Not much excitement going last night, just more of the same. Allison campaigning (who isn't really campaigning) and trash talking Jen (but who never trash talks Jen).
There was one instance of excitement right when BBAD started. Amanda and Josh (who had made up earlier in the day....Josh says he's just playing along) staged a fake fight. But just before BB called Amanda into the DR and was very insistent about it. I was wondering if they had a problem with a fake fight. It was soon apparent they were only concerned for their equipment.
Amanda was talking to Chelsia and Josh starts yelling at her from across the yard (just before we saw Josh remove his mic) He's accusing her of make up more lies the yell back and forth (Amanda is having a hard time keeping a straight face) Josh edges to the pool....I think they may have had a short shoving match.
James, fearing the Josh was going to lose control and actually hit Amanda ran to intervene. Josh saw and decided to hurry things along so before Amanda had a chance to push him he dove in.
It really wasn't that funny, but it was some entertainment.
Oh and at dinner, they decided to go around and say a personal good-bye to all four people on the block. Sheila of course got emotional and was crying and the mature boys James, Matt and Adam couldn't keep a straight face and laughed through the whole thing. she got mad at them and said "you know that is just f-ed up." They said they were sorry but they still couldn't stop laughing.
The only other thing to report is that Jen/Ryan had sex. Whoopie. Not. I'm not even sure BB showed it. and I don't care. They did it on the floor in the boat room just in case you were wondering.
Today they are doing Live Eviction day and primping and last minute scrambling to see if all their deals and votes are in place.
I still don't know what the vote will be.
It's this couple thing. I have no idea what is going on in Adams head. And I'm not sure if anyone at this point is willing to put their own neck on the line by not agreeing with their partner.
However, I think Adam is with the other side of the house (the non A/A, P/J side), he James and Ryan are the only smokers so imagine it is only logical that they would scheme together.
I think it will be 3-1 to evict P/J. With Josh/Sharon, James/Chelsia, and Adam/Sheila voting out Parker and Jen.
I think Matt/Natalie will throw a vote to parker/Jen just to save face, but if it looked to be a tie they'd vote them out.
And in the even of a tie, I'm not sure what will happen...I don't think Amanda would get behind her partner and agree to vote out her shomance.
So it's going to come down to how well are Sheila and Adam are working as a team. And if he is indeed on the same side of the house as her.