Yeah in your mind but expressing those views to the world?
Plus mentioning a celebrity is not anything. Everybody had a celebrity crush.
But mentioning somebody you know.
I don't think Susie would like if his Husband would say that he would **** one of his female friends.
And she being religious should be more aware since the religious nuts think Mental cheating is bad. lol
[QUOTE=colt1819;136892]Yeah in your mind but expressing those views to the world?
Plus mentioning a celebrity is not anything. Everybody had a celebrity crush.
But mentioning somebody you know.
I don't think Susie would like if his Husband would say that he would **** one of his female friends.
And she being religious should be more aware since the religious nuts think Mental cheating is bad. lol[/QUOTE]
I get what you're saying but maybe them two, or just him, aren't such prudes. Besides, she may have said that she would **** Chet and Cohutta but she might have meant that she would **** Chet and Cohutta if she wasn't in a relationship.
Makes no difference.
Would you be happy if your current partner would say they would **** somebody you know?
Yeah it can be considered stupid to get in a fight over it because you might not do it even if had the chance. But those are things you don't say, specially if you have a jealous partner or one who has trust issues.
I don't get it why people hate on Susie. She knows how to play the game and is very strong. She made it to the end every challenge she has been on. Including Road Rules! She is awsome. She is one of the best femals challengers.
[QUOTE=RMD1;136895]I don't get it why people hate on Susie. She knows how to play the game and is very strong. She made it to the end every challenge she has been on. Including Road Rules! She is awsome. She is one of the best femals challengers.[/QUOTE]
I agree. Susie is a power player IMO. I can understand why some people don't like her, but she is one of my favorites and is very smart.
Susie, susie, susie... She is a great competitor, I am not denying that.
She also has an amazing edit, that is all I am going to say about her. But remember these shows can fool you!
It's funny that she's seen as a great competitor now because she sure wasn't on "Extreme Challenge"! The road rules team was doing fine until Ayanna got kicked off and Susie came to replace her. She pretty much ruined the road rules team and gave the real world a free ride and a win.
On the reunion show the whole team agreed that Ayanna was better for the team than Susie.
Susie is over rated completely in my opinion. She is average at best as a competitor and when/if she has to compete agianst the upper eschelon of competitors she will most likely lose. She is also one of the first to complain and talk crap about people yet really never has to back it up. No wonder she teamed up with JEK they are one in the same.
Susie is one of my favorites of all time. She is only an average competitor but she plays an amazing social game. She always makes it to the end. On this challenge, she was away for awhile and doesn't hang out in the same circle as the people outside the show, so logically you would think she would be more of an outsider like Veronica was. But right from the beginning, she aligned herself with the main alliance. And she hasn't been considered disposable to them. She seems to have developed friendships with people on her side and the opposite team. She positioned herself very nicely on this challenge.
[QUOTE=kellerz;136929]Susie is one of my favorites of all time. She is only an average competitor but she plays an amazing social game. She always makes it to the end. On this challenge, she was away for awhile and doesn't hang out in the same circle as the people outside the show, so logically you would think she would be more of an outsider like Veronica was. But right from the beginning, she aligned herself with the main alliance. And she hasn't been considered disposable to them. She seems to have developed friendships with people on her side and the opposite team. She positioned herself very nicely on this challenge.[/QUOTE]
She did a challenge more recently than Veronica did, though - I3. And Kenny and Ev did that challenge, and Susie was friends/friendly with them, if I am remembering things right.
I think Susie's really pretty, but its just her leave it to beaver voice I can't stand. Yeah, yeah, she's a shady bla ba bla, its a tv show. But her voice, is like nails on a chalkboard. I never realized how pretty she was until this challenge.
^ Probably because Susie the most natural and gotten hotter as she aged.
Most of the RW chicks as time passes get uglier or look faker or fatter. Some do all 3.
I'm not the biggest fan of Susie since Inferno 3, but i gotta give her credit for sticking to what she feels is the best course of action for her to last long and to the end. Back in Inferno 3, i detested her and Cara because i felt that they weren't being team players due to their obvious alliance and managing to keep each other from elimination by sacrificing the other women. But in retrospect, it is a good play, a good strategy. As much as it makes both of them look bad, these Challenges are as much about self preservation as they are about winning competitions and rewards. Back in Viewers Revenge, i wasn't exactly on her side when she threatened David to not talk to Tori in the mean way he was doing it when he confronted her about sticking with the Alumni instead of the Pit Crew. But as much as Tori annoys me, at least she can take pride in the fact that a girl like Susie defended her to such an extreme that though it makes her look like as much of a villain like Tori, it was still a solid defense. There may be disagreements for sure, but there is no disrespect. In The Ruins, i've started to warm up slightly to her for keeping up her gameplay and not being afraid at all of Veronica's usual attitude and "strategy" (sleeping with the "leader"). She definitely has what it takes to make it to the end since she's always come through in elimination rounds, and seeing how the only remaining women on the Champions team are her and Johanna, i expect to see her taking more names for her record book of elimination round victories. As for Johanna, i'm not too sure she's got what it takes. She's always come off as more of a skater to me, meaning she usually just coasts by all the way to the end or as far as possible.
Susie reminds me of the kind of girl who was never popular in High School and developed a kind of distaste for girls who were popular and pretty. I think it's probably something she's always wanted to be but never quite achieved. So now she thinks that since she went to college that she's somehow better than most and can look down upon people. She's very grating and annoying. I wish her and Coral would be on a challenge so I could see how they'd interact.
[QUOTE=Runtzilla;137008]Susie reminds me of the kind of girl who was never popular in High School and developed a kind of distaste for girls who were popular and pretty. I think it's probably something she's always wanted to be but never quite achieved. So now she thinks that since she went to college that she's somehow better than most and can look down upon people. She's very grating and annoying. I wish her and Coral would be on a challenge so I could see how they'd interact.[/QUOTE]
Trust me, the "popular" girls in middle/high school are much, much worse. Take it from a guy with experience. Spoiled, high and mighty, figurines who thought they had the run of the place cause they were the prettiest of the lot and could tease the boys all they wanted.
If Susie was, for the sake of argument, unpopular in school, then i think she's much better off than those "good girls".;) I know on my end, the girls in my school life are worse off in life than i have it, and they brought it on themselves so who won there?!:D
Why don't you have a real job?
Why don't you go and gave kids so your never on my tv again?
Why do you go on TV Shows and cheat on your husband (G2)?
Why do you continue to humiliate yourself on these things time and time again?
Why are you such a hypocrite?
She really makes me sick.
Susie may have a real job, I don't know very much about her real life.
Susie is married?
I don't think that she is humiliatied about never losing any elimination, ever.
[QUOTE=colt1819;136966]^ Probably because Susie the most natural and gotten hotter as she aged.
Most of the RW chicks as time passes get uglier or look faker or fatter. Some do all 3.[/QUOTE]
I disagree.
And to me, Susie looks the same as she always has. I don't think her hair color is natural, though!
I try to dislike Susie, but I can't! I don't know why, but she seems like a genuinely good person that just plays a role for the shows. Maybe the reason that I like her is because she isn't shoved down my throat every challenge.
I do think that she is very pretty. She still loks the exact same as when I first saw her!
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;137073]I try to dislike Susie, but I can't! I don't know why, but she seems like a genuinely good person that just plays a role for the shows. Maybe the reason that I like her is because she isn't shoved down my throat every challenge.
I do think that she is very pretty. She still loks the exact same as when I first saw her![/QUOTE]
I'm the same way. I don't like the way she's been acting on The Ruins, but every time I see Susie, I think back to her Road Rules days. I loved her on Road Rules and remember being SO excited when I heard she was going to be on Gauntlet 2.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;137044]Susie may have a real job, I don't know very much about her real life. [/QUOTE]
Susie does have a "real" job, just like most of the challenge people do...
She is a contributing reporter for a station in Pittsburgh.
Not that I know her at all, but I feel she's changed. I mean it's only natural for someone to change after 10+ years time but I feel she's gotten more ballsy. I don't ever remember her being confrontational during her season of Road Rules, although I don't really remember it much. I do remember her being the token "good girl virgin" but I feel she's transformed into a total *****. Maybe she's just matured and doesn't feel like being disrespected by these 20 somethings.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;137118]To be fair, she is disrespecting them. Stealing the letter that Wes wrote to Kelly Anne was very disrespectful.[/QUOTE]
Was that on the Dailies? If so, i never saw such a scene during the show. If she did do that, then she obviously doesn't know her boundaries...
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;137118]To be fair, she is disrespecting them. Stealing the letter that Wes wrote to Kelly Anne was very disrespectful.[/QUOTE]
She didnt steal it.. she borrowed it and then put it back.. jijiji.. just kidding, i get your point.. but i think that it was all part of the show, i cant believe that KA left it sitting around on her bed, and that the Champs just happened to see it.. i think that because the letter was an obvious part of the game, production helped by action or inaction, thus considering it fair game..
in the sense, that so many times people leaving leave personal letters behind, and they are usually not of public knowledge if they dont have anything to do with the game.
I do believe Susie is sexier now, than she was before, maybe because she seems like a real women on control, she is not show decoration or just a follower.. and she has kept herself well, whereas other girls, like Robin or Tonya, imo, have let themselves go a little.
[QUOTE=Lamb Chop!!!;137096]I'm the same way. I don't like the way she's been acting on The Ruins, but every time I see Susie, I think back to her Road Rules days. I loved her on Road Rules and remember being SO excited when I heard she was going to be on Gauntlet 2.[/QUOTE]
I feel exactly the same way. I like people with different personalities on these shows. Susie was one of the nice people I liked and could kind of identify with, so I was shocked to see her act differently on these later challenges she's been doing. I think what bothers me the most about her is how she can make a snide comment about someone to their face, but when they try to say something back, she tries to make it seem like they are silly for worrying about something so trivial (i.e. how she did Tonya in I3 after she made the stripper comment). The condescending thing.
I think she is trying to be strategic to win, though. And as RubenJay and Jedyknight were saying, possibly she is more confident from growing up and having more life experience. I can understand that. And I just thought about something that might be more of a out there theory than actuality. Perhaps after getting lambasted by the G2 girls for the stuff she said on the After Show (as well as getting blasted by her team for the possibility of a cross alliance), maybe she just decided to make sure she was more confident and in control of what happens to her in the game. But I do think she just seemed to be a little bit like she is now when she did G2 - she didn't seem to hesitate to say what she wanted to. And I'm not saying that's a bad thing. It's just the way she goes about things sometimes that bugs me. I don't think she seems like a bad person overall, just sneaky and not a really nice person. But of course this is in the game. I would not be surprised if she is cool and much nicer outside of the show. I've heard similar about some of the seemingly meaner/tougher people from the shows.
And to clarify what I said earlier, I've always thought she was pretty, but she looks exactly the same to me, so I don't think she's gotten better looking. She is one of the original "hot girls" from RR/RW. Remember she got that hot Australian football player during her season of RR? And RR Latin America Abe had a thing for her? Also the guys thought she was hot on the Extreme Challenge.