Survivor 41 - Episode Discussion

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Y'all are hating lol. This was a great episode. Given the Challenge currently, this is miles better. I'll probably rewatch it later.

Does anyone know if they are booting 2 people an episode for the first few? I read online it's only 11 episodes this year. 

Y'all are hating lol. This was a great episode. Given the Challenge currently, this is miles better. I'll probably rewatch it later.

Does anyone know if they are booting 2 people an episode for the first few? I read online it's only 11 episodes this year. 

I only hated that risk or reward twist that took to long to explain the simple twist.

Y'all are miserable as hell

Y'all are miserable as hell

Okay, I understand why people are frustrated that others thought the episode sucked.  I'm glad Survivor is back I was hoping for more after they had as long as they did to come up with some real changes.  I thought the casting was subpar although I understand what they tried to do.  It's only one episode and it can improve but that was a long uneventful 2 hours IMO.  I'm glad we had 2 eliminations but I'm already questioning the game play based on voting out Sara instead of Brad or JT.  

This got 6 million views last night

This got 6 million views last night

6.25. IOI, the last fall & newbie season, had 6.29. Impressive to be staying pretty much the same when shows like BB have dropped

Okay, I understand why people are frustrated that others thought the episode sucked.  I'm glad Survivor is back I was hoping for more after they had as long as they did to come up with some real changes.  I thought the casting was subpar although I understand what they tried to do.  It's only one episode and it can improve but that was a long uneventful 2 hours IMO.  I'm glad we had 2 eliminations but I'm already questioning the game play based on voting out Sara instead of Brad or JT.  


I found the casting fantastic. One of the strongest in years. 

Okay, I understand why people are frustrated that others thought the episode sucked.  I'm glad Survivor is back I was hoping for more after they had as long as they did to come up with some real changes.  I thought the casting was subpar although I understand what they tried to do.  It's only one episode and it can improve but that was a long uneventful 2 hours IMO.  I'm glad we had 2 eliminations but I'm already questioning the game play based on voting out Sara instead of Brad or JT.  


I found the casting fantastic. One of the strongest in years. 

To each their own I guess

Y'all are miserable as hell

Because we disliked a show lol? I'm sure you've watched a show you didn't enjoy. Anyone who found this remotely entertaining must be miserable...if that's what you consider joy...yikes lol.

Y'all are miserable as hell

i was for about an hour and 25 minutes until Ua's Tribal Council 


Y'all are miserable as hell

i was for about an hour and 25 minutes until Ua's Tribal Council 

lol dead

I still think this season has potential but that premiere just didn't do it for me, I'm all for the diversity and progressiveness but the come on in guys thing was so pointless. I can def see some stars coming out of this season mainly just Genie but still 

I'll give it a few more weeks to see if it picks up but I have little faith after the premiere. Jeff has a new direction for the show and I'm not into this Nickelodeon with forced wokeness version. 

I just need a woman to finally win. The last winner was sarah's robotic *** 7 seasons ago.

I just need a woman to finally win. The last winner was sarah's robotic *** 7 seasons ago.

Genie will give us what we want. 


I just need a woman to finally win. The last winner was sarah's robotic *** 7 seasons ago.

Shan will give us what we want. 

its funny cause a few months ago I saw a discussion on twitter about the use of the word guys, and I was seeing alot of different people who identify as different things all collectively agree that its harmless.

it prob took 1 cry baby on twitter for jeff to bring this up lmao

idk why it took me so long to watch the premiere but meh .. i dont like twist heavy seasons so I probably wont enjoy this

its funny cause a few months ago I saw a discussion on twitter about the use of the word guys, and I was seeing alot of different people who identify as different things all collectively agree that its harmless.

it prob took 1 cry baby on twitter for jeff to bring this up lmao

They basically overshadowed what Evvie said for whatever Ricardo said (I don't even remember why he wanted it changed)

It honestly wasnt a big deal to change the guys thing, I understand why people are mad.

he didnt give a real reason i was sitting there waiting lmao

especially considering he's married to a man so i guess it was the gender thing but his husband definitely adheres to gender lol. A trans man is still a man 

he didnt give a real reason i was sitting there waiting lmao

He won't on twitter either.

Didn't eevie say she didn't give two shits about the word then why did Ricard get the last word lol.

Also I forgot but did they ask everyone? They shoulda had a secret vote lol

Probst asked Eevie because he figured she was the mostly likely to tell him to change it. After she/they and the rest of the cast didn't care production probably started trying to see who they could find to complain about it, they couldn't get any of the girls and Ricard I guess would be the best male option. I feel like having a man decide that the word guys isn't appropriate when all the females are fine with it is the opposite of progression, but whatever

nah the SJW really got Probst looking goofy as hell with the "come on in guys" change 

other than that i really enjoyed the premiere. that live tribal for the first episode is hopefully a sign of things to come.

Probst asked Eevie because he figured she was the mostly likely to tell him to change it. After she/they and the rest of the cast didn't care production probably started trying to see who they could find to complain about it, they couldn't get any of the girls and Ricard I guess would be the best male option. I feel like having a man decide that the word guys isn't appropriate when all the females are fine with it is the opposite of progression, but whatever

Jeff loves making the last decision based on a man's pov.

I feel like that's what he wanted anyway, he was just looking for someone, anyone to speak up so he could say he did it for them.

If the entire cast has no problem but it only takes one person to change a phrases that's been used for idk how many seasons

It shouldn't have even been a topic anyway
