[QUOTE=RoseMatilda;132971]Have you ever been to Detroit? I go to school downtown and Detroit's Cultural District is not anything like that. Sure there are parts of the city that look like this, but couldn't you say the same thing for any major city? There are bad and good parts to most cities. [/QUOTE]
UDM (I'm assuming this is where you go as it's the only college in downtown Detroit that I know of), the cultural district, and Greektown is pretty much all the city of Detroit has going for it. And that's not much. Compared to the other cities up for discussion, Detroit would be last on my list of cities I would want to see.
If they did ever decide to do Detroit, the house would not and should not be in the city. Watch them buy a house in Grosse Pointe and try to pull off RW: Detroit.
There was a guy on my myspace a few months ago that posted that he was going through the casting process for The Real World Nashville.I don't personally know him so i can't vouch for his credibility.He only mentioned it once or twice and then hasn't said anything since.
[QUOTE=molds13;132991]UDM (I'm assuming this is where you go as it's the only college in downtown Detroit that I know of), the cultural district, and Greektown is pretty much all the city of Detroit has going for it. And that's not much. Compared to the other cities up for discussion, Detroit would be last on my list of cities I would want to see.
If they did ever decide to do Detroit, the house would not and should not be in the city. Watch them buy a house in Grosse Pointe and try to pull off RW: Detroit.[/QUOTE]
They could actually find a house in the nicest part of Detroit and I'm sure it would be extremely cheap for MTV. And they wouldn't have to stay in Detroit all the time. There are a lot of clubs and things to do 10-15 minutes away from Detroit. I'm still shocked they haven't came to Detroit after 20+ seasons.
[QUOTE=Aurelius;133026] I'm still shocked they haven't came to Detroit after 20+ seasons.[/QUOTE]
If you are from Michigan, it is probably surprising. For the rest of us, not so much.
As much as the cast makes a season, so does the destination. No one really wants to visit Detroit - be it by train, plane, automobile or television.
[SIZE=4][I][FONT=Arial Narrow]This is the true story... of seven strangers... picked to live in a dilapidated house... in the [URL="http://www.detnews.com/article/20090618/METRO/906180406/1409/METRO/Detroit-police-routinely-underreport-homicides"]murder capital of the United States[/URL]...[/FONT][/I][/SIZE]
You are sounding really prejudiced toward a city you obviously don't know as well as some of us.
Have all the misconceptions you want, Detroit gets a bad rap. If people are going to talk negatively about it constantly, how is it supposed to ever revive itself? I can see first hand that the city is starting to turn for the better. Obviously you don't see that everyday.
What is the RW policy with marijuana? Just curious of they just dont show it or you get kicked off if you are caught. Anyway...Amsterdam would be pretty damn cool!!!
There are plenty of tourist Islands they could go to.
[QUOTE=morris614;133102]What is the RW policy with marijuana? Just curious of they just dont show it or you get kicked off if you are caught. Anyway...Amsterdam would be pretty damn cool!!!
There are plenty of tourist Islands they could go to.[/QUOTE]
If it were in Amsterdam, I'm sure it wouldn't be a big deal.
[QUOTE=morris614;133102]What is the RW policy with marijuana? Just curious of they just dont show it or you get kicked off if you are caught. Anyway...Amsterdam would be pretty damn cool!!!
There are plenty of tourist Islands they could go to.[/QUOTE]
Um...I am fairly confident that since it's an illegal substance, it is not allowed. At least in countries where that is the case...
[QUOTE=RoseMatilda;133089]You are sounding really prejudiced toward a city you obviously don't know as well as some of us.[/QUOTE]
Full disclosure. I'm personally prejudiced against any state that doesn't have one of the following: Nearby ocean, sizable mountains or a vast desert. To each their own I suspect.
While I am sure Detroit is a great city with great people, I personally have no interest in a season of The Real World being filmed there. And while my visits to the city have been pleasant, I have no desire to return.
[quote]Have all the misconceptions you want, Detroit gets a bad rap.[/quote]Detroit does get a bad rap. Having the highest per capita murder rate for a large city in the US (i.e. Murder Capital) is not going to help matters. Having the highest unemployment by a mile (double, even triple by some estimates) over its peer cities, is not going to help matters. Being at the center of an American tragedy (the fall of the US automobile industry) is not going to help matters. Having popular local websites that showcase, [URL="http://detroityes.com/interact/prologue.htm"]The Fabulous Ruins of Detroit[/URL] or [URL="http://www.themotorlesscity.com/"]The Abandoned House of the Week[/URL], is not going to help matters...
An excerpt from a recent [URL="http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1925796-1,00.html"]Time Magazine Article[/URL]:
[QUOTE]By any quantifiable standard, the city is on life support. Detroit's treasury is $300 million short of the funds needed to provide the barest municipal services. The school system, which six years ago was compelled by the teachers' union to reject a philanthropist's offer of $200 million to build 15 small, independent charter high schools, is in receivership. The murder rate is soaring, and 7 out of 10 remain unsolved. Three years after Katrina devastated New Orleans, unemployment in that city hit a peak of 11%. In Detroit, the unemployment rate is 28.9%. That's worth spelling out: twenty-eight point nine percent.[/QUOTE]A very good read, that offers some hope, although in essence solidifies what I have been saying (more eloquently.)
To be honest, I was just "picking on" Detroit to rile molds up on a quiet Sunday, but she didn't take the bait...
To be honest, I was just "picking on" Detroit to rile molds up on a quiet Sunday, but she didn't take the bait...[/QUOTE]
Rile [I]me[/I] up? I might be from Michigan, but I'm in full agreement with you on this one buddy...
I think the Inferno 4 if that comes then the Gauntlet comes. I don't know what people will be in these challenges but the people who don't win will come back for sure I think. Since the economy is bad we will see some of the good people right now in future challenges.
They seem to be doing the "back to" seasons every 10 seasons, so if the Real World gets renewed through season 30 they'd do back to San Francisco. I'm hoping for Charleston, Montreal, Toronto, Dallas, and Portland.
I've said this time and time again on here, but people saying the Real World should go to Baltimore have clearly never been there. It's not a very big city, there's not a big young population (mostly Hopkins students or UBaltimore law students). Many of the arguments that apply to Detroit also apply to Baltimore. The crime rate is just too high there. Nothing is interesting besides the Inner Harbor and Federal Hill, which is really just a smaller version of Adams Morgan. If RW is going to continue to allow the cast members to explore their interests, Baltimore is not a prime place for that. The Sun is having major trouble, there aren't many internship opportunities (and as a college student from the area, I've definitely looked) and it's not a very politically active city in general--which would eliminate many of the jobs we saw on Brooklyn and will see in DC. It could be semi-interesting if they were there during Artscape or Baltimore Pride, but those are really the only two events that Baltimore holds that draw big crowds. I don't think many people would be interested in seeing a season full of Pickles Pub, Orioles games, the deteriorating Inner Harbor, and Paper Moon diner. Not to mention that the cast would not be able to frequent over half the city because it's incredibly unsafe. One wrong turn and you wind up in an area that is more than undesirable.
However, I do highly recommend the Zeeba Hookah Lounge--great hummus and the owner is a super nice Persian man.
As for the challenges,
Inferno 4....just no. Hardly anyone is a "good guy" anymore.
And the teams would still be lopsided because most of the top dogs in challenges are badasses.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;133354]As for the challenges,
Inferno 4....just no. Hardly anyone is a "good guy" anymore.
And the teams would still be lopsided because most of the top dogs in challenges are badasses.[/QUOTE]
That didn't stop them from putting Cara on the Good Guys, lol.
Inferno 4
Can be FM vs RR/RW
FM Team Eric,Evan,Ryan,Vincent,Pete,Noor,Laurel,Diem,Theresa,Ev,Casey and Sydney
RW/RR Team Katie,Kelly-Anne,Jonna,Derrick(X),Cohutta,CJ,Johnny,Nick,Aneesa,Ayiia,Tori,Derek(VR)
[QUOTE=Npresh24;133365]Inferno 4
Can be FM vs RR/RW
FM Team Eric,Evan,Ryan,Vincent,Pete,Noor,Laurel,Diem,Theresa,Ev,Casey and Sydney
RW/RR Team Katie,Kelly-Anne,Jonna,Derrick(X),Cohutta,CJ,Johnny,Nick,Aneesa,Ayiia,Tori,Derek(VR)[/QUOTE]
Yeah there are infinite combos for a RR/RW team. Something tells me Dunbar wont be taking too much time off. Also...I hope Issac comes back on.
I think it would be cool if they drew captains or something and had them pick teams.
[QUOTE=morris614;133523]I think it would be cool if they drew captains or something and had them pick teams.[/QUOTE]
I wonder why they've never done that before. I know there is the possibility of Evan or someone becoming captain then his team becoming extremely lopsided. But I'm sure they could come up with rules to avoid that. Maybe not being able to pick someone that he has been on a team with before or something like that.
They just need to do an allstar cast vs the army or something of those lines of elites I'd love to see a challenge with Evelyn Rachel Jillian Tori Kellyanne Brad CT Wes Landon Miz Landon Alton Derek Abe
I honestly don't really care what city they do The Real World in The cast is most likely going to suck.
As far as the challenges this is what I want.
I can see them doing Another Island and Duel and another Ruins(but they have to lose the champions vs challengers thing)
Some new concepts- Mainly Indivitual formats. No more Gauntlets and No more Inferno's I don't know why people are asking for these 2 formats they are done and over with.
Do away with the Fresh Meat completly( I know this won't happen but I'm gonna say it anyway)
Why would you say the cast of the Real World is going to suck? Unless you know something I don't, your making this statement off 0 basis. What as soon as we hit 2009 there are no more worthy cast mates within the 18-24 range?
[QUOTE=hpkhg45;133639]Why would you say the cast of the Real World is going to suck? Unless you know something I don't, your making this statement off 0 basis. [B]What as soon as we hit 2009 there are no more worthy cast mates within the 18-24 range[/B]?[/QUOTE]
No I'm honestly just not that Interested in The Real World as much as I am the challenges and Honeslty the people they cast on The Real World aren't that Great. I mean I still watch the show but I'm not Interested in it like I used to. All they do is cast the same people over and over so apperntly there are no more worthy(Interesting) cast mates they can get in the 18-24 range (and if there are they aren't trying hard enough or they aren't appliying).
I am the exact opposite. I don't even care about the challenges anymore because they're so predictable. I don't even plan on watching the rest of The Ruins. I would much rather watch The Real World than a boring, predictable challenge.