Survivor: Worlds Apart

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Survivor: Worlds Apart



So excited for this season. Hope it lives up to the hype it's been recieving!

I should come up with my own fantasy team with who I'm rooting for...

Finally!!!! As far as my dream team, my picks are: Shirin, So, Max, Lindsey, Jenn, and Hali. The females this season are great.

I really like the concept. Should be fun. Looking forward to tonight!

Can't believe the premiere is tonight. Super excited!!

So excited for this season. Hope it lives up to the hype it's been recieving!

I should come up with my own fantasy team with who I'm rooting for...

The hype for this season really was special.

"Best premier we have ever had"
"Best newbies cast I have ever played with"
"Tribals that are what Survivor is all about"
"If you watch Survivor with a friend that never watched it before and the friend don't like it this time, he/she never will."
"All three tribes caught their map!"

Survivor: Vevmo Edition

You better click the link and get your ***** in that thread if you want to be apart of first season of SurVevmo. It's still in the casting process so hurry before it's too late. Biggrin

So my fantasy team for this is just going to be 2 players from each tribe, 1 male/female. Just so I have someone to root for in each tribe.

This is entirely based off cast bios and video assessments, so who knows if I'll like them on the show. But anyways I'm going with Max/Shirin on Masaya, Mike/Lindsey on Escameca, and Vince/Jenn on Nagarote.

I'm not sure which tribe I want to win the most. Probably Escameca. (blue collar)

So my fantasy team for this is just going to be 2 players from each tribe, 1 male/female. Just so I have someone to root for in each tribe.

This is entirely based off cast bios and video assessments, so who knows if I'll like them on the show. But anyways I'm going with Max/Shirin on Masaya, Mike/Lindsey on Escameca, and Vince/Jenn on Nagarote.

I'm not sure which tribe I want to win the most. Probably Escameca. (blue collar)

Masaya: Joaquin and So (my pick to win)

Escameca: Rodney (I have grown to like him recently) and Sierra

Nagarote: Joe and Jenn (my absolute favorite)

Beautiful intro, I love Lindsey's shots! And to add to the season's hype, after CBS ceased production on new versions of Ancient Voices, Cagayan and San Juan del Sur used remixes of Micronesia. Worlds Apart is using a remix of Heroes vs Villains... HvV is arguably one of the best seasons. There may be a correlation. It may be coincidence. But it is interesting nonetheless.

Aside from Lindsey, I loved Shirin/So's shots as well.

So and Sierra look stunning on that intro. 

So and Sierra look stunning on that intro. 

I'm so in love with Sierra. It's not even funny.

So and Sierra look stunning on that intro. 

I'm so in love with Sierra. It's not even funny.

I think she could make it really far, a lot of people will underestimate her. And those eyes, she's perfect. 

So my fantasy team for this is just going to be 2 players from each tribe, 1 male/female. Just so I have someone to root for in each tribe.

This is entirely based off cast bios and video assessments, so who knows if I'll like them on the show. But anyways I'm going with Max/Shirin on Masaya, Mike/Lindsey on Escameca, and Vince/Jenn on Nagarote.

I'm not sure which tribe I want to win the most. Probably Escameca. (blue collar)

Those would be my exact picks!

If there's one thing the intro is good for, it's spoiling who doesn't win, hahaha! #IntroCurse. 

If there's one thing the intro is good for, it's spoiling who doesn't win, hahaha! #IntroCurse. 

Nothing beats the famous #FlyTheory!

15 more minutes!!

Literally nothing is happening 49 minutes in...

I can't believe Carolyn of all people found an idol. 

I cant stand Vince or Dan

So and Joaquin are screwed. 

So and Joaquin are screwed. 

I know it is about alliances but you don't get rid of So who's performed the best--yet

Not with a six person team

And anyone that couldn't do the 50 piece puzzle deserves to go home.  Honestly, I saw this a lot when it comes to puzzle but I really mean it, a FIVE YEAR OLD COULD DO THAT PUZZLE


Lol neither tribe that won needs fire.

So and Joaquin are screwed. 

I know it is about alliances but you don't get rid of So who's performed the best--yet

Not with a six person team

And anyone that couldn't do the 50 piece puzzle deserves to go home.  Honestly, I saw this a lot when it comes to puzzle but I really mean it, a FIVE YEAR OLD COULD DO THAT PUZZLE


What's even worse is that she's very smart and made Google calendar but couldn't figure out a puzzle.

So and Joaquin are screwed. 

I know it is about alliances but you don't get rid of So who's performed the best--yet

Not with a six person team

And anyone that couldn't do the 50 piece puzzle deserves to go home.  Honestly, I saw this a lot when it comes to puzzle but I really mean it, a FIVE YEAR OLD COULD DO THAT PUZZLE

As much as I love Shirin, she was clearly the reason they lost. 

Literally nothing is happening 49 minutes in...

What show are you watching? They gave us plenty on every tribe and some cool moments.

Literally nothing is happening 49 minutes in...

What show are you watching? They gave us plenty on every tribe and some cool moments.

I don't want So gone.
