Vevmo Games: General Discussion

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Boy **** cause when me and Ceej talked he said he wasnt even aware that you was shitting on Judgement Day the way you was. At the end of the day you a lil boy, who wants to move around in a clique and have a bunch of yes man behind you who cant ever keep shit real with you. I knew what kinda person you was when I would try to tell you bout yourself and you'd reply with shit like "You never take my side" or "you always shitting on me". 

Talm bout Judgement Day wasnt my game, it damn near was considering I created most of the missions and eliminations .. Including the ones you decided to stral for this rooty poo *** season. Just delete your account in peace and quit like you usually do

Imagine typing out a whole paragraph just to be condescending 90% of it. David idk why you gave that lil pube my number in the first place lmao


Oh we moved on


??? ???

Lol I don’t remember Don. I’m blocked now lol even tho none of the above pertains to me. Yayyyy

Imagine typing out a whole paragraph just to be condescending 90% of it. David idk why you gave that lil pube my number in the first place lmao

You are really mad? And I really don’t understand because didn’t nobody tell you to accept that number but you did and you was still texting and calling my line so let’s not do that. 

Locks Thread

Lol I don't remember Don. I'm blocked now lol even tho none of the above pertains to me. Yayyyy

Youre blocked cause as far as I'm concerned yesterday it w***hown that you was talking shit about me. Now if that's not true how am I suppose to know cause you still kicking it with don and he just tried to make you look bad so I'm not getting it? And you of all people to possibly talk shit w***hocking. And people wanna say I only like people who kiss my ***? Who kisses my ***? I only **** with real******* PERIOD!! 

I talk to like 2 people at this point on the site outside of this site and none of them kiss my ***? Graphik and the ones in the black discord don't so I'm not getting that one either? Like you are sooooo mad and now want to further talk about how horrible of a person I am but just last week, week before that we was cool? But you know what kinda person I was and? You still entertained me lmaoooo

Because obviously that isn’t me so I couldn’t give a shit. Don loves to crack jokes and every single person could tell I don’t write like that. Don wanna come in here and confirm it’s not me, you can keep me blocked after he confirms.

And once upon time don and I was cool soooooo was that because he was a yes man and up my ***? And then he realized it and what now we got beef? 

Because obviously that isn't me so I couldn't give a ****. Don loves to crack jokes and every single person could tell I don't write like that. Don wanna come in here and confirm it's not me, you can keep me blocked after he confirms.

I don’t need confirmation. You can keep that cause the whole “you can keep my blocked” like anyways cause I’m not getting why you’re mad at me but go awf. 

Lmao I thought JJ himself confirmed yesterday that I threw David under the bus over a joke.

Nah he know it wasn’t david, He just mad that david not mad at me lol.

Hurt people hurt people 

And once upon time don and I was cool soooooo was that because he was a yes man and up my ***? And then he realized it and what now we got beef? 

Yea when every disagreement stems from me not cuddling your feelings and being up your *** the pattern is evident lmao.


Because obviously that isn't me so I couldn't give a ****. Don loves to crack jokes and every single person could tell I don't write like that. Don wanna come in here and confirm it's not me, you can keep me blocked after he confirms.

I don’t need confirmation. You can keep that cause the whole “you can keep my blocked” like anyways cause I’m not getting why you’re mad at me but go awf. 

Wow it’s obvious why I’m mad at you, because you would block me in the first place and the fact you can’t take my word. If you told me you didn’t say something, I would instantly believe you. Not accuse you and block you.


And once upon time don and I was cool soooooo was that because he was a yes man and up my ***? And then he realized it and what now we got beef? 

Yea when every disagreement stems from me not cuddling your feelings and being up your *** the pattern is evident lmao.

Thats not true and you know it. Every argument stems from you being rude and then when I react you turn around act like an even bigger ******* and that I'm the problem and that I have no reason to be mad. And I guess you feel that way because I like people who kiss my ***. I just don't see why you do everything publicly it's like you love to put a show on for people and entertain them and prove how big and bad you are and you aren't. 

I just don't see why you do everything publicly it's like you love to put a show on for people and entertain them and prove how big and bad you are and you aren't.

why do I feel dragged right now


Are y’all enjoying Weekend Getaway?

Anyone know how BBV is going? @fabulous

I think VBB is going well! Going way faster than I planned, but we are on the way up! I made a thread here for updates for those that cannot join the Discord.

Why was my comments deleted? 

Sorry *** mods


I had to do a big cleanup earlier because of a spam attack and took a broad stroke at removing that content. Some comments were removed in that process being it was batch in nature.  I apologize for the inconvenience. It was not targeted at any particular language or people. 


Why was my comments deleted? 

Sorry *** mods


I had to do a big cleanup earlier because of a spam attack and took a broad stroke at removing that content. Some comments were removed in that process being it was batch in nature.  I apologize for the inconvenience. It was not targeted at any particular language or people. 

you’re doing amazing ❤️

Gamer why you gotta fight with everyone bruh lol 

Gamer why you gotta fight with everyone bruh lol 

Why does everyone always have to fight w me 

i go away for a weekend and shit go down lmao

Second Round calls coming soon.

I never got first ooop

Weird that VCX starts in a week and we haven’t heard much.

Weird that VCX starts in a week and we haven’t heard much.

this thread is a cesspool and as soon as it gets bumped it’ll be spammed with trash 

Weird that VCX starts in a week and we haven’t heard much.



Weird that VCX starts in a week and we haven’t heard much.


Final calls have gone out tho if y’all rlly wanna know. 

Final calls have gone out tho if y’all rlly wanna know. 
