The Ruins: Muay So-Called Ruins?

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The Ruins: Muay So-Called Ruins?
Dunbar and Kimberly fight to keep the dream alive; The Champions consider throwing the challenge.
Oh goody, I changed the channel just in time to see part of Jersey Shore!!
Susie is one tough cookie!
Kenny is as eloquent as always..
Goodbye Kim. We will miss you.
Woo Susie wins!!!
Anonymous's picture
I said it once and I'll say it again, Kim is a lot tougher than people give her credit for.
Dunbar is pissed!
Did he just grawl?
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;141640]Did he just grawl?[/QUOTE] I don't know what a "grawl" is, so I can't answer your question.
Oh wow bid surprise! Susie And Johnny win MTV's lil babies.. MTV challenges suck so bad now. I'm not even watching it I'll fall asleep if I watch it. Im not watching any more Ruins as long as Kenny and them stay on it. Their Attention ****ers..
That Jersey Shore commercial is the reason I usually record The Ruins... (i.e. so I can fast forward through mind numbingly stupid stuff...) Anyway, back to match, I'm all for Dunbar breaking a few of Johnny's bones trying to get that rope...
[QUOTE=Laneahh77;141642]Oh wow bid surprise! Susie And Johnny win MTV's lil babies.. MTV challenges suck so bad now. I'm not even watching it I'll fall asleep if I watch it. Im not watching any more Ruins as long as Kenny and them stay on it. Their Attention ****ers..[/QUOTE]'re not going to watch the rest of the episode then?
I am surprised that Bananas won!! Bye bye Dunbar!
"trim the fat"
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;141648]"trim the fat"[/QUOTE] The way she said that was hilarious.
Ho-Hum. Ok, not like I was shocked - but I was hoping that maybe turning the LHC back on might have kicked me to an alternate universe where cooler things happened on this show. ;)
"That creepy goth chick [strike]that you slept with[/strike]" Nice Kenny...
[QUOTE=TDMEL52;141651]LHC?????[/QUOTE] [URL=""]Let me google that for you[/URL].
[QUOTE=molds13;141653]"That creepy goth chick [strike]that you slept with[/strike]" Nice Kenny...[/QUOTE] wouldn't surprise me at all, but how do you know that's true?
Wow, Kenny. Way to be a man.
Susie's intentions sound good, but I can't buy the sincerity from her. Its something about her that rubs me the wrong way.
LMAO at Sarah wearing a swimming cap. For some reason that had me cracking up.
Sarah's one of those people who is so nice that people feel they can make her a punching bag and get away with it. The other girls have more attitude than she has so they won't start with them. I mean imagine what Kelly Anne would do. She would go off!
[QUOTE=TheKorean;141667]LMAO at Sarah wearing a swimming cap. For some reason that had me cracking up.[/QUOTE] Same. She looks like she's going to swim across the Gulf of Thailand or something.
Kenny man up, yeah your mother would not be proud of you. You are a loser.
This last group of 8 is so boring. ***** at them making fun of Sarah's swim camp after I did.
Holy Shmo'! Sarah isn't allowed to defend herself from your asanine insults, Kenny? Burn her at the stake, I say! How dare she!
Does casey remind anybody else of Melissa on a challenge? Stuff like heights would freak melissa out and make comments in the interview about falling and dying. The only difference is that melissa was a lot funnier in her interviews.
Someone explain to me why do all the girls completely fear going up against Kelly Ann? How she won a lot of previous one on one events in previous challlenge shows or something?? Someone help me understand this Kelly Ann thing. Thanks.
