[quote=tjhallow;106482]Boring episode but I liked Emmalin and Michaels moment.[/quote]
That was a sweet moment. I love Michael. And I'm sure I could've mustered up some excited for Frank and Denise's reconciliation if I didn't find her character the most dispicable, ANNOYING one on the entire show. So that story was lost on me.
Oh, and great teaser making everyone think something was [I]actually[/I] wrong with Finn. So what he's a genious now? I feel robbed.
Oh, and where was Sarah Elizabeth? I need my Sarah Elizabeth fix...
[quote=tjhallow;106620]This season has too many happy endings.[/quote]
Well, more drama would be nice, but I sure don't want people to start croaking left and right! ;)
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;106622]Well, more drama would be nice, but I sure don't want people to start croaking left and right! ;)[/quote]
Well not really death but more actual drama instead of, "OMG MY BAR MIGHT GET SHUT DOWN."
Roxy, nobody cares.
Oh and do people actually get that upset if their kid has a learning disability? Its not like he had down syndrome.
[quote=tjhallow;106625]Well not really death but more actual drama instead of, "OMG MY BAR MIGHT GET SHUT DOWN."
Roxy, nobody cares.[/quote]
UGH!!! Speaking of which...looks like where back to more Roxy-bar-drama from the looks of next week's previews. :sick:
Thought this episode was ok. Second half of the season is getting marginally better than the first.
I really enjoyed watching Joan's story. I understand the whole "pre-deployment weirdness" (as I call it). It's a tough time for everyone involved and it can definitely raise tensions those last few weeks leading up to the longest day ever. Having said that...I do feel bad for her but it was her choice to deploy, and though that is okay, doing it knowingly during her first born's first year of life was maybe not the best call to make. :unknw:
I know I do nothing but spew Denise hate every week, but here I go again. I don't blame Michael at all for his attitude towards her. Frank is his good friend and not everyone forgives at the same pace. I am glad though that he got the job and doesn't have to deploy now. Denise? Well, I'm pretty much ready to see her taken down a notch. It just bothers me that no matter what STUPID **** she does, everything just works out for her.
Now, are we going to have a side story with a country music star every episode hereafter?
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;109883]Well you better hurry up and watch it since I think we're the only two left! ;)[/quote]
See, thats how boring this show was for me. I knew there was something to watch on TV besides Kendra and I completely forgot.
I actually wanted to watch this one, because it is getting a little bit better.
I've been watching, just not commenting since no one else is! ;)
This last episode was good. We finally had a nice little Jeremy side story, which was nice, if it didn't come off as foreshadowing for something that I'm pretty sure is bad. (Seeing as though we hadn't seen or heard anything from him in the last several episodes). The previews for next week make it look like someone is dead. I think they want us to think it's Chase but I have a sinking feeling that it's Jeremy. And you know what? If they do something like this now I will be p-i-s-s-e-d. After a completely lackluster third season I think it'd be really cheap if they suddenly decide to kill someone off at the end (no matter who it is). Maybe it's just the previews screwing with me, but it's not looking good.
And that's all you guys get, since YOU haven't been watching with me! :p
I've been watching, but I totally forgot about this post! I tend to think of Vevmo as the message board to come to for anything Real World or RW/RR Challenges, but I should visit the other forums here more often!
I don't want Chase to be dead! If they killed Frank or Jeremy, I wouldn't really care. Jeremy has never had much of a storyline. I mean, he hit his mom back in early season 1 and then dated Amanda before she died, but otherwise we don't see him too much. And I was getting tired fo the Frank and Denise fighting and getting back together thing, so I'm glad they're at least settled but if he died I wouldn't miss him.
I don't know if they'll actually kill someone tonight though. I'm trying to think...they killed Amanda at the end of season 1 but no major characters died last year that I remember. I thought something mroe serious than Diabetes was going to be wrong with Claudia Joy. Not that diabetes isn't serious, but it's not usually life threatening if you manage it well.
Do you think it's near the end of the season? I'm not sure. Usually it goes until about November, but they haven't had any reruns at all so maybe it'll end earlier; I'm not sure.
Edit: Before posting this I had only read the first few pages and then the most recent 3-ish so I didn't realize you've seen seasons 1 and 2 now! This season isn't bad, but the first two were better.
Oh Balletshoes so glad you're back! :)
This season is getting increasingly better, which is why I fear they'll pull a stunt tonight...but the previews have fooled us before. They showed a close up of the bad-news mobile slowing down in front of someone's house. Maybe it's that guy Jeremy has befriended overseas? I like looking at Jeremy so that's one reason I'd like it not to be him, plus I don't think I can take any more Denise-central story lines...
Futon Critic says there are 18 eps this season, and tonight is #13. So if there are no breaks, the season finale should be on October 4th.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;116875]But I can catch up. [/QUOTE]
I REALLY don't want it to be Chase either...then Pam would have to leave base. I would hope they wouldn't take her from the show. I really like her, when she has storylines that is...
lol yeah, Jeremy isn't bad to look at! I like looking at Trevor more though! And I agree; I don't really want anymore big Denise-centric storylines. I wouldn't want Pamela to leave the base either; I like her too. I miss her radio show though! I guess we'll find out who dies in 35 minutes or less! I'm not sure if you guys are on the east coast though, so I won't spoil it if you're not!
Tuned in to tonight's episode even though I haven't seen one since the accident with Claudia Joy.
All I have to say is WTEFF what a HORRIBLE CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!
[SPOILER]Although it shows what he looks like in the next episode and we know Chase doesn't die :D[/SPOILER]
I was so mad about the cliffhanger!
[SPOILER]But yeah, I guess he's just bruised and stuff. Then she's yelling at him eventually, so he must be fine! I kinda wonder what he lied about though. Like, was it just about where his unit was going, or was it something much bigger?[/SPOILER]
I was also wondering what happened to Lucky the dog! He just kinda disappeared. Not that he needs a storyline or anything, but I thought he might've been laying on the floor with the kids or something.
First things first: Glad Chase is alive. Also, looks like from the previews I'm right about Jeremy's friend in Iraq being the one to bite it. :( I'll write more tomorrow, but I'm tired right now so I'm going to bed!
@Balletshoes: Yeah, where has Lucky been? LoL I don't miss the dog stories though!
[QUOTE=tjhallow;117017]I only seen the second half but I was bored to tears..what is going on with Chase? And did I see Jeremy point a gun to his head?[/QUOTE]
I never saw Jeremy at all...
We don't know what is wrong with Chase. He was supposed to be home 2 weeks ago and so Pam was starting to worry, especially after she ran into one of his comrades at the PX and he had a sling on his arm. She asked him what was going on and if they were home. He told her "We're not back. You didn't see me." So of course she's freaking out. Claudia Joy made a call and found out that some Delta Force guys who had just returned from a mission were being held at the hospital under strict security. Most of them with serious injuries. So that's how Pam ended up staying there until someone let her in.
Anywho, I thought it was a good episode. The Roland and Joan storyline made me giggle because me and my BF both have had food poisoning from oysters and it is NO JOKE! LoL I loved Joan saying "I love this tile. This tile is my friend."
I'm annoyed with the Trevor recruiting storyline, but that's just because I'm mainly annoyed with Trever. And WHO brings their wife on a recruitment dinner when she doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut?! Sorry I know that sounds bad, but that's how it is. You don't get to participate unless you want to talk/act like the army is the greatest thing since sliced bread: ie: "No one gets hurt!" "Everyone comes home!" "Benefits are great!" La di da di da....heh.
I haven't given up yet, TJ, neither should you! ;)