Big Brother 11: Ep. 12 - Discussion

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Big Brother 11: Ep. 12 - Discussion
[B][SIZE=3]Who will win The Power Of Veto, and will he/she use it to save either Ronnie or Lydia from eviction?[/SIZE][/B]
Are you READY? I am ready for Thursday already if Ronnie stays on the block and doesn't win the veto.
I heard that the POV is going to have a hilarious speech! Can't wait! I think that this season will be remembered for the speeches.
[quote=salt&vinegar;107176]I heard that the POV is going to have a hilarious speech! Can't wait! I think that this season will be remembered for the speeches.[/quote] So true. Casey delivered a truly memorable one and Russel didn't do too bad with Ronnie....I think the season might just turn around.
I'm not looking to be wowed tonight...
:( Casey. I miss that giant banana.
I will admit that the speeches have been great this season. Definitely the highlight. I want Lydia to go. I personally feel Ronnie still offers some entertainment value. (Although I know this is not the popular view.)
Ronnie does not entertanin me. Only disgusts.
Hey guys!! I just love big brother and had to be apart of this. ITs good to talk about other reality shows besides my own...hehe!! Ok...Ronnie... I cant stand him... I am so happy that he is up for eviction!! Lydia... OK i like her at times, I just hate to see her throw herself on Jesse and he really is into Natalie(cause ive done that myself on national tv). But I love her make up always OMG CHima and RUSSEL are they flirting!!! GET IT!!! hehehe!!! thanks for letting me join in guys!!
I'd rather see ROnnie stay. If he would get eliminated close to the finale, that would crack me up soooo much. :)
Wow Russell has really been going up in points in my eyes lately.
Jasmine, please never compare yourself to Lydia. You are much less annoying....and ******!
Hey Jasmine! Yeah I'm sure it'd be nice to talk about other shows haha. I agree with you on all your points. I love Lydias make up.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;107216]Jasmine, please never compare yourself to Lydia. You are much less annoying....[B]and *************] Lydia is horrible. BTW: It really bothers me that Natalie is always wearing ASU gear. I think I am going to burn mine, lol.
Agree with Jasmine! CAN'T STAND RONNIE! Russell has to be stupid not to gun for him*
If I had gone there I would put mine in my dogs crate instead of newspaper.
[quote=longisland09;107220]Agree with Jasmine! CAN'T STAND RONNIE! Russell has to be stupid not to gun for him*[/quote] I guess I can agree that it is in Russell's best interest to get rid of Ronnie.
It would be in everyones best interest to get rid of him. If he makes it jury I am afraid they would put him on All-Stars!
Hmm, I think Jessie would be better off throwing the competition than winning and taking Ronnie off the block. It would be a bad game move to use the veto.
[QUOTE=salt&vinegar;107223]It would be in everyones best interest to get rid of him. If he makes it jury I am afraid they would put him on All-Stars![/QUOTE] See, I don't dislike him that much. Actually, Jesse/Russell/Natalie/Lydia are well ahead of him in my book of dislike.
You just know Jessie got a hard on over the outfit. Thank God for all those reflective windows!
The only people that I don't dislike this season are Jordan, Kevin, Jeff, Michelle, Braden, Casey, and Laura
Ronnie...needs to go ASAP!!! he better not win this VETO
[QUOTE=Jasmine;107211]Hey guys!! I just love big brother and had to be apart of this. ITs good to talk about other reality shows besides my own...hehe!! Ok...Ronnie... I cant stand him... I am so happy that he is up for eviction!! Lydia... OK i like her at times, I just hate to see her throw herself on Jesse and he really is into Natalie(cause ive done that myself on national tv). But I love her make up always OMG CHima and RUSSEL are they flirting!!! GET IT!!! hehehe!!! thanks for letting me join in guys!![/QUOTE] Ronnie is a jerk and I'm happy he up for eviction too. Jasmine, I'm really glad you're a fan of Big Brother! Feel free to join in with us for often :).
If he won veto I would trow my remote at the tv! I think I get a little to into this! haha! Jasmine who was your fav last season?
Michelle, Michelle. I wonder if she will use it.
OMG. Russell would've won if he stayed on the belt buckle one.
Good, I like Michele.
My dream move would be a Natalie backdoor... She just irks the hell out of me and is the average no-game floater.
Ronnie, you should really stop talking. Seriously. That would be your best move at this point, lol.
ahahaha Ronnie thinks he's all that and the master at this game by threatening Michele saying she'd be out next. I love confident people that have nothing to back up their confidence.
