Army Wives

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Anonymous's picture
Thanks OPD, I'm trying, I really am... I was talking about the little trailer at the end of the episode, someone was pointing a gun to their head, couldn't tell if it was Trevor or Jeremy.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=tjhallow;117060]Thanks OPD, I'm trying, I really am... I was talking about the little trailer at the end of the episode, someone was pointing a gun to their head, couldn't tell if it was Trevor or Jeremy.[/QUOTE] Oh goodness I didn't see that part! I'll have to keep an eye out for the preview again.
I agree with OPD; I liked last night's episode. The past 4-5 ones have been better than the earlier episodes this season. tjhallow, I think it was Jeremy with the gun but I'm not sure either. I don't know if he pointed it at his head, but I'm pretty sure he was looking at it and may have aimed it towards himself. I have to watch again; you're probably right though.
Anonymous's picture
Whats going on with Chase? I was going to watch last night, really was, but I got invited out. I couldn't say no to free alcohol ;).
[QUOTE=tjhallow;118893]Whats going on with Chase? I was going to watch last night, really was, but I got invited out. I couldn't say no to free alcohol ;).[/QUOTE] Mine wasn't a new episode.
Anonymous's picture
The next new eppy is next Sunday girls :)
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;118904]The next new eppy is next Sunday girls :)[/QUOTE] Just saw a preview for it. It's Army Wives...wait for it... in the 1940s. Pass.
Anonymous's picture
Ugh god.. Anything interesting happen to Chase? LOL
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=tjhallow;121792]Ugh god.. Anything interesting happen to Chase? LOL[/QUOTE] Chase was beat up pretty bad, and they are saying it's from a helicopter crash. But when Pam was changing his bandages she noticed he has burn marks and what look like whip lashes. It seems as though he was kidnapped and tortured but he won't tell her. He just keeps saying "It was a helicopter crash." Oh, and it was Jeremy's friend killed in Iraq. They were doing a patrol and Jeremy was driving the tank and his buddy was walking next to him, but his feet hurt so he traded places with Jeremy and got in the tank. Then they got hit by a sniper, and he was killed. Oh, and joy of joys (NOT!) Roxy is going to try to have a baby with Trevor. *Insert eye roll here* And yeah, Molds, the 40's episode looks SO stupid. Filler much? Seriously there's only a few episodes left and they have to throw this crap in? Dumb.
Anonymous's picture
Tortured? Thats so sad.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=tjhallow;121794]Tortured? Thats so sad.[/QUOTE] Right! :( Too bad we have to wait an extra week to find out anything since we get this damn 40's episode...
I wanna find out more about what happened with Chase. This 1940's thing looks silly. I mean, sometimes shows do it well but I know One Tree Hill did a 1940's episode last season and I think it was like the worst episode of the whole series, lol. But maybe Army Wives will do it better! I can't decide if I'm gonna watch it tonight or watch the Emmys...I guess I'll see if I'm enjoying the Emmys and if I am then I'll keep that on and watch AW at 11; otherwise I'll watch AW and then finish the Emmys at 11 so I can fast forward through anything I don't wanna see, lol. OPD, do you not like Roxy & Trevor or you just don't like the idea of the baby storyline for them? They're my favorite couple, but I'm not so sure about the baby thing. I guess it'd depend on what/how they write things!
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=Balletshoes;122252] OPD, do you not like Roxy & Trevor or you just don't like the idea of the baby storyline for them? They're my favorite couple, but I'm not so sure about the baby thing. I guess it'd depend on what/how they write things![/QUOTE] Well, TBH they are my least favorite couple, and I usually find Roxy pretty grating at best. So, I feel like if we have to see a pregnant storyline with her it's gonna just be more of her whining. Then again, I could be wrong, or just being a pessimist. :D
I have never watched this show..but the previews make it seem like it would just be constantly depressing. right or wrong?
Anonymous's picture
Just saw on Lifetime that this will start back up in April, that wasn't long at all. I'm gonna try to get back into the show.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;151140]I'm gonna try to get back into the show.[/QUOTE] I was going to try and get back into it, but after reading all the whining you guys have done over the last season I might be better off just leaving it be. :wink2: The first [strike]couple of seasons[/strike] season and a half was great, but it started heading downhill [I]fast[/I] in my opinion (and I cut my losses.)
Anonymous's picture
Your right, I just stopped watching it all together, but from what I read, the last half of the season (which is what I didn't watch), was good.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;151145]I was going to try and get back into it, but after reading all the whining you guys have done over the last season I might be better off just leaving it be. :wink2: The first [strike]couple of seasons[/strike] season and a half was great, but it started heading downhill [I]fast[/I] in my opinion (and I cut my losses.)[/QUOTE] You're right. The first season and a half was great. After that, I gradually started losing interest until I just stopped watching altogether. I don't know if I'm going to give it another shot. Unless the reviews that come in say otherwise...I'm cutting my losses too.
Anonymous's picture
SQUEE!!! I'm so excited it's coming back in April! The last half of this past season was much better than the first, and there was a MAJOR cliffhanger at the end.
Anonymous's picture
Just read the some spoiler in regards to the cliffhangers, not impressed. I'll probably be skipping this season again....
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=tjhallow;163841]Just read the some spoiler in regards to the cliffhangers, not impressed. I'll probably be skipping this season again....[/QUOTE] Where did you find them at? Tell me!!! :D
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;163905]Where did you find them at? Tell me!!! :D[/QUOTE] I read them on TWOP under the army wives thread. It would be in the drama section.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=tjhallow;163914]I read them on TWOP under the army wives thread. It would be in the drama section.[/QUOTE] Oh yeah, I saw those too. Not TOO exciting but at least we know the fate of the two.
Anonymous's picture
If anyone cares... [url][/url]
Anonymous's picture
Anyone still watching this? This week's episode was gut-wrenching. :( I kinda wish it would have been Trevor...
