One castaway's romantic feelings for another tribemate may cause them to spill secrets, and another player's lack of social skills threatens their game.
I feel like all the strong guys (JP, Alan, Cole & Patrick) are going to go home early because they're idiots. Could be a season where the girls run shit.
I feel like all the strong guys (JP, Alan, Cole & Patrick) are going to go home early because they're idiots. Could be a season where the girls run shit.
I think JP will slide by as the least threatening and just build relationships and then have a strong end-game. The male Natalie White/Michele. Idk tho, every episode so far my opinions shift.
sounds like cole/jessica and joe to me
Survivor - My Kisses Are Very Private (Preview)
Jessica is so damn smitten with Cole.
I really hope Patrick makes it to next episode.
i wouldn't be crushed if he left.
Who's hype
Patrick's gameplay is awful...I have no idea why people want him to stay--he can't win.
Ok sexual innuendo's tho. Wtf.
JP was my winner pick, but Ashley's gonna **** it up. I just know it.
Do you really think JP is smart enough to win this? I feel like JP & Patrick will be seen as threats and don't have the social game to survive.
I feel like all the strong guys (JP, Alan, Cole & Patrick) are going to go home early because they're idiots. Could be a season where the girls run shit.
I think JP will slide by as the least threatening and just build relationships and then have a strong end-game. The male Natalie White/Michele. Idk tho, every episode so far my opinions shift.
I am getting a strong female-dominant season vibe so far. I'd be fine with most of the girls going far.
I feel like Lauren is still going home. 3 women out in a row... yikes
or is that what they want us to think?? Lmao
Even if Lauren does go home I think the remaining woman will do well moving forward
I got the feeling Lauren is going home too but Survivor is usually good with curveballs lmao
The Healer tribe is so dominant >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
LOL @ his exit....ridiculous
Patrick did so much wrong. Feels right that he paid for all his mistakes
Ali ❤️
Ok Alli stan initiated
fr like wtf was that. I hope, if anything, Pat gained some self-awareness from this.
I REALLY hope this is the only swap this season.
I hate when they do a bunch of tribe swaps. Only 3 are gone...way too early. Ali may be a long-term threat.
Please jump on the Ali train before it’s too late.
Im fine with a swap at 15 if it's the only swap.
Done and Doner. I hope she doesn't lose her power with this swap tho.
I think Ali will do well with a swap. I feel like she's someone that would easy to get along with and see as a number as opposed to a threat.
I'm on that Ali and Desi wave
why do they have to give us extra stupid themes (that dont even bring in new viewers) if they're only gonna last 3 episodes lol
I'm devastated for Patrick but Lauren ****** me up this episode, idk I'm starting to like her.