Big Brother 10: Episode Discussion

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Another good episode tempered only by the fact that Jessie has to rank among one of the dumbest houseguests. Now I had no problems with him at first then slowly but surely he started to ware on my nerves. Along with his entire group, especially a certain few who just think they are all powerful and yeah they are definitely in power now but that can change next week. Anyway Dan has grown on me I have respect for him for sticking with Brian even when the ship was sinking and rest of the rats had left. And the fact that he is apparently 007 lol That quick move to the toilet was nice. But yeah him getting nominated made some sense. But Steven? The reason he gave was dumb and I know it was probably just because he was "on the other side". Whatever this was a good episode and I am definitely liking this season so far.
I am disappointed nobody has seen She's the One. Dan is Francis! I am not even saying that he is "kind of like" Franny. They are one in the same (at least in spirit!) [CENTER][/CENTER] Actually, the character Mike McGlone plays in The Brother McMullen is a little closer being he weights more on the "I'm a strict Catholic" stuff - but still I think the inspiration for this casting decision came straight from the mind of Edward Burns. I am sure of it! Ok, back to this episode of Big Brother. I thought we got to see how weak a player we have in Jesse. The other alliance members wouldn't even let him nominate who he wanted with Memphis saying, "over my dead body" when brought up Renny. That is just hilarious! What a loser. He can't even make his own decisions without editorial oversight. That means he is just a disposable pawn and is not going to make it very far in this game. That is a good thing, especially with his time in the HOH room spent talking about how "shredded" he is... I was less than impressed that Dan and Steven went up. I don't particularly like them (or anyone at this point besides the Dani Doppelgänger) but they still represent the people I can tolerate the most in the house right now. Right off the bat, it would seem I am on the wrong side of the house. That does not bode well for me...
Just watched last night's episode... I'm starting to come around on Dan - I'm annoyed that he's always shouting in the diary room, but I have nothing but respect for the way he's accepted Steven (although that [i]could[/i] just be an act...) and calls him a friend. Man oh man, I cannot stand Jessie! He's so cocky and arrogant... I hope someone like Renny or Keesha wins the next HoH and sends him packing! A dose of humility would not hurt him. Is anyone else really, really annoyed by Michelle?
[quote=roomie;22327]Just watched last night's episode... I'm starting to come around on Dan - I'm annoyed that he's always shouting in the diary room, but I have nothing but respect for the way he's accepted Steven (although that [I]could[/I] just be an act...) and calls him a friend. Man oh man, I cannot stand Jessie! He's so cocky and arrogant... I hope someone like Renny or Keesha wins the next HoH and sends him packing! A dose of humility would not hurt him. Is anyone else really, really annoyed by Michelle?[/quote] Michelle is even more annoying on the feeds, she comes off too strong in relation to certain things. I like Dan and Steven to an extent, mostly because the other side of the house just irks me to death. But nooooo Renny winning HOH...I'd rather Dani-Clone win it or Dan if he stays to send someone from that side packing.
I am not in Michelle's corner either. I am more of a Dani lookalike, Angie type of guy.
I finally got to watch BB! :) So here are my thoughts..... Jesse sucks! I Hate him. He can't even make his own HOH nominations, and all he talks about is his Physique! Plus he is a huge whine bag. I have no clue why he blew up on Angie like that? And then when Dan came up there he didnt! And btw jesse, Renny did apoligize! (dont get me wrong.... I still dont like her) I now do not like Libra and April, But I would rather see Jesse go home before them. I think [B]Keesha[/B] is going to be my favorite House Guest. As for the nominations...... It really don't matter to me who goes home...
[QUOTE]I think [B]Keesha[/B] is going to be my favorite House Guest.[/QUOTE] Mine too! [B]*wink* *wink*[/B]
Awesome Pheonix...I know you were dying not being able to watch it. Kessha, Dan, Angie(although she can be annoying at times too) are some of my favorites now. I still like Jerry but he makes a few too many sexual comments on the feeds and it can sure quiet a room lol
[QUOTE=goldenwarrior63;22301]Another good episode tempered only by the fact that Jessie has to rank among one of the dumbest houseguests. Now I had no problems with him at first then slowly but surely he started to ware on my nerves. Along with his entire group, especially a certain few who just think they are all powerful and yeah they are definitely in power now but that can change next week. [/QUOTE] Problem is that they ARE all powerfull. I'm finding myself in the SPA(Sock Puppet Alliance) camp. None of the SPA has enough backbone to stick up for each other even though there is a significant number that don't won't to be a part of the general house alliance. Therefore the general house alliance (Libra, April, Jessie and maybe memphis) is all powerfull. Pretty sad that these 4 people can so easily intimidate everyone else so early in the game. Especially considering that at the core they are not that tight. Only maybe Libra and April are all-in on the alliance.
[QUOTE=markt_99;22378]Problem is that they ARE all powerfull. I'm finding myself in the SPA(Sock Puppet Alliance) camp. None of the SPA has enough backbone to stick up for each other even though there is a significant number that don't won't to be a part of the general house alliance. Therefore the general house alliance (Libra, April, Jessie and maybe memphis) is all powerfull. Pretty sad that these 4 people can so easily intimidate everyone else so early in the game. Especially considering that at the core they are not that tight. Only maybe Libra and April are all-in on the alliance.[/QUOTE] Oh yeah, Ollie's all in as long as he still has a good chance of seing April's "Natural" *******.
Was Ollie evicted and we were not told? I swear I didn't hear from him once last night... I am already starting to waver on the "quality" of the cast. I am not sure who the likable people are supposed to be! I know for sure that I absolutely hate Renny, Libra, Michelle and Jesse. I also don't particularly care for April and by association Ollie. Memphis and Jerry are bearable but each have their issues with Memphis siding with the people I hate and Jerry being a curmudgeon. I was starting to like Dan a little more over the last week, but now realize my initial assessment's correctness: He is a major ******* (except for now a major ******* in the DR only because he is being a smarmy weasel.) Gay non-colored cowboy Steven is forgettable and doomed to go home. I am more a fan of flaming gay cast members like Howie from BB6. Oh, wait.... That leaves backbone-[I]less[/I] Angie who thinks flip flopping is an Olympic sport and Keesha who [I]knows[/I] flip flopping is an Olympic sport (and badly needs cash for a nose job. Ok, that was just uncalled for, lol..but every time I see her my mind keeps whispering nooooooooose joooooob!) If the only measuring stick is the winter edition, this is much better - [B]but is that really saying much?[/B]
I am enjoying the season very much. I agree Bacchus, Where in the world was Ollie? I don't even remember seeing him during the POV choices, and the POV ceremony! Oh well, I really don't like him that much anyways because he is on.... their side. (april and libra) I don't believe that this alliance between Jesse and all of them is going to last very long. It was almost broken up last night! As a matter of fact, I think April, Ollie and Libra are in their own alliance now. So I hate: Libra, Jesse, April, Ollie, Michelle and Renny. I like: Keesha, Memphis, Angie, and Jerry. That leaves: Dan, Steven in the Middle. So far, I like this season Very Much! :)
Bacchus, come on, there are better things to whisper to Keesha...
[quote=V1man;22666]Bacchus, come on, there are better things to whisper to Keesha...[/quote] Don't get me wrong, I like Keesha. She is at the top of my list this season (although I am not sure what that is saying.) I just think that if she really wants to be a model (which is why she came out to LA) then she might have to consider some elective surgery. :wink2:
Yeah I am definitely enjoying this season too and this was another good episode. Okay as much as I wanted Michelle to use it, I knew even without spoilers that once she won it she wouldn't use it. It could have made her a target among people she was tight with and even with some from her own side thinking about it, I figured she wouldn't use it. Dan is an ******* but it's kind of nice to have a player like that who is a little sneaky but yeah it makes you think on liking him. I still hate Renny even though she did stir it up last night. Memphis I am uncertainly of, if he switched sides I would like him and yeah Angie might be....a FLOATER! :::gasp::
[quote=Bacchus;22668]Don't get me wrong, I like Keesha. She is at the top of my list this season (although I am not sure what that is saying.) I just think that if she really wants to be a model (which is why she came out to LA) then she might have to consider some elective surgery. :wink2:[/quote] I'm pretty sure you didn't address what V1 was talking about! hehe
[QUOTE=killer_tofu;22680]I'm pretty sure you didn't address what V1 was talking about! hehe[/QUOTE] Actually, if Bacchus is going to be whispering to anyone, I'd be happier if it were one of our members and not some blond TV bimbo.
[quote=V1man;22699]Actually, if Bacchus is going to be whispering to anyone, I'd be happier if it were one of our members and not some blond TV bimbo.[/quote] haha ;)
Well I have to say that I am happy with the results of the HOH but do have my concerns for this week. Keesha flip flops allllllloootttt so I really wonder if she'll make the right choices or get pressured into things. Then again she never had power before and she very well could target certain people that has a name starts with Libra :P I'm glad Dan stayed but sad Steven left and didn't get a single vote from anyone. Oh well hopefully this will be a good week but overall another good episode.
[quote=goldenwarrior63;22737]Well I have to say that I am happy with the results of the HOH but do have my concerns for this week. Keesha flip flops allllllloootttt so I really wonder if she'll make the right choices or get pressured into things. Then again she never had power before and she very well could target certain people that has a name starts with Libra :P I'm glad Dan stayed but sad Steven left and didn't get a single vote from anyone. Oh well hopefully this will be a good week but overall another good episode.[/quote] I have a feeling that she might have her HOH run by committee. Lets hope that she stands up for herself and takes out at least one of the major players, preferably Libra or Michelle. The bad news is that I think she is now semi allied with Libra so she will be more likely to go after Angie... What sucks is the "good people" are not sticking together so there are bound to be innocents hurt...
[quote=Bacchus;22740]I have a feeling that she might have her HOH run by committee. Lets hope that she stands up for herself and takes out at least one of the major players, preferably Libra or Michelle. The bad news is that I think she is now semi allied with Libra so she will be more likely to go after Angie... What sucks is the "good people" are not sticking together so there are bound to be innocents hurt...[/quote] I completely agree it's like they want to go against the other side but are just not united enough to do it. I hope Keesha has what it takes to just say screw you guys this is MY HOH rather than letting them gang up on her. But I sense if Libra does go on the block it will be fun to watch.
There is definitely the mob mentality. No one has the courage to stand up and truly go against what they perceive to be the house majority. I have a feeling that the people I like the most will get picked off one by one. Of course, I guess they deserve it if noone is willing to stage a coup.
[QUOTE] I have a feeling that the people I like the most will get picked off one by one.[/QUOTE] I have that same feeling...
Another good episode! :D I am very excited that Keesha won HOH. The only thing, is that I think Keesha might be alligned with Libra..... But then again she called both Libra and April B****. I wish that Memphis, Angie, Keesha, and Jerry would all allign and take control of the house! I really hope that Keesha won't be pushed around. I guess we will just have to see. It's like everyone that I like, is in an alliance with someone I don't!
When Keesha first won HOH I was excited and felt that this week would be a good week BUT now it seems I might have been misguided a little. Okay so I am all for Jessie being on the block and I can understand somewhat why she put up Angie since very few on that side seem to like her. What I don't understand is why she seems to be the target this week and not Jessie or some of the way bigger threats in the game. He may not be too smart but he is very physical and that could be dangerous. The good thing about this week is that major alliance seems to have broken down and they are turning on each other, that would be the only reason I'd want Jessie to stay to cause some trouble for them.
I still haven't seen the episode! For some odd reason, isn't working for me, so I have to wait until someone puts it on youtube. :(
I think Memphis is sooooo hot!!!:-)I'm pulling for him or Dan cause I find Dan to be real cute and cool.I don't trust that Libra person at all..and it's annoying to me how Michelle was crying like she was so sad to see Angie get evicted from the house,when she was one of the 8 who voted Angie out.I mean,come on!!
I might sneak a spoiler this week, just for the HOH contest. I need to know what kind of week I have in store.
[QUOTE=Bacchus;23719]I might sneak a spoiler this week, just for the HOH contest. I need to know what kind of week I have in store.[/QUOTE] Don't do it. You'll be reaching for a gnu. ;)
[quote=V1man;23721]Don't do it. You'll be reaching for a gnu. ;)[/quote] Oh No.... That can only mean one thing.... Jesse, Libra, or Renny won HOH! NOOOOOO! I might have to go look as well.
