So You Think You Can Dance: Season 5

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I will say there are more memorable guys in the Top 20, because I think we saw more of them.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;81580] Oh and I just saw that Evan is from Bloomfield Hills![/QUOTE] Heck yeah! I saw that at the beginning of the season. Another Michigander to cheer for!!
I just like Asuka and Brandonl Screw everyone else. lol.
I like Asuka too, but Paris is an early favorite. I think I just really liked her tryout.
Im in absolute love with Tony already!
Which one is he?
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Zachary;82016]Which one is he?[/quote] You could find that out by clicking on the link a few posts above...
[QUOTE=Zachary;82016]Which one is he?[/QUOTE] Tony is the guy that did the dance with the pictures of Nigel.
Anonymous's picture
I'll post this because I think it's hilarious...You're welcome, Zachary :) [url=]YouTube - Hip Hop Dancer - Tony Bellissimo (Vegas Week)[/url]
I like Tony, and I think he is an early favorite.
[QUOTE=Dartagnan;82032]I like Tony, and I think he is an early favorite.[/QUOTE] He is sooo cute. His facebook wall is already filled with tons of comments.
I think he has some quirkiness to him that will help him out.
Top 20 perform tonight! I'm excited to see who's paired up with who.
Who the hell are these people? I don't remember half of them.
[quote=molds13;83268]Who the hell are these people? I don't remember half of them.[/quote] Exactly! That was my big problem with the Top 20. They showcased barely half of them. I really feel that gives some dancers a much bigger head start over others. I am excited to see the pairings tonight also!
GREAT start!
Ok how cute is Jonathan? I just want to pinch his cheeks! Plus his eyes are gorgeous. Thank goodness I know everyone is legal on this show since you have to be 18, so I don't feel like as big of a creeper as I do with my new Twilight crush.
Tater are you still in NH? I don't want to do my play-by-play if you don't want to be spoiled :D
It seems so early in the season for Mary to be this excited! My dad was in the kitchen a few minutes ago when she was screaming about someone and he was like, "What are you watching? Who is screaming and why?" haha, I guess I'm kinda used to her by now.
[quote=molds13;83306]Tater are you still in NH? I don't want to do my play-by-play if you don't want to be spoiled :D[/quote] Yup yup!! Until Saturday, so play-by-play away :)
[quote=Balletshoes;83309]It seems so early in the season for Mary to be this excited! My dad was in the kitchen a few minutes ago when she was screaming about someone and he was like, "What are you watching? Who is screaming and why?" haha, I guess I'm kinda used to her by now.[/quote] Haha my dad just did the same thing and said someone needs to slip her something so she will take it down a notch. I think I have become accustomed to her also. I had to mute her when I first started watching!
[QUOTE=Balletshoes;83309]It seems so early in the season for Mary to be this excited! My dad was in the kitchen a few minutes ago when she was screaming about someone and he was like, "What are you watching? Who is screaming and why?" haha, I guess I'm kinda used to her by now.[/QUOTE] My mom is like "who the hell is that woman?" I've really liked the pairings thus far. I was wondering who they were gonna pair Evan with since he's the shortest guy, but I think he and Randi make a good pairing. Their dance was great! This Wade Robson (drool) routine is um...interesting. They pulled it off though, and seemed to be very in sync. I do have to say I'm really surprised with Caitlin and Phillip. Even though hip hop is his "thing", I think Phillip did really well with a more dancing hip-hop number. And his partner was amazing as well! And Caitlin's Bollywood...wowza! Her and Jason were fabulous. And Brandon...holy crap lift at the end!
They have done a nice job with the pairings so far. I don't feel like any pair has been awkward together so far which is good. All I can think whenever I see Wade is about the Britney/Justin triangle scandal and how he choreographed everything NSync before he allegedly broke those two up. It was harder for me to look past the costuming for these guys to see the dancing so I think that may hurt them. But I really like Kupono so I hope it doesn't hurt him too badly.
She's 29?!? Certainly doesn't look it. I am all for the numbers with the unbuttoned shirts!
I am all for numbers that use Richard Marx! haha She totally doesn't look 29! Good for her I thought they did great.
Newist Momism: "She sounds like she's been run through a barbed wire fence."
"I don't think anyone's seen how good you are yet" Umm yeah...because you focused on the same 5 people during auditions.
Wow wow wow wow wow. Tonight was a great start to their season! I liked most of the routines (except for Asuka-Vitolio) and they all brought it! Next Momism: "Wow, she has no class, does she?" She looooooooooves Mary Murphy.
[quote=molds13;83327]"I don't think anyone's seen how good you are yet" Umm yeah...because you focused on the same 5 people during auditions.[/quote] I feel like Nigel has had to mention something along those lines with EVERY couple. Either the judges really freaked out during Vegas week and totally threw off the editors, which I could see, or they just didn't care to give backstory to the finalists. Not really sure how the time line works and how long ago Vegas week really was, but they should have done a better job at highlighting people.
Tonight was a great start! I am going with Paris/Tony, Asuka/Vitolo and Kupono/Ashley in the bottom tomorrow.
