The Island Reunion Episode

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[QUOTE=tjhallow;37519]The host is really boring. He is showing no emotion.[/QUOTE] I think he did a great job and he seemed to know what was going on and who the cast were. :) Way better than the last reunion!!!!!! Way Better!!!!! Kelly Anne is hella strung out on crack or something. That's not natural. LOL
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Thank you!
[QUOTE=therealdeal2;37570]I think he did a great job and he seemed to know what was going on and who the cast were. :) Way better than the last reunion!!!!!! Way Better!!!!! Kelly Anne is hella strung out on crack or something. That's not natural. LOL[/QUOTE] No, that is not true re Kelly Anne. She did drink before the show because she didn't want to talk about her relationship with Wes. I suspect that is because she had instructions from Wes not to talk about it. (actually most were drinking on stage, it's just edited out) BTW, at the after party after the reunion taping, Johanna and Kelly Anne talked through their issues and are now fine with each other.
wow, RW: Brooklyn looks really promising.
I do still think it was a jerky thing to do for them to ditch Paula last minute, especially on John's part after what he's gone through with Paula. But I couldn't believe she said she's still pursuing Dunbar even though he has a girlfriend. No remorse about it even shown. It's not like we haven't seen some of these cast members pursuing other cast members who were in relationships (i.e. Theo and RR Sarah, Landon pursuing Shavonda, Sarah pursuing MJ, etc). But Paula was pretty brazen about still wanting him, and she didn't even have to say anything about it. This is a reunion show, not a season of The Real World. I guess we shall expect to see her trying to get all up on him on the next challenge, then. Derrick felt so out of place on this reunion show to me. I thought he and Robin looked the best on the reunion (just in terms of how they were styled and done up). Did John ever stop to think that maybe some of those people who appeared as villains on other seasons might have also suffered at the hands of the editors as well? If it can work as an excuse for him, why not for the others? I don't think he is really a bad person outside these shows or in a regular environment, but he chose to be really nasty to people on this challenge, especially the girls. We've seen good sides of him on prior challenges and his season, but he really released some serious nastiness on this challenge. It's such a turn off and I don't view him the same as I did on his season.
[QUOTE=V1man;37573]No, that is not true re Kelly Anne. She did drink before the show because she didn't want to talk about her relationship with Wes. I suspect that is because she had instructions from Wes not to talk about it. (actually most were drinking on stage, it's just edited out) BTW, at the after party after the reunion taping, Johanna and Kelly Anne talked through their issues and are now fine with each other.[/QUOTE] Thanks V1! ;) I love how BMP is such a strong advocate for alcohol. :) It's not a show unless you let the kids get drunk, right? LOL I'm glad the girls worked out their issues.
I loved how Ryan called out Kelly Anne's relationship with Wes. She didn't wanna talk about it, and he was ashamed to mention it. Kelly Anne needs to relax on whatever she is on.
[QUOTE=RW561015;37575] Did John ever stop to think that maybe some of those people who appeared as villains on other seasons might have also suffered at the hands of the editors as well? If it can work as an excuse for him, why not for the others? I don't think he is really a bad person outside these shows or in a regular environment, but he chose to be really nasty to people on this challenge, especially the girls. We've seen good sides of him on prior challenges and his season, but he really released some serious nastiness on this challenge. It's such a turn off and I don't view him the same as I did on his season.[/QUOTE] One of the things we teach at Vision 1 to people going on reality shows is that there are two editors for every show on TV: the person listed in the credits and yourself. If going in to the show you understand that the producers can potentially use the negative stuff you say against you as they build their story line, then it's your responsibility to yourself to think before you make yourself a fool. Johnny had nearly five weeks to practice keeping his mouth shut. Derrick's comments about having watched himself on earlier shows and discarded what he didn't like made me proud. He dictated the terms of his edit by being smart in his approach to the game (his respect to all off camera) and to the presence of cameras. [QUOTE=makeawish;37581]I loved how Ryan called out Kelly Anne's relationship with Wes. She didn't wanna talk about it, and he was ashamed to mention it. Kelly Anne needs to relax on whatever she is on.[/QUOTE] Ryan broke an unwritten rule of the reunion shows. You don't bring up stuff that has nothing to do with the challenge. Kelly Anne and Wes were not dating before The Island began. It was not relevant to The Island. The way he worded his remarks, though, clearly indicated that he got his information from vevmo, because his comments were worded almost exactly as I wrote them some time ago in another thread. [QUOTE=ejborys22;37550]there was still no reason for johnny to treat her like that. They were friends since key west[/QUOTE] I don't think Johnny needs a reason to treat anyone like s hit. He just appears to do it because he gets away with it.
It was said that Johanna and Kelly Anne did have more words about the situation than what was shown, but Ryan didn't really look so great on the taped reunion show because it appeared as if Johanna didn't even care. It didn't seem that Kelly Anne dated Wes out of retaliation from what was shown. So I don't think Ryan benefited at all from talking about it. At least based on how it appeared on TV. I agree and think it would have been best if he left it alone, especially since it didn't involve him and didn't seem to be serious horrendous.
Ryan just kinda looked like an idiot for bringing it up..really..
Anonymous's picture
What does "suck yea" mean?
[QUOTE=tjhallow;37616]What does "suck yea" mean?[/QUOTE] I'm not going to write it here. You can look up the phrase via Google at the Urban Dictionary.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;37618]I'm not going to write it here. You can look up the phrase via Google at the Urban Dictionary.[/quote] LOL.... I thought it was just a word they made up!
Johnny, Paula, and Kenny are such a disgrace to me. If you would have asked me about 3 to 4 ears ago that we would get castmembers like that and I would have said no. But it really sucks to see cast members like that. I thought the host was much better.
[QUOTE=V1man;37584] Ryan broke an unwritten rule of the reunion shows. You don't bring up stuff that has nothing to do with the challenge. Kelly Anne and Wes were not dating before The Island began. It was not relevant to The Island. The way he worded his remarks, though, clearly indicated that he got his information from vevmo, because his comments were worded almost exactly as I wrote them some time ago in another thread.[/QUOTE] Wow! When KA said something to him about "not believing everything you READ" I was thinking something similar ... but that is pretty funny that he is not even original enough to use his own wording.
I have never been compelled to post before, but mom this one is for you! A Poem Oh the Reunion, how I wish I was there, To get a closer look at Evelyn's new hair. Oh Visor, Oh Visor...where did you go, The Island Reunion what a horrible show. Is it just me or is Kellyanne wasted, They shot this at 10am, lets ask how breakfast tasted? The screaming, and cursing, she thinks shes got zingers, Please, somebody tell her its not Jerry Springer! And Paula my dear, did you forget to take meds Not to mention the animal living on top of your head But the worst two of all are what urged me to write I couldn't stay silent when I saw this tonight Kenny killed Elvis on the way to the set, He wins Next Top Guido- what prize does he get? He lied and cheated, and yup he stole food He may deep down be nice but he is generally rude But Johnny Bananas...the biggest fruit of them all, Don't guys act that way when their ***** is too small? He thinks the show may have made him look bad But when they were filming SATAN it was the only choice they had My final problem was the one dumber than most, Where on Earth did they find that terrible host! Carlos, is that him, did they make up that name? The Island Reunion...this show was ***king lame. -by Colie M. Edison
[quote=Colie;37640]I have never been compelled to post before, but mom this one is for you![/quote] Colie, I am going to have to give credit where credit is due. That was masterfully put. Mom will be very proud! ;)
That was mega-awesome, Colie. I hate how they are selective about who can and can't attend a reunion.
Agreed. I'm a fan. Hahah.
Colie, I love your poem! it was brilliant!
[QUOTE=Colie;37640] But Johnny Bananas...the biggest fruit of them all, Don't guys act that way when their ***** is too small? [/QUOTE] ya, it is obvious there is a size issue there!
loved it!
Wait...but Colie....tell us how you [I]really[/I] feel, lol.
[quote=Colie;37640]I have never been compelled to post before, but mom this one is for you![/quote] Thanks, Colie, Your mom will be proud, Not all of us were sure you could talk out loud. ;) It's all in BMP's editing we know, It wasn't Johnny who said those things in the show. It was closer to 1 pm when taping began, So it was lunch with her vodka when shit hit the fan. Was your Island summer worth it, I'm wanting to ask, Is there no one else, not even production, to take to task?
lmao...colie, that was great.
Very nice and funny, Colie!
Anonymous's picture
Colie, that was awesome!
I really really really hate to say it, but Kenny kinda gained a couple points in my book. Just a couple, but still. Because, at least, when he apologizes, it looked real, it wasn't one of the little kids saying sorry just cause they have to or something. But I may be wrong. Although I wanted to see Derrick talk a lot more, because of him being my favorite cast member since G2, I enjoyed him just chillin listening to everybody get all angry and yell and stuff. I don't remember which part it was, but I think it was Paula and Johnny, or Kenny and Johnny arguing, and Derrick was just like, yeah whatever, this is pointless. And I liked his comment about seeing himself and changing what he didn't like. Kelly anne was awesome to watch, but I think it started getting too much. Like when she started getting mad at Johanna. Johanna didn't even say anything mean to KA. Ryan and Robin were a waste of seats. Even if Abram and Rachel/Tonya didn't play a huge part in this show, I'd rather have had them there then those two. And Johnny was just as annoying as ever, saying he wasn't a bad person. We all know you're an idiot, loser, fat, annoying, moron who came less then average in the brains department, and in the manhood department.
Lol, was Johnny seriously trying to play the Editing Card? He said all those things, production didn't say it for him. He really is incapable of taking responsibility for what comes out of his mouth, isn't he?
That poem just solidifies how awesome Colie is. I love her witty sense of humor.
