The Mole - Netflix

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The Mole - Netflix

Twelve players complete challenges while trying to identify the one among them who's sabotaging their missions in this reboot of the cult-classic series.

The Mole | Official Trailer | Netflix

[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;14206]Just watched. Good, not great. Will keep DVR'ing for now. What did you guys think?[/QUOTE] It was OK, but not great. I don't care for the casting. I prefer people who are not losers. There seems to be greater than expected number among the players. They look like armchair mole fans, not ready players. I don't get the new host either. But, I'll still put it on the TIVO schedule and see if it grows on me.
[quote]It was OK, but not great.[/quote]I felt the same way. Nothing striking. The casting was afoul and no one grabbed me as a person whom I could pull for during the duration of the series. Dr Whiner was actually just the most vocal out of an entire cast of whiners. [B]BTW:[/B] Is she supposed to be Omarosa 2.0 or something? Huge pet-peeve territory for me was the way it ended. [quote] "How about we go through all the players one by and and tell them they are safe when everyone knows full well the first, second, third, fourth etc person to be "scanned" will not be eliminated...."[/quote][B]Mole Prediction Week 1: [/B]Craig 35% / Nicole 25% / Other 40% Craig seems like the perfect Mole (as him failing seems to be an obvious outcome) but the first episode edit suggests him too er...."heavily" for him to actually be the mole. However, that is my gut instinct. Nichole is too obvious to be the obvious. She is boisterous and annoying which makes for perfect "reverse" cover. Also being a doctor, you have to assume she is no idiot. On the flip side, she seems too into herself to be capable of taking a back seat when needed in order to avoid detection as the mole. There is nothing else on, so I'll be watching...
We may not get to know who wins... "The Mole” averaged a 1.9 adults 18-49 rating at 10 p.m., according to Nielsen overnights, well behind timeslot leader NBC’s 2.9 for game five of the Stanley Cup finals. It was also behind a 2.6 for a repeat of “CSI: Miami” on CBS. (Courtesy of Media Life Magazine) Shows with ratings like that often get quickly cancelled.
Ahh!! I hope they don't pull it- I was excited to see it come back!! I already love Liz the old lady. Nicole ('New-marosa' as me and my Mole-watchin' buddy referred to her as) strikes me as the "love to hate" person and my current "Mole" pick is Kristen the neuroscientest... she laid low the whole episode, but there was just something about her... Bobby the gay superfan is also on my radar as to who the mole could be...
I was excited it was back too, but the cast really is DULL as hell. If it's cancelled....oh well. 1 hour of my life back a week. Though aside from that negativity, I will stay tuned to see if it heats up
The ratings are horrid, but it is not like they have anything else to put in that timeslot. The lead in sucks and I don't think repeats of [B]Samantha Who?[/B] would fare any better. It should stick around unless what we saw with the numbers was an audience sampling the show that will not be around next week.
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;14504]I was excited it was back too, but the cast really is DULL as hell. If it's cancelled....oh well. 1 hour of my life back a week. Though aside from that negativity, I will stay tuned to see if it heats up[/QUOTE] When you see a cast this dull you have to ask yourself if ABC saw this a fitting on the ABC Family channel. And you also must ask about the experience base of the production company, Stone and Company Entertainment. Here is what they have done: - Are You Dressed? (TV movie) - Production Company 2008 - Gimme Sugar (TV series) - Production Company 2008 - I Propose (TV series) - Production Company (unknown episodes) - 1,000 Places to See Before You Die (TV series documentary) - Production Company 2007 - Top Design (TV series) - Production Company (unknown episodes) 2007 - Curl Girls (TV movie) - Production Company 2007 - Tim Gunn's Guide to Style (TV series) - Production Company (unknown episodes) 2007 - Ivana Young Man (TV movie) - Production Company 2006 - Hi-Jinks (TV series) - Production Company (unknown episodes) 2005 - American Dream Derby (TV series documentary) - Production Company 2005 - Shop 'Til You Drop (TV series) - Production Company Given that list of projects, I'm less surprised with the cast. I can't think of a single memorable personality from any of the above (Tim Gunn came to Stone and CO. as part of the network package, so he doesn't count). Of course, the one person I thought had edge, Marice, goes home first. I'll stick around and hope someone becomes interesting. God knows it won't be the host.
[quote=V1man;14520]When you see a cast this dull you have to ask yourself if ABC saw this a fitting on the ABC Family channel. And you also must ask about the experience base of the production company, Stone and Company Entertainment. Here is what they have done: - Are You Dressed? (TV movie) - Production Company 2008 - Gimme Sugar (TV series) - Production Company 2008 - I Propose (TV series) - Production Company (unknown episodes) - 1,000 Places to See Before You Die (TV series documentary) - Production Company 2007 - Top Design (TV series) - Production Company (unknown episodes) 2007 - Curl Girls (TV movie) - Production Company 2007 - Tim Gunn's Guide to Style (TV series) - Production Company (unknown episodes) 2007 - Ivana Young Man (TV movie) - Production Company 2006 - Hi-Jinks (TV series) - Production Company (unknown episodes) 2005 - American Dream Derby (TV series documentary) - Production Company 2005 - Shop 'Til You Drop (TV series) - Production Company Given that list of projects, I'm less surprised with the cast. I can't think of a single memorable personality from any of the above (Tim Gunn came to Stone and CO. as part of the network package, so he doesn't count). Of course, the one person I thought had edge, Marice, goes home first. I'll stick around and hope someone becomes interesting. God knows it won't be the host.[/quote] I agree that I can not name one cast members from any of those shows. I also liked Marcie and it was somewhat shocking to see her out of dodge on the first bus...
I love the show and am thoroughly excited that it is back on so I hope that it won't be cancelled, but okay. The cast isn't that bad to me, but we didn't get time to get to know enough of them. My guess as to who the Mole is has to be Kristen, the blonde neuroscientist. First off she has the intelligence to be able to sabotage a mission and manipulate every one else's minds. Her persoanlity from what we saw is very laid back and she managed to create some form of suspicion in me.
Episode 2 was WORLDS better than the premiere!! What did you think? The cast is starting to warm up to "the game" and starting to show a little character.... I love Craig...he's hysterical! Bobby is ok, but SUCKS...Nicole is threatening to kill Alex in his sleep.....WHAT!?!?! Maybe the show will escalate each week...i hope so.
I thought this episode was much better. I'm glad that Liz was sent packing. She was the weakest link [I]besides[/I] the mole (aka BOBBY!) I mean come on, no one is that much of a wimp, right? The thing is, it is just to obvious to be true. The real mole would never be so blatant. Oh - Every time I see Mark I think of Steve Carell in [B]40 Year old Virgin[/B], lol. [B]Nicole:[/B] “I’m going to kill you while you sleep. I can do it and not leave any forensic evidence” [B]Paul:[/B] "All you are is talk, and I’m tired of it,” [B]Nicole: [/B]“Okay, wake up dead.”
I still don't understand how this show was cast. One of the principles of good casting is to create and ensemble the is largely likeable, yet containing some people whose personalities, if not their character, is lacking. I wouldn't want to be on this show with any of them. I don't want to know who the mole is; I want to ID the casting director.
I have to agree. The episode was way better than the last. Liz was obviously the weak link but I liked her. I have to agree with my first guess as Kirsten is the Mole. She didn't ask for help to find piggies and could have easily skipped a few.
[quote=V1man;15059] I don't want to know who the mole is; I want to ID the casting director.[/quote] I'll give you extra credit for this, lol ...although I am still digging it (but agree the cast is no fun.) [quote=Dartagnan;15125]I I have to agree with my first guess as Kirsten is the Mole. She didn't ask for help to find piggies and could have easily skipped a few.[/quote] That was your first guess? (too lazy to read back.)
The Mole is definitely NOT Nicole or Bobby. Too strong and too obvious. I'd lean toward it NOT being Vanessa...but then again that could be many a scripted interview and some fine editing. hmmm.
Someone, anyone, please tell me how Bobby can possibly be good casting. He does make my viewing experience shorter since my thumb now automatically goes to the TIVO fast forward button whenever he is on-screen, so maybe he gets props for that.
[quote=V1man;15167]Someone, anyone, please tell me how Bobby can possibly be good casting.[/quote] Bobby and that guy who acts like the stereotypical Italian from New York? Ya, bad casting. Can't stand them.... I am working with a "who do I hate the least" mentality. And there is no love in my hate with this show.
Yeah dude....Paul SUCKS. I hope Nicole tears him up sometime down the line.
The mole dropped to a 1.6/5 rating/share for episode 2. That is fewer than 4 million viewers. "TV by the numbers" says it should be canceled. [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR][/URL]
[quote=V1man;15346]The mole dropped to a 1.6/5 rating/share for episode 2. That is fewer than 4 million viewers. "TV by the numbers" says it should be canceled. [URL=""][COLOR=#0000ff][/COLOR][/URL][/quote] It hasn't had time to "settle in " yet, so I agree with their quick assessment. It will probably fall even a bit further next week. *GASP* Shows like this don't pick up viewers during their run. Still, Monday's during the summer are a dead zone for me so I hope it remains...
This just finished recording. Going to go watch right now.
But episode three was EVEN BETTER!!!! this show is on a steady climb upwards in quality! AHHHH MOLEMOLEMOLE I probably wouldnt be AS into it, had this been the fall and not the summer.....but I'm in man. I'm diggin it
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;16033]But episode three was EVEN BETTER!!!! this show is on a steady climb upwards in quality! AHHHH MOLEMOLEMOLE I probably wouldnt be AS into it, had this been the fall and not the summer.....but I'm in man. I'm diggin it[/QUOTE] I don't know if Paul is the mole, but he gets my vote as "***** mole"
I wish I would remember when it comes on meaning that I always say I'll watch it and I end up forgetting. Next time I'm gonna set it to record on my DVR. I like the Mole it definitely can be enjoyable at least it was all the times I watched it.
Mark is the mole? When they show the reveals on the final episode, the mole pretty much blows something on every challenge (except if there is just no way without giving themselves up.) Just think back to what Mark has done and it is even more apparent "Evan Almighty" is the mole. Remember the pig catapult thing? What did he do? NOTHING! He stood and watched and complained and begged to be able to do the launching (so he could screw it up I am sure.) The Soccer/bike challenge. Yup, he got to the top of the mountain to keep cash out of the pot. I can't think back to episode 1 (if he failed the waterfall bag grab or not) but I know he was in charge of picking items for the beach combing challenge and they didn't do well there either. He really didn't need to throw it as the items were just not there. This week, he blew the challenge because he just quit uncontested and his buddy Bobby goes home being Bobby was sure it was not him and thus failed the quiz!
[quote=Bacchus;16134]Mark is the mole. When they show the reveals on the final episode, the mole pretty much blows something on every challenge (except if there is just no way without giving themselves up.) Just think back to what Mark has done and it is even more apparent "Evan Almighty" is the mole. Remember the pig catapult thing? What did he do? NOTHING! He stood and watched and complained and begged to be able to do the launching (so he could screw it up I am sure.) The Soccer/bike challenge. Yup, he got to the top of the mountain to keep cash out of the pot. I can't think back to episode 1 (if he failed the waterfall bag grab or not) but I know he was in charge of picking items for the beach combing challenge and they didn't do well there either. He really didn't need to throw it as the items were just not there. This week, he blew the challenge because he just quit uncontested and his buddy Bobby goes home being Bobby was sure it was not him and thus failed the quiz! [/quote] Bacchus, I think you may have just solved the whole show. I read this and now it all fits together. He just wants you to believe it is not him because he wants to make you feel so bad for him because his wife and him both work two jobs. But then again that might be why he isn't the mole. If he truly wanted the money why would he take the job as The Mole? But that is very interesting. I still have a hunch that its Kristen. She has the smarts to pull it off and she seems to point the finger at people a lot to cause distractions from herself.
i'm thinking it could be nicole, kristen, clay or paul as of right now
Yeah I don't know....Kristen was ALSO riding that bike...shes athletic, smart....she could easily be the mole too. i do NOT think its Craig, Vanessa, or Nicole. I have crossed them off my list of possible Moles. hmmm I hope the show keeps getting better! though the host is kinda....bland.
Fraking thunderstorm cut power for the last 20 minutes of The Mole, but I just found a blog and got caught up. Victoria gone, oh well. Everyone has to go eventually. No surprise that Mark survived another week. I was really hoping that he would tone it down being it was sooooooooooooooooooo obvious he was overacting to the journal burning. It was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad acting. I don't want The Mole to totally be discovered in week 4!
I still feel like Kristen may be the mole... or perhaps the winner. Either way, she's poised to be the last woman standing - and so soon into the season! Can't believe we are already down to just 2 women!
