Raquel Duran - Road Rules: Campus Crawl

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Raquel Duran - Road Rules: Campus Crawl

Raquel who replaced Sarah on Road Rules 11: Campus Crawl wants to do a challenge but hasn't been asked since it's been awhile since her time on Road Rules. I know Raquel was only on Road Rules for a short time, but aside from being one of the prettiest girls on the show she seems like she'd be an awesome game player based on the missions that involved game play and strategy. I hope everyone will jump on the bandwagon and let BMP/MTV know we want fresh faces like Raquel. Thanks.

I'm always excited to see people from back in the day show up on our screens, in a Challenge.
Do you have a picture that you can post? I have no idea who she is.
During the mission where they had to prank the Real World Las Vegas she was the one who came up with the master plan to handcuff Steven, and then on Road Rules South Pacific when they had to compete against the Campus Crawl cast she came up with the plan to flirt with Jeremy and catch him sleepy. She is very smart and beautiful and I feel would add alot to these challenges. It's possible she could contribute less that Paula :) [url=http://vevmo.com/vbimghost.php?do=displayimg&imgid=4777][img]http://vevmo.com/imagehosting/15504b18671998272.jpg[/img][/url]
I would love to see her on a challenge!
I agree I think Raquel is very pretty... I wonder why they never asked her back!
I don't know who she is but she sounds smart so they should put her on! It doesn't hurt that she's really hot;)
I think I remember hearing that she wanted to finish school first, and not that she is the challenges are dominated by fresh meat aka people who were never even on RW/RR BMP has forgotten about her and many other castmembers who would add more than Paula and Ryan ever have.
I have no idea who she is, but she is very good looking!
Yeah...even after watching that season, and now seeing her picture, I still have no idea who she is.
She reminded me alot of Parvati (Survivor) meets Janelle (Big Brother) meets Cameran (Real World). Haha just pretend Molds and join my campaign!!
She didn't stick out that season. She came in late, and didn't have a lot of air time at all. That cast had Rachel, Kendell, Darrell, Eric and Shane... all of whom had a lot of airtime.
To me Raquel came off as more of a game player, she was also very young when she was brought in. It would be cool to see how she would play the game, but if it were up to me the challenge would consist of way more old schools kids or atleast an even mix.
Anonymous's picture
I remember her and would like to see more of her. The thing that made the challenge good before was the people in had lives outside the challenge. you'd be curious what'd they been up to since we last saw them, and they had been up to stuff. it wasnt this alternate-world where things carried over from season to season from people whose jobs are living on this game show. Drama didn't come from endless 'strategy' talk and horseface confessionals that makes the show Big Brother-lite. get rid of TJ. get rid of Fresh Meaters. Why would BMP think I wouldn't care about Raquel? Ev lasted one episode on Fresh Meat, I know nothing about her personality outside of how she 'strategizes', and yet I'm expected to watch challenge after challenge with her and other FMers. Wake up BMP. This is why your ratings are dropping. I'm not gonna care about Casey, or Evan, or Kenny for the same reason. I know nothing about them. They are as relevant to me as the MTV.com team from the Maximum Velocity Tour face-offs (if anyone remembers them). I didn't watch Fresh Meat and it seems like you are trying to punish those who want to see RW and RR all-stars. Not everyone on these shows has to be bat-**** crazy strategizers. The Inferno 1 had the Malloy and Christena friendship storyline, and it made good TV. Los and Piggy on the challenge 2000 was another great one. Hearing Evan say to the camera, "...and I'm thinking, how are we gonna win this?" for the 50th time sort of kills the show. I heard Msaada had a similar problem as Raquel. These people are who should be on TV. Hell, maybe they should even get rid of the voting element of the show. It's tired out. Bolt, how did you hear Raquel wants to be on the show?
Anonymous's picture
Also Raquel on Campus Crawl was much more interesting than some of her other cast members like Shane and Darrell. They should invite Sarah from Campus Crawl back if she is up for another. And I'd like to hear from Charlie from San Diego.
Charlie would be awesome on a challenge. So would Randy.
I wouldnt be surprised if Raquel is an exception to all those that wanna come back. I wouldn't mind seeing the aforementioned Jeremy on another challenge, sure he was worthless but he did step it up more than Kenny or Evan, he fn' nominated himself to go against the Miz in an inferno, Kenny would be afraid to face Casey in an elimination. Also I do agree, to change it up and really screw with JEK make it point based like the earlier seasons. Either they prove themselves to be worthy or they prove they are just crap.
Anonymous's picture
Also anyone from RR: Latin America and Piggy from Down Under
Anonymous's picture
My favorite season of RR and I barely remember her either...lol.
Anonymous's picture
I mean they gave Kat from RW: London a chance on Challenge 2000 and she made for good tv. They clearly saw potential in these people in the casting process, why not keep them around?
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=molds13;141974]Yeah...even after watching that season, and now seeing her picture, I still have no idea who she is.[/QUOTE] Me neither. And, unfortunately, I don't see her showing up any time soon. It's been too long since anyone has seen her. To the "new generation" of MTV viewers (ie: those who started watching RW in Vegas and have hardly heard of RR), she [I]would[/I] be the fresh meat. Just sayin'...
I think the problem she will face is a social game. Alot of the old schoolers may face social game problems.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;142006]Me neither. And, unfortunately, I don't see her showing up any time soon. It's been too long since anyone has seen her. To the "new generation" of MTV viewers (ie: those who started watching RW in Vegas and have hardly heard of RR), she [I]would[/I] be the fresh meat. Just sayin'...[/QUOTE] But wouldn't that Fresh Meat be better than little-watched fresh meat from FM1 and RRVR? At least we got to see these people go through an experience. In terms of the social game, Susie was out of the challenge world and came back to play that well.
Anonymous's picture
Susie was not that out of the loop, she was on Inferno 3. And she's always made it to the end.
Anonymous's picture
Before Inferno 3, it had been awhile for her
I think we need more recent photos, does anyone have access to some? Call me a guy, er...but I'd like to know what she looks like these days (and I am sure she looks amazing.)
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Bacchus;142013] Call me a guy, er...but I'd like to know what she looks like these days (and I am sure she looks amazing.)[/QUOTE] You mean you want to see if she got implants? :D
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;142014]You mean you want to see if she got implants? [/QUOTE] Wow, you really look for the worst in a man, don't you? I was hoping to see if her smile still exuded the life blood that I saw within her upon our first meeting on television. I felt her soul and it spoke volumes about her future. I just wanted to see if she was true to her soul.
you know when I first saw the words "Road Rules" I thought it had been picked up again and this was a new cast member's name (since I couldn't place her name) and I was so happy then I read the thread and well now I'm not but she should do a challenge
I thought it was a post about her being dead, thank god I was mistaken.
Anonymous's picture
You do make a point. Can the thread title be edited to say Road Rules Campus Crawl?
