i did love how when april was out, she looked at the camera and gave an angry dirty look, priceless. i'm happy that renny won, she needs to see her family. with her wining i hope april will be out. without april i don't think that ollie can function, lol.
I am now contemplating forgiving Renny for causing me to miss the entire season thusfar, "watching" the show only through internet transcripts. If she noms April and Ollie, I just might send her flowers.
If renny does NOT put up April and Ollie she is STOOOOOOPIDDDD
I'm so glad she won though! I like Renny. She was rough around the edges when she first got there, but she quickly learned to chill the ***k out.
Keesha and Memphis are pretty much immune. She'll DEF put up April, I'm just not sure about Ollie.
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;25939]DEAR GOD. SHE HAS TO PUT UP APRIL AND OLLIE.
If renny does NOT put up April and Ollie she is STOOOOOOPIDDDD
I'm so glad she won though! I like Renny. She was rough around the edges when she first got there, but she quickly learned to chill the ***k out.
Keesha and Memphis are pretty much immune. She'll DEF put up April, I'm just not sure about Ollie.[/quote]
I havent been paying much attention to what is actually going on in the house beyond who won HOH, POV and who the noms are, but doesn't Renny hate Jerry? Maybe she will put him up.
[quote=killer_tofu;25940]I havent been paying much attention to what is actually going on in the house beyond who won HOH, POV and who the noms are, but doesn't Renny hate Jerry? Maybe she will put him up.[/quote]
Everybody hates Jerry. But he is fat that can be trimmed later (as the ubiquitous saying goes). Renny would be crazy not to try to destroy the April/Ollie alliance before all else--especially if it's April who gets the boot.
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;25939]DEAR GOD. SHE HAS TO PUT UP APRIL AND OLLIE.
If renny does NOT put up April and Ollie she is STOOOOOOPIDDDD
I'm so glad she won though! I like Renny. She was rough around the edges when she first got there, but she quickly learned to chill the ***k out.
Keesha and Memphis are pretty much immune. She'll DEF put up April, I'm just not sure about Ollie.[/quote]
Apparently Renny was off of her meds the first few days she was in the house, which led to her off-the-wall behavior. She's actually become one of my favorites this season, and (depending on how much controversy she causes during her HoH week) looks to be sitting in one of the safer spots in the house right now.
[quote=roomie;25945]Apparently Renny was off of her meds the first few days she was in the house, which led to her off-the-wall behavior. She's actually become one of my favorites this season, and (depending on how much controversy she causes during her HoH week) looks to be sitting in one of the safer spots in the house right now.[/quote]
She's has settled down and become less annoying. April has got to go.
I was in the air last night and haven't seen the show yet. I was going to avoid spoilers before I watch it tonight but couldn't resist. Sitting in a training class right now in atlanta and decided to check out VEVMO while they are going over something I don't care about (CTS). I'm looking forward to watching it tonight.
Wooooooo! I am very glad to announce that April is finally up for EVICTION, now get her out of the house! Althought I do agree that Renny should have put up Ollie. Lets hope she doesn't win POV! Renny gave me quite a scare with the whole pawn situation.... I don't think the house will send Jerry home over April... hopefully.
this is my first time ever watching BB- I have a few questions.
Does the jury completely decide who wins? If so, doesn't that mean they don't want to completely **** someone off when they evict them, right?
Also, what's the final number for the last episode? Do they got to a final four, three, or two?
Thanks guys...this show is completely addicting! I only got into it after seeing posts on here leading up to the new season this summer, and it's hooked me in now. Having 3 episodes a week helps too, since not much is on right now!
[quote=needsalife;26345]this is my first time ever watching BB- I have a few questions.
Does the jury completely decide who wins? If so, doesn't that mean they don't want to completely **** someone off when they evict them, right?
Also, what's the final number for the last episode? Do they got to a final four, three, or two?
Thanks guys...this show is completely addicting! I only got into it after seeing posts on here leading up to the new season this summer, and it's hooked me in now. Having 3 episodes a week helps too, since not much is on right now![/quote]
The jury votes between the Final 2. BB is addicting as you can see there are a number of us on here that know it well.
The jury has decided who wins since Big Brother 2. They must choose from between the final two players. Between the eviction of the 3rd place person and the finale, the jury from sequester gets to ask questions of the remaining two people. That session rarely sways any votes, so it's mostly a show filler for CBS.
The week the cast must send the first person to the jury, the game changes for smart players. One must "play" to the jury as well as to all the players remaining in the houes, since all but one will represent a potential vote for or against you if you make it to the end. Some, like Renny, apparently can't get past the emotion of the early part of the game, hence her nomination of Jerry as "revenge." It is a move that bad players have made season after season because in their isolation, they can say it's just a game, but it actually becomes emotionally consuming. That is exactly what the producers count on and even encourage in the Diary Room.
Renny was someone I knew would act a little off and tonight proved that point exactly. Honestly after the happiness of April going up wore up it would have been smarter to have April V Ollie on there. I would play them against each other and if neither won POV it'd assure a couple broken up. Still April will probably go home this week. She seemingly has a strong alliance in place but needs to be careful, there are alot of different agendas in that group.
Another good episode! I am very glad that Dan did not use the veto. I really hope April is the one to go home this week. Don't get me wrong, I want to see Jerry go as well but they can get him out much easier than they can April. BTW: I typed this on my cell phone which means it works! I must have been doing something wrong.
[quote=V1man;26682]We are right back to where the season began for me.
Renny = nut job and a waste of a wonderful casting opportunity.[/quote]
You know she goes from one end to the other doesn't she, i wonder if she has some bipolar tendencies.
Yep, I was starting to warm up to Renny. Now she's back to moronsville. She seems really entertaining and sweet when she stays away from trying to think. She's one of those people that are really sweet and fun to be around but leave something to be desired when it comes to critical thinking.
[quote=markt_99;26703]Yep, I was starting to warm up to Renny. Now she's back to moronsville.[/quote]
It made me cringe last night when she said to Dan in an almost God Father like tone, "I trust (pause) you will keep my nominations the same."
There is this ridiculous mentality that nominations have to stay the same for the HOH to have a successful "reign." What happened to backdooring people?
If Dan could have taken Jerry off the block putting Ollie up, it would have been quite advantageous to him in the larger scheme of things. He could have won over Jerry and set up Ollie to go home. Even though I don't necessarily dislike Ollie, it is true that he is the devil you don't know and April is so skeevish and predictable, she would no longer be a serious threat without him.
That being said, she needs to go this week followed by Michelle, followed by Jerry, followed by Ollie, followed by Renny. ;)
[quote=Bacchus;26706]That being said, she needs to go this week followed by Michelle, followed by Jerry, followed by Ollie, followed by Renny. ;)[/quote]
I agree on the most part, but I think Michelle will have to be kept around a little longer to help Dan and Memphis, they can outsmart her in the final few anyway.
So I think it should be April, Jerry, Ollie, Renny, Michelle
[quote=bratty;26796]I agree on the most part, but I think Michelle will have to be kept around a little longer to help Dan and Memphis, they can outsmart her in the final few anyway.
So I think it should be April, Jerry, Ollie, Renny, Michelle[/quote]
Yeah I'd like all of them top go soon. Final Three should be Keesha, Memphis, and Dan BUT who knows who will go next, it depends on who wins HOH next.
[quote=GoldenWarrior;26802]Yeah I'd like all of them top go soon. Final Three should be Keesha, Memphis, and Dan BUT who knows who will go next, it depends on who wins HOH next.[/quote]
I am now going to take the time to say... THIS EPISODE WAS GREEAT! Everything worked out perfect! Michelle has been back doored, Ollie is pissed off, and Dan stuck with his alliance! It was so funny watching Ollie think he had everything in the bag. Did you see him throwing things at the end? HILARIOUS! With Double Eviction coming up, Memphis, Keesha, or Renny NEED to win HOH. Otherwise one of the four is going home.
That was one of the best Episodes in a long time! This season is turning out to be a classic.
Lets play some roulette! [I]OH SNAP![/I]
[CENTER] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gopAvCkgcdU
[B]Ollie losing it; Dan & Company in HOH[/B][/CENTER]
[quote=Bacchus;27231]That was one of the best Episodes in a long time! This season is turning out to be a classic.
Lets play some roulette! [I]OH SNAP![/I]
Seriously! This episode was amazing... I was laughing so hard! I couldn't believe how much of an ******* Dan sounded like (to Ollie), but I loved it!
I agree completely this episode was great, I am really liking this season now and it has really picked up. With the house being so one sided for so long it is nice to see that group break up and the other side mix it up. Although I didn't like it I am happy it turned out this way, Dan was smooth and I think still has his alliance in his corner. Memphis I think is just glad it worked out and Dan can trust him even more with Michelle gone. And yeah it was also FUUUNNNYYY at times, man I loved it.
That clip doesn't even show it all. After that he went into the downstairs area. BB cut the feeds to downstairs and all you saw was the reaction by the HOH houseguests as they watched him go nuts downstairs, threaten to hit someone, pull all the keys off of the picture wall, etc.
He actually got a really kind edit by BB last night.
Dan's HOH blog is up. I rarely read this as they are usually pretty boring. This one just reinforces my opinion of Dan. The guy is a class act.
[URL="http://www.cbs.com/primetime/big_brother/blog/7.php"]Dan's Blog[/URL]
[quote=markt_99;27370]Dan's HOH blog is up. I rarely read this as they are usually pretty boring. This one just reinforces my opinion of Dan. The guy is a class act.
[URL="http://www.cbs.com/primetime/big_brother/blog/7.php"]Dan's Blog[/URL][/quote]
Yeah Dan honestly could have trashed many people in there but he chose to not and I like that. I got nervous during that Word Association hing but he got through that clean. Overall a well written blog, from what I read cause it was long lol