Jennifer's Body

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Jennifer's Body
[url=]YouTube - "Jennifer's Body" - Official Trailer [HD HQ][/url] [B][U]Plot[/U]: [/B]Jennifer Check (Megan Fox) is the sexy, popular captain of the high school cheerleading squad. All of the girls want to be friends with her and all of the boys want to have sex with her. Jennifer's friend since childhood, Anita "Needy" Lesnicky (Amanda Seyfried), is a nerdy, substantially less popular, "plain jane" student. Jennifer ends up as the sacrifice in a Satanic ritual, held by the evil leader of a Devil-worshiping rock band (Adam Brody), hoping that the sacrifice will appease their corrupt idol into giving them success. The ritual goes in a different direction, however, causing Jennifer to get possessed by a demon and start feeding off of the boys in her high school—first seducing them to get close, and then consuming them in a manner similar to that of a Man-Eating Demon or that of a Succubus. It becomes Anita's goal to stop Jennifer from killing more of her classmates. Anyone planning on seeing it this Friday?
I'm a big Megan Fox fan :D. The trailer looks good and the plot seems interesting, so I'll probably go check it out.
[QUOTE=dplayer18;120815]I'm a big Megan Fox fan :D. The trailer looks good and the plot seems interesting, so I'll probably go check it out.[/QUOTE]Yeah it is very interesting. I probably will give it a shot as well.
See I am torn. I like Amanda Seyfried and I like Diablo Cody. I even usually like slasher films. But I HATE Megan Fox. Cannot stand her. I just don't think I could put up with her for a whole movie. Blech. I'll probably Netflix it in a few months...
This definitely seems like a "wait til it comes out [strike]illegally pirated[/strike] on DVD" movie for me.
Actually this does seem like it might be an interesting film to watch. Plus it has Megan Fox in it and I have to admit I really do like her lol
This looks like an epic phail.
[QUOTE=Gucci Mane;120893]This looks like an epic phail.[/QUOTE] Phail? Really? That's failure in itself.
Anonymous's picture
[QUOTE=GoldenWarrior;120841]Actually this does seem like it might be an interesting film to watch. Plus it has Megan Fox in it and I have to admit I really do like her lol[/QUOTE] Oh GW, always Mr. positive. LOL.
[QUOTE=molds13;120900]Phail? Really? That's failure in itself.[/QUOTE] How so? That I intentionally mispronounced it? Anyway, I just don't see the intrigue about this movie. Whenever it plays in the movie theatre, everyone just goes "omg she's so hot!!!". That's about it...
Saw it last night...was [URL=""]mildly disappointed[/URL]. It should've either been scarier or more campy. I was expecting some pretty crazy extremes, and it just failed to go there. Which is sad. This movie had so much more potential!