Big Brother 11: Ep. 12 - Discussion

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Haha, busted again.
I think it's hilarious how Ronnie keeps insulting everyone's intelligence.
It looks like the tide has really turned against Russ. It is not looking good for him next week.
I think he'll be fine. He has Jeff, Jordan, and Michele on his side.
Blah, Blah, that was sooo predictable. I was not even slightly convinced that Michelle would use the veto, even after all that creative editing with Chima. Anyway, Ronnie is as good as gone.
[QUOTE=Wilderwolf;107263]I think he'll be fine. He has Jeff, Jordan, and Michele on his side.[/QUOTE] But, he is at the bottom of that ladder so if the Jesse side of the house wins HOH and puts two up - he is in trouble.
"Ronnie, I would like to give you the chance to lie, I mean speak, first." Gotta give props to Michele for that one, lol
[QUOTE=ssseeeaaann;107267]"Ronnie, I would like to give you the chance to lie, I mean speak, first."[/QUOTE] The line was good. The delivery sucked. :D
[quote=Bacchus;107269]The line was good. The delivery sucked. :D[/quote] Still that was pretty sweet. And WOW Michelle looked good tonight...haha Ronnie definitely has fell out of grace with alot of the house and probably will go home this Thursday. He basically did it to himself though.
[quote=Bacchus;107269]The line was good. The delivery sucked. :D[/quote]Agreed, but I did LOL. She has hosted the past 2 veto ceremonies right down to the script and even though the delivery was lackluster, the fact that she added that in made me laugh regardless.
When Michelles photos were forst released I never thought that I would be attracted to her. I am.
[quote=Bacchus;107246]My dream move would be a Natalie backdoor... She just irks the hell out of me and is the average no-game floater.[/quote] [COLOR=magenta][B][I]I agree!! I can not stand Natalie either. They need to get rid of her along with Ronnie![/I][/B][/COLOR]
Look who decided to wake up and start playing the game! KUDOS MICHELLE! ;) Here is the formula for an amazing season! (Michelle + Russell) + (Jeff + Jordan) = Awesomeness. Yup. Let's make it happen. Ronnie - Peace out man! Next week: Let's break up Jessie and his lap dog by sending Nat home!
I'm impressed that Michelle won POV twice in a row. I think she might have a target on her back soon.
Jeff and Jordan were practically invisable this episode.
I want Jessie to go home before Natalie just because I want to see her run around like a lost little puppy without him. haha
[quote=Wilderwolf;107364]I want Jessie to go home before Natalie just because I want to see her run around like a lost little puppy without him. haha[/quote] I know, right? Watching her scurry around like Michelle and Ollie last season would be golden.
Anonymous's picture
Bacchus, are you not liking this season darling?
I got the impression that B was loving every moment of this season.
Nothing is happening. I don't really like anyone. The episodes are so predictable I end up tuning out to the ridiculous storylines they try to sell in the edits. Even though Jeff and Jordan are, I guess, likable. I could care less if they win or not. So there is no one to pull for, lots of people to hate (which improves the odds of the "wrong side" winning each week) and nothing to look forward to at all. I hate this season, but as a show loyalist will end up watching until the end. In my opinion this was a casting disaster.
I don't enjoy this season so much either. I dislike Ronnie a lot. I have a mutual dislike for Ronnie/Jesse and Natalie. But Ronnie deserves to be out, not for his lack of gameplay, but for the type of person he is. Weird and annoying and a pathelogical liar. Maybe if he just shut up and didn't have weird mannerisms (and possibly didn't get the "Legally Blonde" soundtrack) I wouldn't find him cringe worthy. But the guy lost major points.
I don't think this week was predictable. I expected Russel to stick with the atheletes.
Did anyone else LOL when Jessie was talking about Russel and Michele weren't Interesting?
[quote=Bacchus;107264]Blah, Blah, that was sooo predictable. I was not even slightly convinced that Michelle would use the veto, even after all that creative editing with Chima. [B]Anyway, Ronnie is as good as gone[/B].[/quote] Which is a good thing.
[quote=Debut Album;107550]Did anyone else LOL when Jessie was talking about Russel and Michele weren't Interesting?[/quote] It's sad because Jessie isn't interesting at all. Michele is more interesing then he is. Was anyone getting annoyed when he was doing those poses during the veto challenge? They should kick him out of the house for the annoyance factor!
Yeah "Jessius" was definitely annoying during POV.
I wanted to punch him. I hope people laugh at him when he walks out of the house! or mock him with that pose!
