Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X - I'm the Kingpin

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really hannah? smh


Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

does that guy will have a mind of his own at all or does jay like own him or something


maybe they will have a jury removal once again? With all those advantages and shit. Having that big jury is pointless for me

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

10 jurors with a final 3

10 jurors with a final 3

awful. 9 is too many

They won't do 9 jurors and a F3 cause it can tie 3-3-3. I feel like they should have swapped again and waited to merge til F11

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

i hate the final 3 shit i really do. i prefer final 2 over final 3. honestly just dont let taylor vote cause if you ask him how to spell Mississippi he would spell it wrong

But isn't the advantage said to be something "new". We already saw it last season. Unless, it's "new" advanage for this season since it's the first time anyone here saw it.

Idk, the way Adam spoke about it gave me the impression it was something else.

They get to steal a reward, last season it was steal a vote. 

They get to steal a reward, last season it was steal a vote. 

Oh! okay. 

I'm not convinced Jay/Will/Michelle/Taylor can do math at all. They looked shocked at the votes but I mean where did they think the other 3 votes were gonna come from? They weren't shown telling anyone else to vote for Adam so I'm not sure why they assumed 4 votes would be enough to get Adam out.

And Adam telling Taylor about his advantage *facepalm* whyyyy. Was rooting for Adam before this episode but now it's kinda up in the air. 

You nailed it. They didn't even try to lock up Hannah, even after she went to Jay and said she would vote whichever way he wanted. And, they targeted a millennial, you would think they would have told that to the GenX to get them on board too.

They should have taken Taylor's *** out instead smh

i wish they did. But taking out a mindless puppet over a strong social player isn't smart 

Adam being a super fan makes his choices even stupider. 

This season has had 7 blindsides in 8 votes,  that's insane, Rachel was the only one who wasn't blindsided. 

7 women in 8 votes is annoying as hell tho 

It just seems Adam really wants to be friends with Taylor. Like the dorky kid who does anything to be friends with the jock. He should have never shared his advantage. I also think Zeke is playing a great game. And I couldn't stop laughing when he sat down at the end, after he voted.

It just seems Adam really wants to be friends with Taylor. Like the dorky kid who does anything to be friends with the jock. He should have never shared his advantage. I also think Zeke is playing a great game. And I couldn't stop laughing when he sat down at the end, after he voted.

Adam needs to chill. There's no benefit to working with Taylor, if he wanted in with their alliance he should have talked to Jay.  Jay has less reason to hate him and Taylor will do whatever he says anyway. 

I love how both Adam/Tyler are acting like that advantage Adam got is HUGE, like chile you're just stealing a reward

CrazyRealityGuy wrote:

It just seems Adam really wants to be friends with Taylor. Like the dorky kid who does anything to be friends with the jock. He should have never shared his advantage. I also think Zeke is playing a great game. And I couldn't stop laughing when he sat down at the end, after he voted.

Adam needs to chill. There's no benefit to working with Taylor, if he wanted in with their alliance he should have talked to Jay.  Jay has less reason to hate him and Taylor will do whatever he says anyway. 

I know, that's why I made that dork/jock comparison. It seems like he has a man crush on Taylor. Also, it was pretty stupid to tell him he was going after Will/Jay when he knows they were so tight.

I love how both Adam/Tyler are acting like that advantage Adam got is HUGE, like chile you're just stealing a reward

i don't think it's even much of a advantage. Everyone will just think your a **** for using it, Especially if you used it for the loved ones visit. 

Adam's advantage is more like a disadvantage. If he uses it he will be a bigger taret than he already is. Anyone who uses it would be a target. 

Adam's advantage is more like a disadvantage. If he uses it he will be a bigger taret than he already is. Anyone who uses it would be a target. 

yeah its pointless but i see why they had it. The legacy advantage is a long term one and this one is a short term.  They wanted it because it'slike the generations preferences blah blah the theme they try and shove down our throats. 

nevidcm wrote:

I love how both Adam/Tyler are acting like that advantage Adam got is HUGE, like chile you're just stealing a reward

i don't think it's even much of a advantage. Everyone will just think your a **** for using it, Especially if you used it for the loved ones visit. 

I wonder if it can be used on a potential auction. and yeah, it's just gonna put a big bullseye on him for no reason, so really shitty of an advantage. 

Am i the only one who still kinda likes Hannah? I mean she is a bit annoying at times but she's playing a solid game, can't see her being voted out anytime soon. I would never have guessed she'd be the last millennial girl left. 

Daddy DAF
Anonymous's picture

I dunno she isn't terrible but she gets under my skin.

Hannah annoys me a bit too! Something about her.

And Michelle is the first jury member. I liked her!

At least now i can see the remaining girls being safe for at least a few more episodes. Although Jessica might have put a target on her back after that immunity performance. Sunday & Hannah i can't see getting voted out anytime soon. 

At least now i can see the remaining girls being safe for at least a few more episodes. Although Jessica might have put a target on her back after that immunity performance. Sunday & Hannah i can't see getting voted out anytime soon. 

Its crazy that the majority is male. Jessica is the strongest of the 3 remaining. Sunday lasted and performed much better than I thought TBH!
