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Wait. Sasha is a face? Since when

WWE honestly got her acting bipolar. One minute she hugged up with Bayley and the next she out her acting up. Lol

But can we get a royal rumble match now

we only have the main event titles and both rumbles right? I would think ladies rumble is up next.

KlounV3 wrote:

Wait. Sasha is a face? Since when

WWE honestly got her acting bipolar. One minute she hugged up with Bayley and the next she out her acting up. Lol


well I like her as a heel so they need to just commit. Is she like a tweener/anti-hero rn? I could live with that. 

I think Lana getting hit was meant to take her out the Royal Rumble.

Alright who do yall think will be surprise entrants for the female one

Cus i feel like other than nxt callups nobody else is coming :skull:

I think Lana getting hit was meant to take her out the Royal Rumble.

i think so too

Oh here we go

Alright who do yall think will be surprise entrants for the female one

I don't event want to guess I'm just ready to enjoy it. Wink

Alright so no Beth but I actually like her on commentary. More than Renee.

i want some diva legends!

Naomi and ember moon are number 1 amd 2 calling it

Actually the only person I want to see come out is Kharma! Wink

Aaaand i couldnt have been more wrong ROFL


At least we’re starting out with some CLASS



They did it cus her theme song is catchy af

If Evans is the iron woman then I’ll be happy. Hoping she lasts at least 20-30 mins

Alexa will be #2...

She can clean me up any time


I’m sorry but this woman is a star


I get why it’s natalya having this feud but like kayfabe wise it’s weird 


Lacey sis get it together

Lacey sis get it together

I'm glad you said it. Lol

Fling her *** lacey

holy **** this mandy rose is a SMOKE

Perfection has just entered the ring
