The Ruins: Evan Starkman - MTV

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The Ruins: Evan Starkman - MTV
[URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [SIZE=3][B] Evan Starkman Fresh Meat[/B] A cocky Canadian, Evan is a sweet-talking flirt whose bigger-than-life personality wins over friends easily. He's also a strong athlete who is an attractive alliance partner by just about anyone who is in the Challenge. Evan was the winner of the previous challenge The Duel 2. In Thailand, this aggressive competitor will be trying to do just one thing: win. Will he survive The Ruins? Challenges: Fresh Meat, The Duel, The Gauntlet 3, The Duel 2, The Ruins Ithica, New York[/SIZE]
Evan was my favorite on Duel 2. This challenge I think he will also be one of the top competitors.
Oddly enough, I liked him last season. Maybe it was the Ken-factor that was missing. I guess it's a hello to old rubbish this go-around.
Anonymous's picture
He is pretty funny but I don't want him to win.
Though it says he is a cocky canadian, he has the stats to back it up. Went into the Duel in the DUel 2, and won 4 times. I think his record for eliminations is 5-1 if Im not mistaken right now, with his only loss coming in the duel 1. I think he'll excel at this challenge.
Anonymous's picture
I hate when the winners of the previous challenge return to do the one right after
[QUOTE=rey2pokey;114157]I hate when the winners of the previous challenge return to do the one right after[/QUOTE] What if it was the producers that wanted him back? I think it would be interesting if he won two back-to-back.
I think it would be annoying...
Anonymous's picture
Heck yes, I would hate to do a challenge with someone who has won already.
[QUOTE=rey2pokey;114271]Heck yes, I would hate to do a challenge with someone who has won already.[/QUOTE] So does that mean Landon, Coral, Derrick, Ev, Katie, and so many others are not allowed to do a challenge because they've won? I really think you all would be singing a different song if it wasn't a FM person or someone else you might enjoy a little more.
Anonymous's picture
No let me make my self more clear I wouldn't want to do a challenge with anyone who has won the previous challenge.
He was tolerable in The Duel 2, at least. But i'll bet being with Kenny again in this one will make him annoying again. Maybe it's doing the shows with Kenny that makes him that way, if that's the problem then i hope that in the future, Evan does more Challenges WITHOUT Kenny than with him.
[QUOTE=Francid;114297]He was tolerable in The Duel 2, at least. But i'll bet being with Kenny again in this one will make him annoying again. Maybe it's doing the shows with Kenny that makes him that way, if that's the problem then i hope that in the future, Evan does more Challenges WITHOUT Kenny than with him.[/QUOTE] I find Kenny way more tolerable than Evan. Kenny is actually pretty funny, i think Evan tries to hard. One of my favorite challenge moments was when Kenny voted himself into exile on fresh meat.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;114182]I think it would be annoying...[/QUOTE] I agree and as much as I <3 Evan (and really, I do. I remain in the minority group around here) I think that winning two in a row is annoying and if such were to happen I hope to the man-or-woman-boss in the clouds that the third challenge would not feature Evan on it.
I'd rather them keep bringing back somebody like Evan who can provide humor from time to time and can actually compete at a high level in the challenges than people like Coral, Katie, and Beth who haven't brought anything new to the table in about 4 years and get blown out at challenges and come up with lame excuses to cop out and quit because their bite can't match their bark.
Anonymous's picture
wow that is an opinion LOL
I would NEVER rather Evan over Coral, Katie, or Beth. They are very entertaining when they don't even try to be. Evan tries far too hard.
Evan brought most of the entertainment on Duel 2. I really don't mind someone coming back right after they have won but it may get annoying depending on how they are on the challenge. I don't think it was annoying when Darrell and Veronica won 2 challenges back to back.
Katie hasn't done anything entertaining on TV since the first Inferno when she got into it with Veronica. Other than that, she's been there stinking up missions, talking big, and getting sent home all the time. Coral and Beth, again, they haven't brought anything new or exciting to the table in years; moreso Coral. At least Beth can get people riled up and bring out the darkside in some people which provides for good TV. Coral is just constantly running her mouth and backs it up about 20% of the time. She lost any credibility she had on Gauntlet 3 when she talked a big game and then quit because "she didn't want to be on a team where they didn't play by the rules." She is a coward and a hypocrite and she proves it time and time again. When she was with the "in crowd" in her early challenge years, it was ok for her to get people like Matt, Trishelle, and Julie sent into eliminations for no real legit reason other than she disliked them, but when other people did it to her, all of the sudden it's wrong? Give me a break. Her trying to go back to being a badass & ranting and raving on the reunion show was laughable as well.
They make the challenges more entertaining. I'd rather watch Coral, Katie and Beth be hilarious and crazy than listen to Brad talk about "giving it 110% cuz that's all you can do" or watch Dunbar **** and moan. Evan tries to be entertaining but it comes off as trying WAY too hard. He was funny in Fresh Meat because he had Coral to feed off of. Coral has always run her mouth on these challenges, that's why she kept getting invited back. She makes it to the end because she knows how to play the game, but in all honesty I don't think people were ever THAT scared of her to vote her into an elimination round. When she head they were voting her in against Evelyn, she had every right to be scared because if anyone gets voted in by their OWN TEAM against Evelyn, it's pretty much subtly saying, "We don't need you. We want you to go home." I also don't think that she got "carried" by Evan on FM because, even though Evan is strong, it still takes two to tango as Wes and Casey proved. She obviously isn't on the same playing field as, say, Evelyn or Rachel (which females are?) but she's definitely up there with the top girls. I think that she could have held her own against almost everyone in the Duel 2 excluding Rachel and maybe Aneesa. Also, all of the people she disliked WERE really annoying.
So it's ok for Coral to send people home that she thinks are annoying, but when her team wants to send her home because they don't like her and because she argued with everybody, it's wrong? Matt and Trishelle were contributing more to their teams than Coral was on the seasons where she got them sent home, and a case can be made for Julie as well. The only reason Katie and Beth are ever "entertaining" is because other people put them in that position when they plot to get rid of them because they're bad. Other than that, you can't even tell they're there both in the challenges and outside the challenges. They can keep bringing people like that back though if they want because I enjoy seeing people who talk a big game get exposed as chumps and sent home with their tale between their legs... their true colors exposed for all to see.
It's okay for her team to want to send her home, but I saw where she was coming from in the sense that she didn't like that they lied about it, even the people who were her "friends". Their reasoning was also stupid in that the guys wanted to send home all of the female "headaches" they had, which is also stupid because they were willing to keep Casey over Coral when there's really no contest between who's the better competitor.
They meant headache in the sense that they would do nothing but cause arguments and drama, which is what Coral is all about and what Casey isn't. Casey is much more of a team player than Coral is. Anybody who has been part of a competitive team would much rather have somebody like Casey who will do what they're told and understands their role and doesn't put up a fuss over somebody like Coral who overestimates themselves and has an attitude problem.
[QUOTE=behindme;114492]It's okay for her team to want to send her home, but I saw where she was coming from in the sense that she didn't like that they lied about it, even the people who were her "friends". Their reasoning was also stupid in that the guys wanted to send home all of the female "headaches" they had, which is also stupid because they were willing to keep Casey over Coral when there's really no contest between who's the better competitor.[/QUOTE] I agree with everything you said. They didn't like being lied to, they didn't like that they guys were actually throwing missions to get rid of them, they didn't like that it was a guys vs. girls thing, and they didn't like that it was people who they were/had been friends with who were plotting to get rid of them. And Evan, Kenny, Ev, CT, and others ended up causing the drama on the team with their throwing missions and plotting against people and lying to them and overlooking people who could slow them down. And then how they treated Eric at the end was atrocious and didn't help the team. And it's funny how they talked about how certain people were drama, and those people weren't being shown doing anything wrong. Anyway, about this challenge and Evan - I guess I expect him and Kenny and John to once again do what they've done on previous challenges and go about things in the most jerky way possible. I'd like to be proven wrong, though. I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to make it to the end and having friends on your side. It's just seeing how things are gone about. Evan seemed to feel pressured about being the person in charge of the alliance on Duel 2, so let's see if he has a better control on things this time or lets, say, Kenny take the main charge (while still being a crucial part of the alliance).
Lol this is hilarious, you know, Veronica and company on the RR team on the first Inferno throwing missions to get rid of Katie, and wanting to get rid of Tonya on I2 makes her a queen of the challenges and how she is such an awesome player and knows how to play the game and everybody loves her. But Evan and CT and others on G3 doing the same exact thing, and they're bad guys.
[QUOTE=faceless;114510]Lol this is hilarious, you know, Veronica and company on the RR team on the first Inferno throwing missions to get rid of Katie, and wanting to get rid of Tonya on I2 makes her a queen of the challenges and how she is such an awesome player and knows how to play the game and everybody loves her. But Evan and CT and others on G3 doing the same exact thing, and they're bad guys.[/QUOTE] What makes you think everyone loves Veronica? I thought Veronica and co were nasty for that as well, and so did so many other people. Before FM people and CT and all came around, Veronica like the number one person people thought was horrible. That's why Veronica is seen as a villain. I think she makes for entertaining drama (like who will not like her or go off on her or whatever), but I am usually against her! Might be different this time depending on who does what. But Evan and CT and Kenny and others bothered me more because of the way they did things. To me it was extra nasty because they took on a guys vs. girl tone and were lying. They said extra nasty stuff about people as well (though they probably thought it was funny and most people would agree with them). But that doesn't change the fact that I've disliked when other people have done stuff like that, too.
[QUOTE=RW561015;114511]What makes you think everyone loves Veronica? I thought Veronica and co were nasty for that as well, and so did so many other people. Before FM people and CT and all came around, Veronica like the number one person people thought was horrible. That's why Veronica is seen as a villain. I think she makes for entertaining drama (like who will not like her or go off on her or whatever), but I am usually against her! Might be different this time depending on who does what. But Evan and CT and Kenny and others bothered me more because of the way they did things. To me it was extra nasty because they took on a guys vs. girl tone and were lying. They said extra nasty stuff about people as well (though they probably thought it was funny and most people would agree with them).[/QUOTE] Almost everyone has expressed their love and excitement to have Veronica back and are all "OMG V IS BACK YAY!" when really, she does the exact same thing as the people all of her fans hate. I don't think what RR team on I1 and guys on G3 did was all that bad. If I was on a team with some few people holding my team back, yes I would want them out. So while Evan isn't my favorite person, he does a good job at doing what he has to do. Unless it's climb a rope and put a puzzle together against CT and making sure a weak male gets sent home on his team.
I think for some people it's about who they perceive as the lesser of two evils and about an "at least we have another old school person/person from the glory days of the challenge" thing. For me it kind of is like that with some people. Like I haven't cared too much for Tonya since early on in BOTS2, but I'd prefer to see her over some of the others they've gotten or could have got, I guess. Veronica once again is not someone who I love as a person and root for (except when I felt she was done wrong), but is more interesting to me than some others, or she doesn't necessarily bug me as much compared to some people. It's interesting seeing how people deal with her and react to her as well. During the middle and near the end of Duel 2, Evan actually had a period of time in which I kind of felt neutral on him. But then he went bugged out on Brittini and the annoyance was back. I did like him OK on Fresh Meat. I think with a lot of the castmembers (RW or RR or FM), they come across better on their earliest challenge and come across worse the more they are ingrained into the challenge world.
Meh. I don't care for Evan.
Anonymous's picture
Evan is shooting reality obsessed, whatever that is.
[QUOTE=tjhallow;126519]Evan is shooting reality obsessed, whatever that is.[/QUOTE] [url=]Let me google that for you[/url]
