[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYQ19JM_M1g]YouTube - "Jennifer's Body" - Official Trailer [HD HQ][/url]
[B][U]Plot[/U]: [/B]Jennifer Check (Megan Fox) is the sexy, popular captain of the high school cheerleading squad. All of the girls want to be friends with her and all of the boys want to have sex with her. Jennifer's friend since childhood, Anita "Needy" Lesnicky (Amanda Seyfried), is a nerdy, substantially less popular, "plain jane" student. Jennifer ends up as the sacrifice in a Satanic ritual, held by the evil leader of a Devil-worshiping rock band (Adam Brody), hoping that the sacrifice will appease their corrupt idol into giving them success. The ritual goes in a different direction, however, causing Jennifer to get possessed by a demon and start feeding off of the boys in her high school—first seducing them to get close, and then consuming them in a manner similar to that of a Man-Eating Demon or that of a Succubus. It becomes Anita's goal to stop Jennifer from killing more of her classmates.
Anyone planning on seeing it this Friday?