[CENTER][LEFT][SIZE=4][B]Gauntlet III[/B][/SIZE]
The Gauntlet III Premiere is upon us and will be broadcast on MTV at 10:00 PM Eastern time tonight. Will the latest incarnation of the venerable Real World/Road Rules Challenge Series offer a change of course from the snooze worthy Inferno 3 that mucked up our television sets just last spring?
My best guess is, Yes! Although the high water mark of the series has long since been passed, there is still some life left in this show. I suspect that BMP saw the error of their ways with Inferno and made the necessary tweaks to the formula to bring us the best show that they possibly could. I mean it has to be better, right?
One thing is for sure, there will be plenty of on screen distractions to keep our mind off the actual competitions. First we have Brooke and Ev. Seemingly straight gal becomes a lesbian overnight, film at 11! Next we have CT and Diem who only seem to be a couple when the camera is rolling. They're together, and then they're not. They're together and then they're not. You get the picture. Then we have Tyler and Ryan which should be interesting as we do not see much gay male on male action in challenges (well besides the infamous ice sawing contest on Battle of the Sexes!) Better watch out Ryan, Tyler is a shark! Finally there is Danny and Melinda who have been engaged for 138 years. I decree that there should be a rule that engagements are null and void after 2 years. If you have not pulled the trigger and gone to Vegas by then, there is no hope it will happen so just return the ring and move on.
Anyways, I am looking forward to the show and will have much more to say once I see the first episode and get a feel for the pace. It only takes one episode to figure out if they have the goods or if they don't. If they don't then they will drag out every last **** for 15 minutes of screen time. Lets hope that is not the reality and that this season will be full of action, hookups and surprises. I guess we will know tonight.