The Island: Finale

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That's why you can do it. HOWEVER, i'm the unofficial voice of Kenny Santucci on vevmo, and I do not approve that message!! I'm only kidding. You know Im contractually bound to stick up for him. GO TEAM TUCC!!!
[quote=CRM814;36762] Evelyn, as much as I appreciate her determination and whatever else, I though she sold out when she joined Johnny and the others' boat. It was, frankly, pathetic. She was a sell-out and she's so concerned with being accepted by others it's sad to watch. [/quote] That's just so wrong in so many ways. You could say she "sold out" in that she joined Johnny's boat when he was an *******, but to what ideal is she "selling out"? In her very own words, she "comes on these things to win." That's it. She's never been there to make friends (although it happened by chance this time), and if you've been watching anything, you know that she openly admits that she is a weird person and doesn't do things to fit in. She's not going to hang out just for the sake of hanging out, even if it means she's an outcast. I don't think she's ever complained about "not having friends" and "not fitting in;" she just didn't like how she was ostracized, disenfranchised, and personally attacked on the Island. Yeah, I'm on Team Ev (and have been since I3!).
Whoa, I didn't realize people loved Evelyn this much. I respect everyone's arguments and they are all valid, of course. I'm not one to only choose "good" people on these challenges. My favorite characters are some of the most hated. I just didn't want to see Evelyn with Johnny, that's all. I guess calling it pathetic and so on was a little harsh, but I expected more I guess? I said she deserved to win, hands down. I just wish it wasn't with those people, but oh well. So no one needs to get all riled up about opinions.
[QUOTE=Insider;36783]That's why you can do it. HOWEVER, i'm the unofficial voice of Kenny Santucci on vevmo, and I do not approve that message!! I'm only kidding. You know Im contractually bound to stick up for him. GO TEAM TUCC!!![/QUOTE] Too bad he can't speak for himself because then I'd have no respect for him at all. Being that you are considerably more eloquent than Kenny could ever be, even in his dreams, I suppose I'll begrudgingly acknowledge that you make him likable in a "Pal Joey" kind of way. [CENTER][url=]Pal Joey (Rodgers / Hart)[/url][/CENTER]
Anonymous's picture
Hes lucky to have me and he doesn't even know it!!! LOL
Kenny and Johnny totally screwed Paula over. Poor Paula. Johnny doesn't deserve to win, that *****, over all this trouble he's caused everybody. I'm happy Derrick won though.
I was all for Ev taking Dunbar's key instead of Johnny's as they are at about equal footing in my book and share many of the same negative qualities. Dunbar just hasn't reach the point in his challenge career where he can vocally share his thoughts as freely as Johnny. Still, I think there could have been a scenario where Ev took Johnny's key and built a boat crew of Dunbar, Kenny, Derrick and herself. It would have been a more satisfying ending for me if Johnny was stopped at the goal line on 4th and 1. [quote] Kenny and Johnny totally screwed Paula over.[/quote]Maybe I am in the minority on this one, but I didn't shed a tear for [URL=""]miss[/URL]. I actually felt like it was an expected result and a deserved one.
[quote=Bacchus;36805] Maybe I am in the minority on this one, but I didn't shed a tear for [URL=""]miss[/URL]. I actually felt like it was an expected result and a deserved one.[/quote] No I completely agree. Paula and her "Kenny's word is like the holy grail" and blindly following them like a sad little puppy with an annoying voice. She thought the "boys" were better and stronger and all she had to do was be there friend and back them up no matter how ridiculous she looked and she would be "saved". I personally am happy that she got a reality smack in the face that she should have not been so blindly loyal because she was made a fool of.
[QUOTE][/QUOTE]Honestly, Dunbar getting his key taken was good to see because he didn't earn it, but Ev picking his key ws an utter disappointemnt really. I like Ev, but sitting there saying how much she can't trust them and how much she hates them, and all of this, but then totally backs down? I don't understand. I know she wants the money, but sitting there this whole time hating him and saying what you were going to do, but backing out of it...disappointing I'm new here,but heres my thoughts on this one By taking Dunbar's key and not taking Johnny's she insured herself a place on the winning boat. Had she taken Johny's key , she would have ben on the other boat, Dunbar and Kenny would have stayed true to Paula, and been pissed at Ev, so she wouldnt have gotten on their boat. Manwhile Johnny had no problem throwing Paula overboard, because he's all about winning, and Ev was th stronger of the two.I dont think Ev really trusted Johnny just that he would be an idiot not to pick her for his boat She is obviously the best competitor out o the remaining 5. And I am with everyone who thinks Paula just got what she deserved. She was a whiney ***** the whole time on the island, and her babling about how Ev being just as bad as the boys, just made me want to hit her.
[quote=eggrolledsnake;36670]Doesn't even feel like a finale. Man this challenge was a waste. I've fallen in love with Ev though. I guess that's all I'm going to take away from this. :cry:[/quote] i love Ev she seems diff from the rest lol like shes truly is there to compete and not for camera time lol
I'm disappointed with this episode. It really wasn't a finale to me and the way things turned out was lame. I think that Ev taking Dunbar's key was alright it my book. She has history with everyone else and Dunbar is a rookie and on top all that he had his key handed to him. I think he has plenty more opportunities to be on more challenges. Paula not winning is a whatever to me. That's what she gets for siding with Johnny and Kenny. Overall this episode was lame but I liked the challenge as a whole.
[quote=darksamurai88;36827]I'm disappointed with this episode. It really wasn't a finale to me and the way things turned out was lame. I think that Ev taking Dunbar's key was alright it my book. She has history with everyone else and Dunbar is a rookie and on top all that he had his key handed to him. I think he has plenty more opportunities to be on more challenges. Paula not winning is a whatever to me. That's what she gets for siding with Johnny and Kenny. Overall this episode was lame but I liked the challenge as a whole.[/quote] i think paula deserve that to be honest..espically like when the other girls were workin on the boat and how she stood up for the boys regardless..i would have prefer for johny n kenny not to win but whatever
[quote=darksamurai88;36827]I'm disappointed with this episode. It really wasn't a finale to me and the way things turned out was lame. I think that Ev taking Dunbar's key was alright it my book. She has history with everyone else and Dunbar is a rookie and on top all that he had his key handed to him. I think he has plenty more opportunities to be on more challenges. Paula not winning is a whatever to me. That's what she gets for siding with Johnny and Kenny. Overall this episode was lame but I liked the challenge as a whole.[/quote] It was because the final challenge was a boat race and not even a close boat race, if they had been beside each other hitting the other with ores then I might have enjoyed it. Not that I didn't like it or the challenge as the whole. It didn't live up to expectations for me but it wasn't bad. Paula knew that her boat was doomed from the start mostly because even in being backstabbed she believed whole heartedly that the other team was gonna win. And Dunbar I can understand being so close and not winning 75,000 dollars but please oh please grow up lol
[QUOTE=ash4real86;36822]i love Ev she seems diff from the rest lol like shes truly is there to compete and not for camera time lol[/QUOTE] I agree! She is definitely my favorite on this challenge and I am glad we were able to see more of her personality. On Fresh Meat she was sent home early and all I remember from Gauntlet 3 is her rant about Coral. Actually, I didn't watch I3 because I thought it was terrible, so I don't know how she was portrayed on that challenge. I'm glad that at least one honorable person won this one, and on another note, she looks amazing in the Reunion clips =).
[quote=GoldenWarrior;36835]And Dunbar I can understand being so close and not winning 75,000 dollars but please oh please grow up lol[/quote] Here's the strange wasn't until [I]after[/I] his key got taken away that he did anything remotely leader-like, which was helping the blue boat get built and all, even though it meant no money for him.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Moonpaw;36845]Here's the strange wasn't until [I]after[/I] his key got taken away that he did anything remotely leader-like, which was helping the blue boat get built and all, even though it meant no money for him.[/quote] And that was just to get back at the other team..... Kenny and Johnny didn't make up Ev's mind. They might have said stuff.. but I doubt that had any bearing on her choice. Dunbar did the same thing... he tried to throw them under the bus. He's just a big ***** cry baby....
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;36779] The last thing Ev cares about is being accepted some on this cast or fans who don't grasp that another word for second place is "LOSER." She came to win and didn't crap on any of her friends in the process. There is more than enough honor in that for me.[/quote] I couldn't agree more. Ev seems confident enough in herself and her abilities (and with good reason), that I can't see why she'd care what others think. She has been on the outside long enough, and she really shone in this challenge. She deserves all the glory and prizes bestowed upon her!
I also agree ..... Evelyn, By far she is the greatest competitor to ever participate on these challenges, simply put. She is also a real genuine person, despite lame editing efforts by MTV to make her look like whatever .... yet they did her justice this time. She is a very assessible person and is very honest, and have provided answers to even the toughest questions imo. As for her move last night .... it was definitely the right choice. she didn't sell her soul nor did she stab anyone in the back. She made the 1 play that she had to make, otherwise she'd be 75K poorer. If she takes Johnny's key, then she is left on a boat with Robin, Ryan, and Jenn ... while Kenny, Derrick, and Dunbar screws her for Paula. If she doesn't take Johnny or Dunbar's key, and go for someone elses .... then the winning boat would have been Dunbar, Derrick, Johnny, and Paula or Kenny (assuming she took one of their keys). This is no checkers, it's chess ...... and at the end of the day, it's a game despite personal feelings. She didn't kiss anyone's butt, nor did she succumb to the alliance during her tenure at the Island. She positioned herself to win, while maintaining her integrity and dignity. It was an easy choice for them to place her on that boat, and she is easily one of the smartest, strongest, and level headed people there. She stood toe to toe against the alliance and kept her word to her friends throughout the challenge. I could give a damn who else was on my boat, as long as I was there with the strongest possible team. I was elated when Ev won, she went through hell, and yet for the first time in challenge history showed that despite being an outcast, you can still win w/o kissing anyone's butt. As for Paula, gimme a break ..... she screwed herself. She did nothing and deserved nothing, ditto for Robin and Jenn (who at least had the conviction to go against the alliance). Dunbar, please ..... I wait for you death sentence on the Duel 2. Rant about Tyrie all you want son, Tyrie clearly smoked him in that ball buster challenge, and actually ran over him on a few occassions during that face off as if he wasn't there. while this episode didn't provide the climax I was hoping for, Ev did win .... and she deseved it. The only person that I feel got screwed was Kelly Anne ..... and the only person of the 4 that won that didn't deserve it imo is Kenny. He did nothing except lose to Abram and sniff behind Johnny
[quote=Darock1713;36855]I also agree ..... Evelyn, Ev won, she went through hell, and yet for the first time in challenge history showed that despite being an outcast, you can still win w/o kissing anyone's butt. [/quote] word X 1000
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;36856]word X 1000[/quote] Me too!! Very well said, Darock!
[quote=Bacchus;36805] Maybe I am in the minority on this one, but I didn't shed a tear for [URL=""]miss[/URL]. I actually felt like it was an expected result and a deserved one.[/quote] I was actually laughing...And I felt a lot of them were very fake (Dunbar, beyond pathetic with Ev, and all the others too, except for KA and Ev), even without knowing that Paula was probably faking her anger towards the boys...Now, after reading some revealing information here today (about how fake they can be), I guess I am going to be laughing more at some of these people in future challenges...
I think this was a poor finale, I wasn't on the edge of my seat watching this as I was with other seasons. The most important thing that we learned from this challenge that we must take into account in the next one is that even though big names are there. It might not be a great challenge.
My take on things is at it was a good initial idea not well thought out or executed, with production letting a few cast members take control much to early to be sustainable entertainment for eight weeks. I really expected much more from BMP than they delivered.
[quote=OtherPplsDrama;36859]Me too!! Very well said, Darock![/quote] Now with Ev going down as the player to win a challenge despite the opposition makes me think of what could have been for Beth had she not been screwed over in The Duel, and other challenges where she was an outcast. Beth too is a good competitor, and despite what anyone says, she plays these games quite well. In short, lets look briefly at outcasts and their history Ev- The Island - winner Beth - The Duel - dqed in a clear victory over svetlana. No one mentioned anything about ripping the flag until she did it. Coral - G3 - she quits halfway, and I love Coral .... but as soon as she was an outcast, she quit Veronica - RR14 - ousted after 1 episode never to return Tonya - The Island - ousted after 1 episode on and on it goes ...... which is why Ev's win is that much more fruitful. I only wish Beth does one more and get the well deserved win that is due her.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Darock1713;36876] I only wish Beth does one more and get the well deserved win that is due her.[/quote] Maybe after she is settled with her new baby (due pretty soon I think!) she will make a comeback? :)
[quote=V1man;36872]My take on things is at it was a good initial idea not well thought out or executed, with production letting a few cast members take control much to early to be sustainable entertainment for eight weeks. I really expected much more from BMP than they delivered.[/quote] I think it was a good idea, but they didn't go far enough with it. As with most things, this "halfway" BS is worse than nothing at all. A real survivor-style challenge, with the cast being forced to do [I]something[/I] for survival, and maybe having some crazy twist at the end (like the people who got voted off decide who gets to pick the last key, or something random) would have been cool.
[QUOTE=OtherPplsDrama;36877]Maybe after she is settled with her new baby (due pretty soon I think!) she will make a comeback? :)[/QUOTE] She is due Dec 4th. Her contract with BMP/MTV has expired so she no longer needs to go to them to ask to be released to appear on other shows. That was a stumbling block to some very interesting prospects in the past. She will definitely be back on TV in 2009. We are just just about finished editing one show that was shot after she became pregnant.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=V1man;36881]She is due Dec 4th. Her contract with BMP/MTV has expired so she no longer needs to go to them to ask to be released to appear on other shows. That was a stumbling block to some very interesting prospects in the past. She will definitely be back on TV in 2009. We are just just about finished editing one show that was shot after she became pregnant.[/quote] Cool! Something to look forward too :)
Lol anyone notice Johnny kissed Evelyn near the end?
[quote=Jonlu08;36920]Lol anyone notice Johnny kissed Evelyn near the end?[/quote] I think almost everyone did. What no one is commenting on is how, after the kiss, Evelyn was spitting and wiping her mouth. I don't blame her in the least...god knows where the heck Bananas has put his mouth.
