The Island Reunion Episode

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[QUOTE=faceless;37675] [B]Kelly anne was awesome to watch, but I think it started getting too much. Like when she started getting mad at Johanna. Johanna didn't even say anything mean to KA.[/B] [/QUOTE] If you had read an earlier post from me, [QUOTE]The producer of the reunion is very close friends with both Wes and Johanna. I suspect they did not show the really heated comments between Kelly Anne and Johanna for that reason.[/QUOTE] you would realize that the editing took much out from what actually happened. There is also a comment in the reunion spoiler thread about this segment of the live reunion show written by someone who was there.
This host was defiantly better than the last one, the reunion was good
[quote=da1whoknew18;37684]This host was defiantly better than the last one, the reunion was good[/quote] This was definitely an upgrade over the last MTV reunion I saw, but in general reality TV reunions aren't very good. I thought the host was decent; he obviously wasn't a super-fan but he didn't butcher anyone's name, so that's an improvement. I was disappointed in Johnny mostly...I HATE it when people try to apologize without really apologizing! Everytime he got called out, he was quick to blame it on something like "the rough conditions" and "unflattering editing." SERIOUSLY?! Take responsibility for your actions! Paula was so incredibly annoying I almost changed the channel! And then that flippant comment she made about wanting to hook up with Dunbar on camera because it would've made good TV made my jaw drop. Kelly Anne may not have been *that* drunk, but the flailing arms and odd hand formations were weird and oddly uncomfortable to watch. Overall, as with the actual show, the reunion felt like it was missing someone. Like the producers forgot to cast the crucial cast member to give the show the spice it needed.
[quote=meonlyme25;37685]And then that flippant comment she made about wanting to hook up with Dunbar on camera because it would've made good TV made my jaw drop.[/quote] She was definitely being a "good girl" in keeping what I am sure was Dunbar's story back home in tact. That way on the next bar gig that they do Dunbar will know she can be trusted with, um....secrets. ;)
[quote=hiphopanonymous;37677]That poem just solidifies how awesome Colie is. I love her witty sense of humor.[/quote] Colie, My Colie how your words do flow. Years of cards and letters could I show. Im glad you came out with that witty poem. Because now I know with MTV you are done MOM
[QUOTE=Jimmy;37687] MOM[/QUOTE] :yahoo:
[quote=Bacchus;37686]She was definitely being a "good girl" in keeping what I am sure was Dunbar's story back home in tact. That way on the next bar gig that they do Dunbar will know she can be trusted with, um....secrets. ;)[/quote] So does she actually have a thing for him, or does she just want more camera time?
[quote=meonlyme25;37692]So does she actually have a thing for him, or does she just want more camera time?[/quote] I think she just enjoys the benefits that come with going to gigs with him...
Anonymous's picture
[quote=kmvbs8;37553]paula is such a ****. what kindof girl goes after a guy with a girlfriend? so low.[/quote] I know someone else! Oh, Ashli.....
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;37699]I know someone else! Oh, Ashli.....[/quote] lol!
Anonymous's picture
[quote=ColiesMom;37687]Colie, My Colie how your words do flow. Years of cards and letters could I show. Im glad you came out with that witty poem. Because now I know with MTV you are done MOM[/quote] OMG that's it. I now officially love Colie and her Mom. That is awesome! :girl_dance:
Is that her real mom?
[quote=meonlyme25;37704]Is that her real mom?[/quote] YES..Bacchus and V1man checked my ID
Anonymous's picture
[quote=meonlyme25;37704]Is that her real mom?[/quote] LoL Mom's don't lie!!!
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;37706]LoL Mom's don't lie!!![/quote] Oh, okay, I understand now! I wasn't sure what was going on because I didn't realize cast members' parents post on here (I'm still relatively new.)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=meonlyme25;37709]I'm so confused! :unknw:[/quote] About what?
Okay I have to admit this actually got down right amusing at times especially KellyAnne but it seemed to focus on "Paula got screwed" more than I would have liked. The new host wasn't that bad either.
Hahah Oh Colie what a joy! Thats my girl from Bowlmar- I think she should have been there- She is very funny and talkative! Ev looked amazing... I guess the visor isnt attached to her head! I found the reunion show a little boring- and the host wasnt so great, has anyone ever heard of him... They used to have really good hosts- but they have been lacking lately. I just think kellyanne was funny and if anyone saw them drinking on stage (I forgot but someone had a bottle at one point) its filled with alcohol. The entire green room is filled with alcohol and so are the clear bottles! It's a game, I do think Johnny was mean and screwed over Paula, but it's a game.
[QUOTE=Shimbo;37718]Hahah Oh Colie what a joy! Thats my girl from Bowlmar- I think she should have been there- She is very funny and talkative! Ev looked amazing... I guess the visor isnt attached to her head! I found the reunion show a little boring- and the host wasnt so great, has anyone ever heard of him... They used to have really good hosts- but they have been lacking lately. I just think kellyanne was funny and if anyone saw them drinking on stage (I forgot but someone had a bottle at one point) its filled with alcohol. The entire green room is filled with alcohol and so are the clear bottles! It's a game, I do think Johnny was mean and screwed over Paula, but it's a game.[/QUOTE] I agree with you about Evelyn. She actually not only came out of the show with money but she earned the respect of most of the cast and established two new friendships with Kelly Anne and Rachel. I've been in the Green Room for several reunion shows and I've never seen liquor provided by MTV. There are just too many people under 21 around for their insurance carrier or Viacom legal to be OK with it. Do cast members bring a little something with them? Yes, it's been known to happen. You do have to be careful to pick up your own water bottle if you put it down in the green room because I remember picking up CT's by mistake once. It was a little after noon, but I wasn't ready for straight Stoli.
[quote=V1man;37726]I've been in the Green Room for several reunion shows and I've never seen liquor provided by MTV. There are just too many people under 21 around for their insurance carrier or Viacom legal to be OK with it. Do cast members bring a little something with them? Yes, it's been known to happen.[/quote]
[QUOTE=Shimbo;37736]I have been in the green room before, as well... for 2 reunion shows, and I have seen bottles there, but thanks for clarifying that MTV does not provide it... I guess the cast provides the "goodies" and share[/QUOTE] Did we meet at the Inferno 2 reunion? The alcohol definitely was cast provided this time. I've just confirmed it with one of the cast. *** FYI, to everyone: We are going to be updating our Island interviews with Evelyn and Johanna, so be sure to PM me any questions you think those two should have answered last night.
Anonymous's picture
I loled at the poems and colie is done with mtv? :sadness: just when I got to love her sense of humor
is it true that kenny hooked up with trisha and shauvon, as robin mentioned on the mtv site?
[QUOTE=Bombshell;37740]is it true that kenny hooked up with trisha and shauvon, as robin mentioned on the mtv site?[/QUOTE] Kenny's list of cast members is pretty long. Yes to Trisha and, of course, Robin. One of our members knows of an interesting story about Kenny and Shauvon. Maybe she will want to share. I'll just say that Shauvon was definitely the aggressor.
I read a lot that vevmo people don't like paula. So... Who do you like? (I'm talking people that were in this challenge, but have in mind the participation in another reality shows) Tell me who is your favourite girl and boy (I personally like Johanna and I'm still deciding the boy - none of them is good enough :P)
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Allie;37747]I read a lot that vevmo people don't like paula. So... Who do you like? (I'm talking people that were in this challenge, but have in mind the participation in another reality shows) Tell me who is your favourite girl and boy (I personally like Johanna and I'm still deciding the boy - none of them is good enough :P)[/quote] On this challenge? I'd say Eve was the favorite girl for me. Derrick was my favorite, but he really disappointed me in this challenge. He's always been my favorite though. Even from his season.
I say Ev, Jenn, KellyAnne, Rachel, and Tonya were all favorites of mine, but Colie and Ashli were definitely cool too. Colie done?:weep: Guys, it is hard but if i had to pick it would be Ryan, up until he took KellyAnne's key. [quote]I agree with you about Evelyn. She actually not only came out of the show with money but she earned the respect of most of the cast and established two new friendships with Kelly Anne and Rachel. [/quote] Yeah, she has now earned respect with many viewers too. I have noticed that she made a new friendship with Rachel. Jenn, Rachel, Ryan, Ev, and KellyAnne all seem to be close after this.
[quote=Dartagnan;37751]I say Ev, Jenn, KellyAnne, Rachel, and Tonya were all favorites of mine, but Colie and Ashli were definitely cool too.[/quote] Well, I don't like KellyAnne and Ashli for what they did to Parisa in RW: Sidney (I say to take in consideration previous performances...)
[quote=Allie;37754]Well, I don't like KellyAnne and Ashli for what they did to Parisa in RW: Sidney (I say to take in consideration previous performances...)[/quote] I hated them for that and I still like Parisa more, but I am pretty sure they apologized and I know Parisa and Ashli are great friends. I only give one more chance though, so if they mess up again... Also, this episode focused too much on Paula being screwed and not enough overall.
I thought Ev complained way too much. I mean she's still whining about getting her feelings hurt by people she wasn't friends with? Really? Get over it. Paula's whining (bawling) was understandable because she got screwed by her friends and Johnny still wouldn't man up and apologize. You weirdo lol KellyAnne and Kenny cracked me up.
