oh wait nevermind, I just remembered Gauntlet 2 was pre-freshmeat :( there's always a miracle that BMP will come around and get some fresh faces like Raquel. It wasn't inside information that Raquel knew Steven, she stated that on the show she said that is how she was going to lure him in.
By the way here is her Facebook [URL="http://www.facebook.com/#/profile.php?id=801245272&ref=search&sid=1124461034.3812253212..1"][url]http://www.facebook.com/#/profile.php?id=801245272&ref=search&sid=1124461034.3812253212..1[/url][/URL] she won't add you to her friends but you can atleast see a recent picture of her.
[QUOTE=Bolt8;142385]By the way here is her Facebook [URL="http://www.facebook.com/#/profile.php?id=801245272&ref=search&sid=1124461034.3812253212..1"][url]http://www.facebook.com/#/profile.php?id=801245272&ref=search&sid=1124461034.3812253212..1[/url][/URL] she won't add you to her friends but you can atleast see a recent picture of her.[/QUOTE] Awww good to see a recent pic of Raquel. I didnt know if it was common knowledge or not about Raquel knowing Steven, I just remembered I had heard it from somewhere. I wasnt too into RR11 so I couldnt remember that well. I wonder who they got to replace her on G2? I think it was a last minute thing. I am guessing it was probably Jisela. From what I remember when the MTV webpage for G2 came out Jisela was the only one to not have new, updated cast photos. She also didnt plan to be there long and even volunteered to leave after a few days and threw her Gauntlet against Ruthie because she had to go back to work.
It couldn't have been Jisela. The would have been on different teams.
I'm guessing it was either Jo or Susie. We knew Ibis, Kina, Jodi, Jillian, Cameran, and Cara were on the challenge before filming began. We didn't find out about Jo or Susie until spoilers came in during the middle of the challenge.
Maybe Raquel will be like Jo and comeback from left field to do a challenge except she won't go crazy......and will be amazing and win!
[QUOTE=RMD1;142401]It couldn't have been Jisela. The would have been on different teams.[/QUOTE] You are right. Jo or Susie could be good guesses. Maybe even Cara. The last minute replacements always have to be someone who is on speed dial who can drop everything at the last minute and fly out for the challenge so I doubt it was Jo.
[QUOTE=Aquatta;142441]You are right. Jo or Susie could be good guesses. Maybe even Cara. The last minute replacements always have to be someone who is on speed dial who can drop everything at the last minute and fly out for the challenge so I doubt it was Jo.[/QUOTE] Not necessary. There are alternates cast, like Kendal was for The Island. Paula was probably the chosen alternate for Duel 2 as Evelyn was for Fresh Meat 2. One of Jo or Susie was probably an alternate.
Who was Paula an alternate for?
How come the one good alternate doesn't make the show? Bring Kendal & Raquel back together!!
[QUOTE=43000www_new;141998]I remember her and would like to see more of her. The thing that made the challenge good before was the people in had lives outside the challenge. you'd be curious what'd they been up to since we last saw them, and they had been up to stuff. it wasnt this alternate-world where things carried over from season to season from people whose jobs are living on this game show. Drama didn't come from endless 'strategy' talk and horseface confessionals that makes the show Big Brother-lite. get rid of TJ. get rid of Fresh Meaters. Why would BMP think I wouldn't care about Raquel? Ev lasted one episode on Fresh Meat, I know nothing about her personality outside of how she 'strategizes', and yet I'm expected to watch challenge after challenge with her and other FMers. Wake up BMP. This is why your ratings are dropping. I'm not gonna care about Casey, or Evan, or Kenny for the same reason. I know nothing about them. They are as relevant to me as the MTV.com team from the Maximum Velocity Tour face-offs (if anyone remembers them). I didn't watch Fresh Meat and it seems like you are trying to punish those who want to see RW and RR all-stars. Not everyone on these shows has to be bat-**** crazy strategizers. The Inferno 1 had the Malloy and Christena friendship storyline, and it made good TV. Los and Piggy on the challenge 2000 was another great one. Hearing Evan say to the camera, "...and I'm thinking, how are we gonna win this?" for the 50th time sort of kills the show. I heard Msaada had a similar problem as Raquel. These people are who should be on TV. Hell, maybe they should even get rid of the voting element of the show. It's tired out. Bolt, how did you hear Raquel wants to be on the show?[/QUOTE] This post is amazing.
43000 sorry I just realized you asked how I knew Raquel wanted to be on the show, I sent her a facebook message and asked her she said she wanted to do a challenge but it wasn't up to her. Half the cast of the next challenge (after FM2) will consist of freshmeat and Real World DC/Cancun kids. Hopefully BMP will throw in a couple of older castmembers (like Raquel) :)
I just rewatched her stuff on South Pacific and I really like her now! They need to put her on!!!
[QUOTE=Bolt8;142868]43000 sorry I just realized you asked how I knew Raquel wanted to be on the show, I sent her a facebook message and asked her she said she wanted to do a challenge but it wasn't up to her. [B]Half the cast of the next challenge (after FM2) will consist of freshmeat and Real World DC/Cancun kids[/B]. Hopefully BMP will throw in a couple of older castmembers (like Raquel) :)[/QUOTE] What makes you so sure about that? Edit: Fixed. :p
No that was my own two cents sorry, I should have seperated that haha.
I was just watching the dailies and saw Syrus talking about how he will call and e-mail producers or whoever till he is back on a challenge, I think this might be Raquel as well as other older castmembers downfall. I think they'd be willing to do one but don't actively try (I could be wrong). Maybe if they would do what Syrus does we'd get some older castmembers as fillers instead of Paula & Ryan (BMP if you are reading this seriously they add NOTHING stop calling them!!). However, my theory is probably wrong cause I know Kendal tried this and got cast as an alternate for The Island but thank God Paula was there because without that fight with Ryan & the drama from being screwed by K&J that challenge would have been horrible.
[QUOTE=43000www_new;141998]I remember her and would like to see more of her. The thing that made the challenge good before was the people in had lives outside the challenge. you'd be curious what'd they been up to since we last saw them, and they had been up to stuff. it wasnt this alternate-world where things carried over from season to season from people whose jobs are living on this game show. Drama didn't come from endless 'strategy' talk and horseface confessionals that makes the show Big Brother-lite. get rid of TJ. get rid of Fresh Meaters. Why would BMP think I wouldn't care about Raquel? Ev lasted one episode on Fresh Meat, I know nothing about her personality outside of how she 'strategizes', and yet I'm expected to watch challenge after challenge with her and other FMers. Wake up BMP. This is why your ratings are dropping. I'm not gonna care about Casey, or Evan, or Kenny for the same reason. I know nothing about them. They are as relevant to me as the MTV.com team from the Maximum Velocity Tour face-offs (if anyone remembers them). I didn't watch Fresh Meat and it seems like you are trying to punish those who want to see RW and RR all-stars. Not everyone on these shows has to be bat-**** crazy strategizers. The Inferno 1 had the Malloy and Christena friendship storyline, and it made good TV. Los and Piggy on the challenge 2000 was another great one. Hearing Evan say to the camera, "...and I'm thinking, how are we gonna win this?" for the 50th time sort of kills the show. I heard Msaada had a similar problem as Raquel. These people are who should be on TV. Hell, maybe they should even get rid of the voting element of the show. It's tired out. Bolt, how did you hear Raquel wants to be on the show?[/QUOTE] This post is so epic. I especially loved the part where you said so many horseface confessionals make the show seem like Big Brother-lite. But on a serious not though, everything you said is so right. I wish BMP would read posts like this and give us fans what we want and it is not the Fresh Meat kids over and over again season after god damn season. I totally agree about wanting to see people like Msada and Raquel WHO WOULD ACTUALLY DO A CHALLENGE. You can also add the likes of Glen, Jon (RR5), Shayne (RR6), Kendall and Kefla. If you told me that Msadda, Racquel, Glen, Jon, Shayne, Kendall and Kefla were some of the confirmed names for the next challenge I would be so excited for that challenge and would actually watch it. Instead we get several of the same Fresh Meat faces and other tired played of mostly RW and some RR alumni. Everything about these shows is just tired from TJ and the voting element as you mentioned to the themes and same castmembers and recycled drama.
I remember Raquel, and I'm another one that would looooove to see Raquel do a challenge! I want to see some of the faces that got me watching these shows. Campus Crawl was the first season of Road Rules I saw in its entirety. I loved that season. And while I'm at it, give me Kendal too! If she's still interested in doing a challenge, that is. Kendal was the heart of Campus Crawl. Bring back some happy reminders of the good old days, PLEASE!
I was scared everyone was gonna be like who is Raquel we love Kenny, Evan, & Paula. This makes me happy.
[URL="http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5752335&id=801245272"][url]http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=5752335&id=801245272[/url][/URL] a picture from about a year ago
