You don't even know what you're arguing about anymore. You questioned it with your first reply to me, hun.
"Why was Buster cast?" "Same could be said about Spencer" like ... You really don't read, you just see my name, see the name Spencer in my comment, and all you see is red.
lol what?
I guess I'm supposed to take the comment lightly, but what's wrong with that reply? You're always having a nasty ttitude about something and I took it as such. But I'm sure you're gonna respond with "zzz"(god knows that's your ******* catchphrase) or telling me again how I'm not making sense
You do notice how you replied to my comment, it wasn't the other way around. My orginal comment had no attitude, it was just only you who felt the need to feel bothered by it. You should take the comment lightly cause it wasn't "harmful" "nasty" or "hurtful" or whatever bs. You just take me too serious, clearly because now you're bringing up Zzzz. Thank you! Nope you made sense now, tried to turn the situation around about me. I would do that too if I were in your situation.
When did I say you did? Why do you keep saying these things like I said you replied to me first?Making it about you? uh yeah I replied to your comment, wtf else would I say?
When did you say you did? ----> "nasty ttitude about something and I took it as such" So did that not mean you took my comment as an attitude. Or does that mean something else.... You can say whatever you want but don't be petty over a question. And idk what your other questions mean, sorry!
How does that imply you replied to me? It definitely seemed rude, but how does that mean you replied to me first, like at all?
idk if it's 12am or im just not understanding at all lol.
You don't even know what you're arguing about anymore. You questioned it with your first reply to me, hun.
"Why was Buster cast?" "Same could be said about Spencer" like ... You really don't read, you just see my name, see the name Spencer in my comment, and all you see is red.
lol what?
I guess I'm supposed to take the comment lightly, but what's wrong with that reply? You're always having a nasty ttitude about something and I took it as such. But I'm sure you're gonna respond with "zzz"(god knows that's your ******* catchphrase) or telling me again how I'm not making sense
Yeah that's how this works, you say he's not basic and I ask why. I didn't realize this was lost on you. Didn't realize it was such a tough concept.
The Takeo in Angkor are dumb as ****. But I'm glad Savage and Tasha are still in. I wanted Woo out, but I can see how he's an asset to the team as opposed to PG. Shame.
idk if it's 12am or im just not understanding at all lol.
bothered and pressed.zzzzz.
The Takeo in Angkor are dumb as ****. But I'm glad Savage and Tasha are still in. I wanted Woo out, but I can see how he's an asset to the team as opposed to PG. Shame.