The Island: Finale

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[quote=Insider;36694]My comment had nothing to do with her personality. I have a "strong feeling" the whole "poor paula" deal was BS. These kids know how to play the cameras. TRUST ME. We shouldn't always believe what we see... I learned that the hard way.[/quote] Any chance you might elaborate on that? Do you mean that she knew it was coming, or that she didn't really feel as betrayed as she did?
Paula should've realized that as soon as Johnny had the chance, he was going to toss her to the side. Johnny played a good game. True, but if everyone I'm using is dumb enough to not even consider taking me out, I'll do it too. His good game was also everyone's bad. The only thing I hate about Johnny is that he had absolute disrespect during his time on the island. He went from being someone I wouldn't mind seeing on future challenges, to someone I can't stand in the matter of the vanilla white span that was "The Island".
I liked the Challenge, but the hype was better. [U]My Thoughts:[/U] Honestly, Dunbar getting his key taken was good to see because he didn't earn it, but Ev picking his key ws an utter disappointemnt really. I like Ev, but sitting there saying how much she can't trust them and how much she hates them, and all of this, but then totally backs down? I don't understand. I know she wants the money, but sitting there this whole time hating him and saying what you were going to do, but backing out of it...disappointing. I want to be happy for Derrick, but I can't. He used to be a true favorite of mine, but he showed his true colors this Challenge. He didn't care about Ev being a trooper or anyone else, he cared about kissing up to make it to the end. I am only happy for Ev winning, but still honestly disappointed at her choice. She even said how much she appreciated them. Paula, now it was sad to see her get thrown under the bus, but in a way she deserved it. She shouldn't have expected all of this out of Kenny and Johnny. She shouldn't have acted like a jerk this whole time, because in the end, it still didn't help her. Yay for Jenn, Ryan, and Robin! I disagree with a lot of people in saying Kenny and Johnny did not deserve this win. They acted like manipulative, whiny little brats the whole time. They showed nothing but disrespect and honestly, didn't earn a key. Kenny, lost, and went up against Tonya, who obviously was going home. Johnny, lost the first time, and was almost sent home by someone who asked to leave, then went in again, and was going to lose to Cohutta if Cohutta hadn't dropped the key.
[QUOTE=Moonpaw;36698]Any chance you might elaborate on that? Do you mean that she knew it was coming, or that she didn't really feel as betrayed as she did?[/QUOTE] I meant that on the inside Paula felt betrayed but since cameras where there she has to feel 'extra' hurt for the cameras. So the viewers on the other side can she her 'pain' and relate to her. She might just want something to talk about during the reunion.
even though i knew the ending, i was shocked and feel a bit too judgemental. It was nice seeing Dunbar helping with the boat and also nice to see Kenny feeling bad....but I dont feel bad for paula at all. sorry, but if she is really going to hold a grudge on evelyn that just seems unfair. She did take part in making evs life miserable so she shouldnt hate on know her feelings to the guys is understandable and justified but ev owes her nothing
[quote=Blaqk;36701]I meant that on the inside Paula felt betrayed but since cameras where there she has to feel 'extra' hurt for the cameras. So the viewers on the other side can she her 'pain' and relate to her. She might just want something to talk about during the reunion.[/quote] Gotcha. Thanks. Does anything think about how alternate boats might have turned out? For example, if Ev had taken Johnny's key, would it have been her, Dummybear, Derrick, and Kenny? Or would Kenny have stayed true to Paula if Johnny wasn't calling the shots? Or if Paula was on the Red boat, would they still have won?
[QUOTE=Insider;36694]My comment had nothing to do with her personality. I have a "strong feeling" the whole "poor paula" deal was BS. These kids know how to play the cameras. TRUST ME. We shouldn't always believe what we see... I learned that the hard way.[/QUOTE] Insider, I know exactly what you are talking about and could not agree with you more. These guys (Derrick included) know how to say the right things in the OTFs in a desperate attempt to save face and appeal to their fan base. You and I both know the laughter that ensues as soon as the cameras are off and they can be themselves. To these guys, pretty much everything is expendable.
Anonymous's picture
I'm just trying to say that Paula wasn't as betrayed as they made it seem. That's all. Kenny and Paula are still very close. V is right. The minute the show is over... they ride off into the sunset together. I'm fully confident that Paula being on the other boat was all a part of the plan. (I would bet money Paula knew it was coming.)
the HUMUNGOUS FLASH BILLBOARD THINGIE just ruined the finale for me. That's not that cool. =/
"The Shit You Didn't See" from this episode. The video of the two boats in the water near each other is from production's demo testing, and not from the finale. That clip was not in the DVD sent to the cast before the reunion. Why is it important, one might ask? It's important because the Red Team never saw the Blue Team again after leaving the surf. In fact, the Red Team waited for two hours for the Blue Team to arrive on the other island. The second boat actually went entirely in the wrong direction because they didn't know how to use their oars to steer and the lines for the sail were not properly attached. Production had to rescue the Blue Team and their boat as it dangerously approached a coral reef, and then towed it to the surf of the other island where taping began again as the final four jumped in the water and swam to shore.
Derrick's the only guy I care about out of the guys left. From all I've seen of him on these shows, I really do feel he is a good guy. I wish he wasn't aligned with Kenny and Johnny, but from what I saw and read, he wasn't acting as horrible as the others. Either way, I've seen way more good things from him than bad. Derrick was the guy that was the outsider the first challenge he did, and he was just so sympathetic that he was alone and had to prove himself as a good competitor to be accepted. Then he was just short of winning the lifeshields to CT. He seemed to want to do well for Diem on FM. He wanted for David to be voted off of G2 because he was slacking and was upset when Timmy sacrificed himself. I think the worst thing I saw him do was vote for Darrell and Aviv in FM, and I think that's bad because he said Darrell was one of his best friends and they seemed to be trying to help each other out. I used to really like Johnny as well and was looking forward to rooting for him this time, but his behavior towards the women was disgusting. Kenny - I have not been fond of him at all, and I was looking for some shred of decency from him to appear at least once on a challenge, and I got that tonight. He seemed serious. He's still not a favorite at all, but at least I feel there's something to him besides what I've been seeing overall. I like to see something that I feel is good in people. Dunbar - didn't see his season and didn't see a lot of him on The Island. I don't really have a read on him, but I've heard people talk about him like he's one of the most despicable people ever to come from the shows.
The four best players won. But the best part of this episode had to be when at the end Paula is crying to the cameras and sitting there in the empty treasure chest. I couldn't stop laughing. I also loved how she was complaining the entire time to her boat about how she had been left off the other boat. Great teamwork.
[QUOTE=Insider;36708]I'm just trying to say that Paula wasn't as betrayed as they made it seem. That's all. Kenny and Paula are still very close. V is right. The minute the show is over... they ride off into the sunset together. I'm fully confident that Paula being on the other boat was all a part of the plan. (I would bet money Paula knew it was coming.)[/QUOTE] Paula wasn't that broken up about it because she believed there was "compensation" headed her way. At some point, a few of these cast members begin to think of themselves as actors; they are not.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;36714]The video of the two boats in the water near each other is from production's demo testing, and not from the finale. That clip was not in the DVD sent to the cast before the reunion. Why is it important, one might ask? It's important because the Red Team never saw the Blue Team again after leaving the surf. In fact, the Red Team waited for two hours for the Blue Team to arrive on the other island. The second boat actually went entirely in the wrong direction because they didn't know how to use their oars to steer and the lines for the sail were not properly attached. Production had to rescue the Blue Team and their boat as it dangerously approached a coral reef, and then towed it to the surf of the other island where taping began again as the final four jumped in the water and swam to shore.[/quote] So much for Robin and her sailing skills...
Like them or not the people who won did deserve the win, they played a good game and in the end they smoked the other team. Derrick is honestly the only one besides Evelyn that I'm glad to see win, even if he went to the darkside I still like him but props to Kenny and Johnny for winning it all. Now I never liked all their actions especially Johnny with just his whole attitude on the Island, he treated some people terrible. But in the end they both did what they needed to to win. Evelyn impressed me most of all, she took Dunbar's key instead of Johnny and just simply shallowed her pride and worked with him to win.
haha that was good..ev is still weird as hell..but in the end i'm kind of glad she got money..maybe its just because kenny, johnny and derrick were there..whatever..that was perfect..they ran that shit the whole way..thats like a baseball team winning 100 games and then winning the world series..or the pats going undefeated then winning the superbowl = perfect record..but with a few casualties along the way..cough..paula..dunbar.. :victory:
[quote=saints2k8;36728]haha that was good..ev is still weird as hell..but in the end i'm kind of glad she got money..maybe its just because kenny, johnny and derrick were there..whatever..that was perfect..they ran that shit the whole way..thats like a baseball team winning 100 games and then winning the world series..or the pats going undefeated then winning the superbowl = perfect record..but with a few casualties along the way..cough..paula..dunbar..[/quote] Other than her strong drive to compete and win, I see Evelyn as about the only normal person there.
I wonder...what if it had been Johanna who won the face-off, and the Family had to choose who, between Derrick, Johnny, Kenny, Paula, Johanna, and Dunbar, would be on the "stacked" boat? If that was the case, would there have even been a stacked boat, or would they have really split it up fairly?
[quote=V1man;36730]Other than her strong drive to compete and win, I see Evelyn as about the only normal person there.[/quote] How about her insane strength? Not that I've ever been on the receiving end of it, but I would liken her to Kyra Gracie.
[QUOTE=Moonpaw;36733]How about her insane strength? Not that I've ever been on the receiving end of it, but I would liken her to Kyra Gracie.[/QUOTE] Her strength comes from her intense training regimen which is fueled by her drive to compete. She almost didn't do this challenge because she had been ill for several weeks prior to her departure for The Island. She actually only was able to train at her optimum level for the final few days before the challenge.
[quote=Moonpaw;36731]I wonder...what if it had been Johanna who won the face-off, and the Family had to choose who, between Derrick, Johnny, Kenny, Paula, Johanna, and Dunbar, would be on the "stacked" boat? If that was the case, would there have even been a stacked boat, or would they have really split it up fairly?[/quote] good question...but id see the guys turning their backs on the girls anyway you look at it i also wanted to add that i thought robin ended the show very maturely, positive- and it really made me happy to see that because i was a big fan of hers before(i didnt like her comments to aneessa on the duel but i felt she seriously was genuinely sorry for it). even though she was crazy on the island i think the island brought the worst out in everybody...more some in others. everybody has struggles and lows in life, and theirs just happen to be on tv.
[quote=V1man;36714]"The Shit You Didn't See" from this episode. The video of the two boats in the water near each other is from production's demo testing, and not from the finale. That clip was not in the DVD sent to the cast before the reunion. Why is it important, one might ask? It's important because the Red Team never saw the Blue Team again after leaving the surf. In fact, the Red Team waited for two hours for the Blue Team to arrive on the other island. The second boat actually went entirely in the wrong direction because they didn't know how to use their oars to steer and the lines for the sail were not properly attached. Production had to rescue the Blue Team and their boat as it dangerously approached a coral reef, and then towed it to the surf of the other island where taping began again as the final four jumped in the water and swam to shore.[/quote] Ouch, so in Paula's very own words, they were pretty "pathetic." I guess Dunbar has lived up to the Dummybear nickname he's earned, since he seemed to have had a big hand in building that boat. I'll agree that Paula was royally screwed, but I have no sympathy towards her whatsoever. I said this on the other thread, but she was no more deserving of a key than Dunbar. She got her key because of the alliance. We can see EV's decision in two ways, but I don't fault her for doing what she did. In the end she got the prize and she was the bigger person for letting things go. Watching some of the clips from the The Reunion Show has me convinced that she was genuine about burying the hatchet. Oh yah, and I can't believe Johnny kisssed EV.
I have always hated Johnny, apologies or no apology, I think he's a *******. And Kenny, while he's funnier and it's hard to dislike him, I think he was extremely shady this season, too. I felt bad for Paula at the end of the show, but then realized that she kind of deserved what she got for putting so much faith into those guys. Derrick kind of annoyed me too. Evelyn, as much as I appreciate her determination and whatever else, I though she sold out when she joined Johnny and the others' boat. It was, frankly, pathetic. She was a sell-out and she's so concerned with being accepted by others it's sad to watch. I think the only one that played the game with integrity and honesty the whole way through was KellyAnne. I wish she would've won the final challenge to take Johnny's key. In fact, I was hoping TJ was gonna tell Dunbar, Dan, Johanna and KellyAnne that there was, in fact, a third boat laying around somewhere, haha. This was honestly the least favorite of all challenges for me. I felt that it was rushed, anti-climatic, and annoying. It had to have been shorter than the other seasons, regardless of being an hour long or not. The ending I could have called from the get-go, and everyone they chose was so obnoxious save a few people. All the votes were one-sided and too many people quit. I'm glad this is over and The Duel is on it's way.
I agree with the above post in some ways. I agree that KellyAnne is the only one who played this game straight and stuck to her guns, not being a fringe member, but fighting for her key winning, and staying true. I actually would have liked to see more in the final challenge than just rowing. A thrid boat for them would have been an interesting twist.
Anonymous's picture
I think some people are forgetting that this is a game. It's not life. It's a reality show. These people are there to win. Period. ( well , some people are there for the vacation/paycheck).
[quote=CRM814;36762] Evelyn, as much as I appreciate her determination and whatever else, I though she sold out when she joined Johnny and the others' boat. It was, frankly, pathetic. She was a sell-out and she's so concerned with being accepted by others it's sad to watch. [/quote] I don't think she was so much concerned about being accepted as she was about winning 75 grand. Even before she made that first decision to take Johnny's key, she debated what her decision would do to her chances in winning the whole thing. As much as we would like for her to be the good guy here, she still has to also look out for herself. Besides, she's been one of truest players in this challenge. She played a good game and she deserved that win just as much as anyone else. I still love the drama though. As much as I dislike Johnny now, he definitely made the show more interesting. If it wasn't for him, I don't know what would have kept me watching.
I think Evelyn deserved to win, I would have just liked to see it on another boat with people other than Kenny and Johnny. And granted, you are right, it is a game and all that so it's not like it's going to keep me from sleeping tonight. However, I just find it hilarious because Johnny's been that way since his debut season on RW with people like Svetlana and he hasn't changed. So an apology a day or a few hours before Evelyn's decision seems so fake to me and probably is coming from him. I guess I'm just salty because I wish other people would have won. :( Ha.
[QUOTE=CRM814;36762] Evelyn, as much as I appreciate her determination and whatever else, I though she sold out when she joined Johnny and the others' boat. It was, frankly, pathetic. She was a sell-out and she's so concerned with being accepted by others it's sad to watch. [/QUOTE] How can I appropriately respond without violating our well-crafted board rules regarding insulting other members. I probably can't, but maybe I can walk up to the line and look over it and my fellow mods won't notice if I go too far... You obviously have not studied the threads here or you would have a vastly different frame of reference regarding Evelyn. So you think the right thing for her to do was to be on the boat with expert yachtman Robin, the master mariner who had to have her boat towed to the island because she couldn't sail it? Please. Give me a break... You obviously have conveniently forgotten Ev's comments about knowing she was doing a deal with the devil (the collective devil in this case). She maximized her opportunity to win $75K by doing that deal. She followed her pre-challenge training plan and remembered to think through the end game just as strategically as she did in the beginning. Dunbar was an unknown quantity as a competitor. The fact that the Family was willing to give him up so easily argues that they had no confidence in his ability, despite the nice on-camera rhetoric which we all know is BS. If your argument is that the honorable thing for Ev to have done was to take Johnny's key and gone happily to the second boat, then my response is "stay the hell home if you aren't coming to win," because that would have been the only result. The last thing Ev cares about is being accepted some on this cast or fans who don't grasp that another word for second place is "LOSER." She came to win and didn't crap on any of her friends in the process. There is more than enough honor in that for me.
Anonymous's picture
I second what V says. Except for the part that insults Kenny. LOL
[quote=Insider;36780]I second what V says. Except for the part that insults Kenny. LOL[/quote] Kenny is not a board member. Get over it. ;)
