Survivor 43 - Episode Discussion (No Spoilers)

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it be runored that jeff hates every season tbh LMAO. 

He probably loves Caramoan which imo it sucks and the fan favs was wasted spots.

Jeff usually has bad taste in seasons, this would be one of the few times he got it right. But he only hated it cause he knew it was a bad look all the women leaving first.

Jeff usually has bad taste in seasons, this would be one of the few times he got it right. But he only hated it cause he knew it was a bad look all the women leaving first.

he loves the seasons where men usually win I'm surprised he doesn't like this one considering him and gabler are the same age and it's inspirational that an Oldschooler can get the W like alligablr :) 

Jeff is in his woke era. He no longer openly pulling for the white male.

Was about to say Jeff usually lusts over the white male winners on this show. Wasn't it just a rumour that he hates this season?  I would think he would love it based on Gabler winning. 

Was about to say Jeff usually lusts over the white male winners on this show. Wasn't it just a rumour that he hates this season?  I would think he would love it based on Gabler winning. 

Gabler is definitely not his usual type, most of the players he's had obvious favoritism towards were much more active game players


Was about to say Jeff usually lusts over the white male winners on this show. Wasn't it just a rumour that he hates this season?  I would think he would love it based on Gabler winning. 

Gabler is definitely not his usual type, most of the players he's had obvious favoritism towards were much more active game players

dont forget male. the gender matters here.

So I finally got around to finishing this season(wasn't a fan at first) but it did get good towards the end. I felt bad for Jessie and out of the final 3, I felt Cassidy deserved it.

Idk how everyone else feels yet, so let me go read the comments lol. Glad I remained spoiler free.
