Big Brother 10: Episode Discussion

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Big Brother 10: Episode Discussion
Big Brother 10 Episode Discussion. This is a place that we will talk about what happened on the broadcasts as they air (east coast time.) Please refrain from speaking about future events (i.e. live feeds.) [IMG][/IMG]
I enjoyed last night's premiere alot. It definitely was a good start to the season which is showing promise already and hey my fave won HOH which I never saw coming. That was a nice twist though with that it was a fresh way to pick the first HOH. Still it seems the alliances and schemeing have started already, although I don't know if an alliance should have been made so early in the game(if you watch the feeds you may see why lol).
I enjoyed the first episode. Jerry was easily the most likable character right off the bat and even though I have my fears that he is going to get "out wiled" early on, he's still the only house guest fully in my "like" column with the jury begin out on the most of the other until more can be discovered. Renny is probably the most annoying cast member since....uhhhhhh......ya, I don't think there is an easy comparison here. Although Jesse was not at fault for getting into a tangle with the nutball, he deserves to be up for eviction for being such a little crybaby! That pouting was embarrassing and made it easy to spot the youngster of the house. Still, he has redeeming qualities and I wouldn't mind him sticking around at least another week so we can find out a little more about him. The bad news for Jesse (and us) is history shows that they never get rid of the wacko the first week (and they always end up sticking around [I]forever![/I]) Nope, they say, "OMG this is our chance to get rid of Jesse who will win every POV! Renny is obviously annoying and psychotic, but she is harmless at the same time." [I] In an 10-0 Vote - Jesse you are the first person evicted from the Big Brother House.[/I]
I thought it was a fairly decent first episode. A lot more content and game play then I am used to for an opener, but I'm not complaining. Jerry winning HOH was no big surprise and he seemed like a safe bet, heck I probably would have voted for him too if I was in the house. Renny is just too much. Don't declare that you are a free spirit, then dis someone because they touched a girl's *****. A man is a man, whether is a father, grandfather or great-grandfather. LMAO Jessie may have been a cry baby about it all, but she should have been genuine in her apology. But yeah, going to bed early on the 1st night???? Not cool. Bacchus are you sure you want to make such a definite prediction? The POV hasn't even been aired yet. At least wait until then before you make one. (not saying anything spoilerish here, just saying it's kind of silly when things can change on a dime, especially this early)
[quote]A man is a man, whether is a father, grandfather or great-grandfather. LMAO[/quote]Hahaha! Very true. [quote]Bacchus are you sure you want to make such a definite prediction?[/quote]I was just throwing it out there. I still hope Renny is sent packing, or even better - they backdoor Dan! Yay! ;)
[quote]not saying anything spoilerish here[/quote]Begone evil feed watching soothsayer lol! I was just saying that in BB8 day 1 everyone wanted to get rid of the ******* (****) and he won. BB9 day 1 everyone wanted to get rid of Shelia & Adam (ohhh...they are fighting, lets get rid of them....oh wait, they are not a threat, lets get rid of xzy instead!) and Adam won... There is a long, well documented history in this game of the crazies (that everyone wants to evict immediately) sticking around for the duration!
[QUOTE=Bacchus;21097] Renny is probably the most annoying cast member since....uhhhhhh......[/QUOTE] Holly
Yeah I would have voted for Jerry. This cast looks's going to be a good season.
Alright Here are my thoughts: 1st off, I hate Renny! I think everyone can agree with me on that. Great 1st episode, It definatly got my interest and I can already tell it will be a better season. I like Jerry. But him winning HOH this early is not a good thing. He can definatley make enemies early in the game. Jessie was definatly whiney, but I would much much rather have Renny out of the house. I thought the HOH thing was really cool, By just picking someone by looks. I would have picked Jerry also. Who in the world picked Renny! I can't wait till Tuesday! POV! (which I think Jessie will win) .....Still trying to debate on wheather to get the feeds or not.... I sort of want this year to be a suprise.
Yeah Renny rubbed alot of people the wrong way and she seems really strange but it's true the crazy, annoying, and disliked always seem to stay for a while an torment you. Jerry I think will stay a while but HOH first is always sort of a curse to have since it could **** someone off WAAAYYY too early in the game. (I have been watching the feed videos but won't say anything because I'm all nice and stuff).
[quote=goldenwarrior63;21111] Jerry I think will stay a while but HOH first is always sort of a curse to have since it could **** someone off WAAAYYY too early in the game.[/quote] First HOH is always a curse as there is a target set on you right away and by nominating at least one (and maybe two) people that are going to be sticking around, you have enemies to contend with that could have been avoided. that being said, there was nothing Jerry could do, so I guess he just has to roll with it. I think Jerry handled his nomination speech quite well. It was almost like he was a father telling the kids, "You know why you are in trouble...."
[quote=Bacchus;21112]First HOH is always a curse as there is a target set on you right away and by nominating at least one (and maybe two) people that are going to be sticking around, you have enemies to contend with that could have been avoided. that being said, there was nothing Jerry could do, so I guess he just has to roll with it. I think Jerry handled his nomination speech quite well. It was almost like he was a father telling the kids, "You know why you are in trouble...."[/quote] That is true he was chosen and really had no choice but to do it and nominate someone. He made two safe bets as well for the most part and yeah he basically laid it all down for them. But I think he got manipulated too and that is someone to be wary of, you don't wanna be made to sink your own ship.
From what I hear, the house guests are already at eachothers throats. I can't wait to see who wins POV! Who does everyone want to win it?
[quote=Pheonix12;21176]From what I hear, the house guests are already at eachothers throats. I can't wait to see who wins POV! Who does everyone want to win it?[/quote] I want anyone but the nominees. I want Renny to go and I think keeping the noms the same makes sense.
[quote=Bacchus;21179]I want anyone but the nominees. I want Renny to go and I think keeping the noms the same makes sense.[/quote] I want Renny to go too, which is why I think Jessie should come off the block. Because if he stays, then he might get evicted because he could be a threat later on in the game.
[quote=Pheonix12;21181]I want Renny to go too, which is why I think Jessie should come off the block. Because if he stays, then he might get evicted because he could be a threat later on in the game.[/quote] That makes sense. You know you can just hop over and read Kathleen's spoiler thread to find out what goes down. ;)
Yeah I already know what has happened but hey the whole get Renny out thing is a good deal. There might be bigger threats out there though to maybe get out early which is usually what the thought behind some early evictions are.
[QUOTE=goldenwarrior63;21192]Yeah I already know what has happened but hey the whole get Renny out thing is a good deal. There might be bigger threats out there though to maybe get out early which is usually what the thought behind some early evictions are.[/QUOTE] If she is not evicted, I will be. I can't possible watch the show if she is on it. I only have 4 TV and don't want to destroy them by throwing a bottle at Renny or just shooting the TV. That is how much she annoys me.
I hate Renny, But I don't think anyone hates her more then V1man. But at least we all agree on something. Lol. You don't know how tempted I am to go look at Kathleens post! But I am going to TRY and hold off until tomorrow night. As long as Renny don't win POV I will be fine. Because I don't think anyone will take her off the block.
I'll read tomorrow after the show too and catch up on all the stuff they are not showing during the broadcasts. It will become my Tuesday ritual during the summer. :D
Usually I always end up watching the feeds and getting spoiled by something or another. Or just like going over to Jokers you see the updates right there front and center. But I got to say I can't help it, I have to watch and maybe that means spoilers but I'll still be watching tonight anyway.
I have not looked at the spoilers yet, even though I have wanted to really really bad..... this is not going to last all season.
[quote=Pheonix12;21244]I have not looked at the spoilers yet, even though I have wanted to really really bad..... this is not going to last all season.[/quote] You might as well look at the spoilers, get the feeds and join the "in" crowd. ;)
[quote=Bacchus;21246]You might as well look at the spoilers, get the feeds and join the "in" crowd. ;)[/quote] Yes Join us...JOIN US! Okay I was watching this old horror movie so I got that stuck in my head. The feeds are one of the best parts of it because you get to see something past any of the editing on the show.
I was very happy to see Brian go up. It couldn't have happened to a better guy. As annoying as Renny might be, this weasel [I]has[/I] to be eliminated first.
Alright! The 2nd episode was very good! I am very glad that Brian is up for eviction. I believe that he is going to go home. But you never know! I can live with Renny for another week.
I thought this episode was good too! Brian got too cocky, too fast and tried to make too many alliances. It was too early to start playing that hard and that openly. I can live with Renny for a while because Brian is a bigger threat. However, I didn't like the gang up in the HOH that was a little much, it worked but could have been a better one on one or group meeting.
[quote=Pheonix12;21385]Alright! The 2nd episode was very good! I am very glad that Brian is up for eviction. I believe that he is going to go home. But you never know! I can live with Renny for another week.[/quote] yeah i can live with renny for another week if they only show her as much as they showed her tonight. i'm a selfish viewer, i dont care about who wins, i just dont want to watch renny any more!
[QUOTE=killer_tofu;21388]yeah i can live with renny for another week if they only show her as much as they showed her tonight. i'm a selfish viewer, i dont care about who wins, i just dont want to watch renny any more![/QUOTE] Someone please let me know when Renny is gone. I wouldn't mind watching some of the season.
Oh come on V1man! It may be forever until she leaves! You should watch it anyways. :) You might grow to like her.
[quote=V1man;21402]Someone please let me know when Renny is gone. I wouldn't mind watching some of the season.[/quote] will do!
