The Island: Finale

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The Island: Finale
With a twist in the game rules its all man and woman left for themselves, will the alliance stay strong or crumble? This thread is for discussing the final of The Island. If you want to talk about the latest episode, this is the place to do it. If you want to talk about The Island Dailies, head over [URL="**********************************************************************************;]here[/URL]. Head [URL="******************************************************************;]here[/URL] to discuss spoilers, and [URL="***********************************************************;]here[/URL] for speculation about how the challenge will unfold.
And the final chapter is upon us...
and now we watch.
I will be surprised if Ev wins this. MTV seems to be setting up that typical "we've been talking about this person for the last 20 minutes so of course they will fail" storyline.
And I was wrong. Should be interesting to see whose key she takes.
Anonymous's picture
I am proud of Jo.
I was really proud of Jo too. Finally she proved not to be so useless. And lol @ Johnny? He's so full of ***, not regret.
hell yeah! Way to take his key, Evelyn! :D
Doesn't even feel like a finale. Man this challenge was a waste. I've fallen in love with Ev though. I guess that's all I'm going to take away from this. :cry:
Anonymous's picture
Paula seems pissed... I think otherwise.
[quote=eggrolledsnake;36670]Doesn't even feel like a finale. Man this challenge was a waste.[/quote] I agree about the feel. They should have broken this up into the final face off and devoted an entire episode to getting the treasure. As for Dunbar losing his key, I was happy but it felt very anticlimactic (and should have been Johnny's key.) [spoiler] BTW:These teams are totally unfair, lol. If you didn't know the outcome previous to this episode airing, you should now. [/spoiler]
Anonymous's picture
I hate paula.
[quote=Bacchus;36673]I agree about the feel. They should have broken this up into the final face off and devoted an entire episode to getting the treasure. As for Dunbar losing his key, I was happy but it felt very anticlimactic (and should have been Johnny's key.) [/quote] Lol yeah. This finale is so obvious. I'm so glad Dunbar's key is gone, he didn't work for it and he's a rookie that got his hopes up. :devil2:
[quote=Bacchus;36673]I agree about the feel. They should have broken this up into the final face off and devoted an entire episode to getting the treasure. [/quote] Seriously? A full hour for getting some treasure? This challenge was definitely the [I]wrong[/I] challenge to make hour-long episodes. I wouldn't be surprised if the final "race" to the island itself was entirely anticlimactic. From the previews, we only saw one sailboat (I think?)
[quote=eggrolledsnake;36670]Doesn't even feel like a finale. Man this challenge was a waste. I've fallen in love with Ev though. I guess that's all I'm going to take away from this. :cry:[/quote] idk, I kinda like that. But of course, this is the first challenge I've seen :P And yes, love Evelyn.
Oh, and why is Dunbar still there? Shouldn't he have gone home?
[quote=Moonpaw;36677]Seriously? A full hour for getting some treasure? This challenge was definitely the [I]wrong[/I] challenge to make hour-long episodes.[/quote] They could have had tiger traps (like Swiss Family Robinson) on The Island and walls of logs rolling down hills...and PIRATES! Yes! LOTS OF PIRATES! That would have filled the hour...
I love how Dunbar [I]finally[/I] shows some leadership after he loses his key.
Anonymous's picture
Kenny is so sweet.
Anonymous's picture
Johnny kissed Ev! LOL
I am happy for Derrick. Ev deserved the win more than anyone there. Kenny, Johnny...Meh.
Anonymous's picture
Poor Robin, and I think I actually feel bad for Paula.
i'm so glad derrick won!
wow...that was so ridiculous. Couldn't they at least be made to [I]do[/I] something when they got to the Island? And I do feel kind of bad for Paula now. She must have felt sooooo betrayed by her "friends." But I still feel worse for Kelly Ann.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Moonpaw;36687]wow...that was so ridiculous. Couldn't they at least be made to [I]do[/I] something when they got to the Island? And I do feel kind of bad for Paula now. She must have felt sooooo betrayed by her "friends." But I still feel worse for Kelly Ann.[/quote] Don't feel bad for Paula. Trust me.
Anonymous's picture
As much as I hate saying this. The four that won deserved to win. Johnny played a smart game.
The challenge wasn't satisfying. It was such a blah challenge, hopefully Duel 2 can redeem the challenge name. The only good thing about it was Derek's second victory! Oh yeah and Ev wow..I guess that's cool.
[quote=Insider;36688]Don't feel bad for Paula. Trust me.[/quote] Why not? I'm not saying she's an otherwise good person; just that it sucks being betrayed your friends and your alliance. Although it was amusing that she was dumb enough to think that she would have been on that boat even if Ev hadn't taken Dunbar's Johnny would take her over Proteinbear? Maybe, possibly, Kenny would have, as he appeared to be the only one who was sorry about backstabbing Paula.
Anonymous's picture
[quote=Moonpaw;36692]Why not? I'm not saying she's an otherwise good person; just that it sucks being betrayed your friends and your alliance. Although it was amusing that she was dumb enough to think that she would have been on that boat even if Ev hadn't taken Dunbar's Johnny would take her over Proteinbear? Maybe, possibly, Kenny would have, as he appeared to be the only one who was sorry about backstabbing Paula.[/quote] My comment had nothing to do with her personality. I have a "strong feeling" the whole "poor paula" deal was BS. These kids know how to play the cameras. TRUST ME. We shouldn't always believe what we see... I learned that the hard way.
Very happy that Derrick won! Best thing to me about the season. I still love him lots. I was surprised to see Kenny actually feel bad about what happened with Paula. It was nice (and shocking!) to see some side of him other than arrogance and seemingly an inability to take anything seriously. Even if Paula may have been overly emoting to get more sympathy, she STILL was with those guys the whole time, and they left her at the end for someone who was opposing them. It's worse with Johnny because he didn't even like Ev and he took her over Paula, someone who has been a good friend of his for a while now, not to mention someone who was his cast mate. I can understand people feeling good about her not winning because they just don't like her, but if you look at it as a friend doing another friend badly, then you can see how someone could feel sorry for her.
[QUOTE=Insider;36694]My comment had nothing to do with her personality. I have a "strong feeling" the whole "poor paula" deal was BS. These kids know how to play the cameras. TRUST ME. We shouldn't always believe what we see... I learned that the hard way.[/QUOTE] Yeah. She might have felt played alittle but for the cameras she has to amp it up 50%. If she was in that position she would have done the exact same thing.
