Survivor: Ghost Island - It's Like the Perfect Crime

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King Donathan tbh. Don’t @ me

I stan him as a Lurel's sidekick 


gamer73 wrote:

King Donathan tbh. Don’t @ me

I stan him as a Lurel's sidekick 

Role reversal #QueenLaurel

I'm shocked but impressed Kellyn saw through the bullshit

I'm shocked but impressed Kellyn saw through the bullshit

her personality might be grating but she certainly is good at Survivor 


I ******* love her lmaooo

I wish donathan would just die.

I think Jenna was taking a standing shit... what was that omfg

I wish donathan would just die.

He's growing on me actually.  Still annoying but I hate Dom so much that no one else really bothers me at this point.   Even Sebastian who I forget exists unless there's a comp

I wish donathan would just die.


Queen Jenna >>>>

y'all **** outta here

Tbh I liked Desiree but this just proves the bootlist I read was wrong so I’m hyped for her boot!

Who’s that girl that won immunity? Is she new?

gamer73 wrote:

King Donathan tbh. Don’t @ me

I stan him as a Laurel's sidekick 

I actually can't think of anyone I like this season. Laurel but she loses massive points for associating with a hillbilly.

Who’s that girl that won immunity? Is she new?

Chelsea and somehow I find her more interesting than 95.8% of the rest of the cast.

I missed an episode and a half and feel like I haven't missed anything.

I like that girls are taking the lead and the guys are following the lead. Kellyn and Laurel really seem like contenders.


I like that girls are taking the lead and the guys are following the lead. Kellyn and Laurel really seem like contenders. 

true Laurel has managed to gain the absolute trust and adoration of two male power players in Dom/Wendell They trust her 100%. She can use that to her advantage

QUEEN DESI! Her plan was good but wowwwwww she failed! She should have never trusted Laurel tho because she's so far up Dom and Wendell's *** she's playing for 3rd or 4th at this point. And I was thinking Laurel was gonna atleast win some individual immunity challenges, that Tasha impact and yeah that's not happening. She's just there. I hope she makes a move sooner or later but I don't see it happening tbh. Donathan has a better shot than her! Which is tragic... 

lmao when you realize a guy hasnt won individual immunity since episode 9 of last season. & he was the only one too...YIKES

I actually can't think of anyone I like this season. Laurel but she loses massive points for associating with a hillbilly.

How is he a hillbilly? I must be a "hillbilly" as well since im from the same tri-state as Donathan.

KlounV3 wrote:

I actually can't think of anyone I like this season. Laurel but she loses massive points for associating with a hillbilly.

How is he a hillbilly? I must be a "hillbilly" as well since im from the same tri-state as Donathan.


I wish donathan would just get voted off

Des was right tho, Kellyn is a huge threat, she just didn't know how close laurel was. 

QUEEN DESI! Her plan was good but wowwwwww she failed! She should have never trusted Laurel tho because she's so far up Dom and Wendell's *** she's playing for 3rd or 4th at this point. And I was thinking Laurel was gonna atleast win some individual immunity challenges, that Tasha impact and yeah that's not happening. She's just there. I hope she makes a move sooner or later but I don't see it happening tbh. Donathan has a better shot than her! Which is tragic... 

NO he doesn't lol, laurel singlehandedly just kept bofh alliances loyal to her, she saved micheal by shifting the blame to des. She reconfirmed her commitment to dom and Wendell and keeps both sides on her side. She's playing a strong game without getting the heat dom Wendell and Kellyn are getting 

So people tried painting Libby as the biggest threat as Kellyn, Wendell, and Laurel sit comfortably in the game.......?

All I could think about watching the episode is all the dirty things I would do to Michael. Lawwddddd that is what a man should look like. Not overly beefy. And pretty enough yet hairy enough to look like just the perfect handsome manly man. 

Okay, lemme stop.

All I could think about watching the episode is all the dirty things I would do to Michael. Lawwddddd that is what a man should look like. Not overly beefy. And pretty enough yet hairy enough to look like just the perfect handsome manly man. Okay, lemme stop.

Thirst away! :

Okay, I'll be back for more after 2 bottles of wine tonight.
