Day 46 - Power of Veto Ceremony
Morning - It's Easter Sunday.
Sharon and Adam in the bathroom. She asks him how many cigarettes does he have left. He says that he only has about 15 packs left so he's only good for the next 2-3 weeks. He says that he has been cutting back and not giving James and Ryan any. He's thinking about quitting.
Josh and Adam outside. Josh wants to know if Adam is going to take Chelsia's deal. Adam says no that it doesn't do him any good. Josh says that he understands and agrees. Adam says that if James wins HoH he should be fine because he would be up against, Natalie, Ryan or Sheila.
They are wondering if they will be getting Easter baskets and Sheila thinks that BB will do something for them later. (Chelsia boiled eggs to decorate...hoping that BB would give them stuff)
Sheila and Natalie in the kitchen. Sheila is complaining about the nomination ceremony when she said thank you to Adam and he said not to.
James is up, out of bed (after BB gave him the stern recording "JAMES, I SAID it was TIME to get UP for the DAY!!" a few times) and is not happy that Chelsia has boiled all the eggs and can't have any for breakfast. He says BB is probably laughing at them for doing it and he just wants some eggs to eat. Josh tells him that he has a very bad aura around him this morning and that it's not pink like normal - it's black.
James is really cranky and *****ing about the eggs. Chelsia is called into the DR. James tells her to be sure to tell them that she boiled all the ****** eggs.
BB tells them that they will be getting a little something later today for Easter.
Ryan and Josh outside. They are talking about their secret alliance and how they will protect each other. They say no one will suspect anything if they keep it quiet and they will take each other to the end. Josh tells him that if he wins HoH he is putting up Natalie and Sheila and that if James wins he will put up Natalie and Adam and if Sharon wins she is putting up Natalie and .. someone.
Ryan tells Josh that if Natalie wins she will put up Josh and James... if Sheila wins she will put up Josh and James.... If he wins he will put up ... he has no clue...err but it won't be Josh... maybe Sheila and Adam. (this secret alliance/double crossing is pretty tough stuff huh?)
Josh tells him that Sheila has told everyone in the house that they are final two with her (ummm that would be you Joshy). They think that one controls the other with Adam and Sheila but they can't figure out who. Josh says that Sharon is good and will help them out a lot.
Sheila slips up and says that she used to love watching ED just sitting outside and smoking. Ryan calls her on it and says that he thought she never watched before. She says that she didn't ... well she didn't have the feeds because she didn't know you could get that on the internet. (lots of errs and uhhhhs in there).
[b]Power of Veto Ceremony[/b]-
Sharon has been put up to replace James
Sharon and Chelsia kid around about how they will campaign against each other. Chelsia says that she can't wait to see Adam in sequester next week.
Chelsia and James in the bedroom. James hugs her and she says that at least she knows she is going home and it won't be a surprise.