Oh wow bid surprise! Susie And Johnny win MTV's lil babies.. MTV challenges suck so bad now. I'm not even watching it I'll fall asleep if I watch it. Im not watching any more Ruins as long as Kenny and them stay on it. Their Attention ****ers..
That Jersey Shore commercial is the reason I usually record The Ruins...
(i.e. so I can fast forward through mind numbingly stupid stuff...)
Anyway, back to match, I'm all for Dunbar breaking a few of Johnny's bones trying to get that rope...
[QUOTE=Laneahh77;141642]Oh wow bid surprise! Susie And Johnny win MTV's lil babies.. MTV challenges suck so bad now. I'm not even watching it I'll fall asleep if I watch it. Im not watching any more Ruins as long as Kenny and them stay on it. Their Attention ****ers..[/QUOTE]
So...you're not going to watch the rest of the episode then?
Ho-Hum. Ok, not like I was shocked - but I was hoping that maybe turning the LHC back on might have kicked me to an alternate universe where cooler things happened on this show. ;)
[QUOTE=molds13;141653]"That creepy goth chick [strike]that you slept with[/strike]"
Nice Kenny...[/QUOTE]
wouldn't surprise me at all, but how do you know that's true?
Sarah's one of those people who is so nice that people feel they can make her a punching bag and get away with it. The other girls have more attitude than she has so they won't start with them. I mean imagine what Kelly Anne would do. She would go off!
[QUOTE=TheKorean;141667]LMAO at Sarah wearing a swimming cap. For some reason that had me cracking up.[/QUOTE]
Same. She looks like she's going to swim across the Gulf of Thailand or something.
Does casey remind anybody else of Melissa on a challenge? Stuff like heights would freak melissa out and make comments in the interview about falling and dying. The only difference is that melissa was a lot funnier in her interviews.
Someone explain to me why do all the girls completely fear going up against Kelly Ann? How she won a lot of previous one on one events in previous challlenge shows or something?? Someone help me understand this Kelly Ann thing. Thanks.