RIP Dave Mirra - Dead At 41 Of Apparent Suicide

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This is a shock to be sure.  Dave hosted seasons 8 and 10 of the Challenge - Inferno 1 and Inferno 2.  The first of those seasons in 2004 was the last time the cast was divided up into Real World and Road Rules teams.Already have reaction from TJ Lavin to TMZ:  "I just wish he would have called me. I would have jumped on a plane in a second. There's always another way. If anyone needs help, just please get it. I feel sick about  this." 


Money problems is no reason to commit suicide. As for Kaujun's trifle *** since when does committing suicide make somebody a decent human being?Let it be known I don't hate the fellow I just think he's a completely selfish person because its just not about him he had a family as well.


I think some of the outrage is not whether or not your opinion is right or wrong, but it's how you went about it. There's a time and a place for everything, and now is not the time, and here is not the place. You may have a point (emphasis on *may*), but just because you have an opinion and a keyboard, doesn't mean that you should post it. Now you come off as a total ****, and I actually feel a bit better because now I'm completely justified in not liking you.

Dave's appearance on Punk'd is still available on


Nostalgic wrote:

Money problems is no reason to commit suicide. As for Kaujun's trifle *** since when does committing suicide make somebody a decent human being?Let it be known I don't hate the fellow I just think he's a completely selfish person because its just not about him he had a family as well.

 I think some of the outrage is not whether or not your opinion is right or wrong, but it's how you went about it. There's a time and a place for everything, and now is not the time, and here is not the place. You may have a point (emphasis on *may*), but just because you have an opinion and a keyboard, doesn't mean that you should post it. Now you come off as a total ****, and I actually feel a bit better because now I'm completely justified in not liking you.

He's a child.

You can feel however you want about suicide or the circumstances surrounding his death but there's really no place for that in an RIP thread. A man just died...either have some kind words for him or exercise a little restraint. Calling him a bad host or selfish or a coward in this thread is just in bad taste.

RIP Dave. I didn't know much about him as a BMX athlete, but I always thought that he seemed to have a good time hosting the shows. I think one of the most upsetting parts about suicide cases is if the person had seen the outpouring of love for them afterwards they probably would have thought twice. And as was said above, you should tell the people that you care about how you feel about them as often as you never know the difference it can make. 

Nostalgic, I can't say I disagree with you, not sure I agree. But could you kindly have some tact for once in your life.

Without the personal attacks I do think it is important to have an open and honest conversation about suicide. There is a lot of  ignorance when it comes to suicide, which is acceptable and understable. I just hope Nostalgic is coming from a place of ignorance and not just trolling, as much as I love trolling there is a time and place for it and in an RIP thread hours after someone passes is not the time and place regardless of how you feel.  Suicide is hard to comprehend, I've never been in a place that dark so I can't comprehend it. To think there are people like Diem who are fighting for their lives and would do anything to keep living, it is hard to understand how someone could just end it. Especially someone with a wife and two daughters, how could he just give up watching them grow, graduate, miss out on walking them down the aisle. His daughters have to miss out on that as well, and will probably spend the rest of their life grieving along with his wife who is now left to raise these two girls alone. So I get how it can be seen as a selfish act but that is thinking from a rational mind. Dave Mirra and most everyone else who ends their life is a place so dark that in their mind the world, their family, and friends are in a better place without them. It's really heartbreaking that someone could be in a place so dark that they feel the only way out is ending their own life. Just try and understand not everyone mind works the same as yours and try and show some compassion and empathy.

IMHO Dave was an amazing host on his three seasons he did and I didn't know him and TJ was so close as they was.


Nontheless. RIP Dave ❤

RIP Dave.

Please keep personal opinions about the guy out of this thread, this is about paying respect to someone who just lost their life. Debates and insensitive comments don't belong here, no matter how justified someone feels about their perspective. Grow up.

I think there are things that are still unknown here. I have read that those who participate in contact sports, such as BMX or football for example, well it can affect the brain, the repeated blows to the head over a long career in sports, so it's possible that might have had something to do with this but no one knows for sure. It's all speculation. I agree with others who have said that this thread is just about paying respect to Dave rather than engaging in any judgments.

I think there are things that are still unknown here. I have read that those who participate in contact sports, such as BMX or football for example, well it can affect the brain, the repeated blows to the head over a long career in sports, so it's possible that might have had something to do with this but no one knows for sure. It's all speculation. I agree with others who have said that this thread is just about paying respect to Dave rather than engaging in any judgments.

Omg you watched Concussion too! *****

Damn very sad and scary. You just never know what demons people are going through. Which is why you gotta always be kind to people. Something I still fail to not do smh 

Rest In Paradise Dave. 

Without the personal attacks I do think it is important to have an open and honest conversation about suicide. There is a lot of  ignorance when it comes to suicide, which is acceptable and understable. I just hope Nostalgic is coming from a place of ignorance and not just trolling, as much as I love trolling there is a time and place for it and in an RIP thread hours after someone passes is not the time and place regardless of how you feel.  Suicide is hard to comprehend, I've never been in a place that dark so I can't comprehend it. To think there are people like Diem who are fighting for their lives and would do anything to keep living, it is hard to understand how someone could just end it. Especially someone with a wife and two daughters, how could he just give up watching them grow, graduate, miss out on walking them down the aisle. His daughters have to miss out on that as well, and will probably spend the rest of their life grieving along with his wife who is now left to raise these two girls alone. So I get how it can be seen as a selfish act but that is thinking from a rational mind. Dave Mirra and most everyone else who ends their life is a place so dark that in their mind the world, their family, and friends are in a better place without them. It's really heartbreaking that someone could be in a place so dark that they feel the only way out is ending their own life. Just try and understand not everyone mind works the same as yours and try and show some compassion and empathy.

RIP, Dave.

He was the host of the second challenge I ever watched. Good times back then. R.I.P

RIP Dave.So sad : (

He was an awesome host. <3

I'll never forget his facial reaction to Katie beating David in the final inferno.   And saying to Katie, "I'd give you a hug, but you stank."  

Can people allow at day or two to go by before bickering?  A man died leaving behind two children.  Just pay your condolences or shut up.

RIP Dave.  My thoughts are with the kids.

Can people allow at day or two to go by before bickering?  A man died leaving behind two children.  Just pay your condolences or shut up.RIP Dave.  My thoughts are with the kids.

Sorry, daddy.

stefx23 wrote:

I think there are things that are still unknown here. I have read that those who participate in contact sports, such as BMX or football for example, well it can affect the brain, the repeated blows to the head over a long career in sports, so it's possible that might have had something to do with this but no one knows for sure. It's all speculation. I agree with others who have said that this thread is just about paying respect to Dave rather than engaging in any judgments.

Omg you watched Concussion too! *****

No I haven't seen that movie. I actually saw a story that investigators are looking into this concerning his death but again, who knows what is true and what's not. I feel so horrible for his wife and kids.

I'll never forget his facial reaction to Katie beating David in the final inferno.   And saying to Katie, "I'd give you a hug, but you stank."  

Just watched this episode a few days ago's crazy but you never know when you'll go.

Kajun wrote:

Without the personal attacks I do think it is important to have an open and honest conversation about suicide. There is a lot of  ignorance when it comes to suicide, which is acceptable and understable. I just hope Nostalgic is coming from a place of ignorance and not just trolling, as much as I love trolling there is a time and place for it and in an RIP thread hours after someone passes is not the time and place regardless of how you feel.  Suicide is hard to comprehend, I've never been in a place that dark so I can't comprehend it. To think there are people like Diem who are fighting for their lives and would do anything to keep living, it is hard to understand how someone could just end it. Especially someone with a wife and two daughters, how could he just give up watching them grow, graduate, miss out on walking them down the aisle. His daughters have to miss out on that as well, and will probably spend the rest of their life grieving along with his wife who is now left to raise these two girls alone. So I get how it can be seen as a selfish act but that is thinking from a rational mind. Dave Mirra and most everyone else who ends their life is a place so dark that in their mind the world, their family, and friends are in a better place without them. It's really heartbreaking that someone could be in a place so dark that they feel the only way out is ending their own life. Just try and understand not everyone mind works the same as yours and try and show some compassion and empathy.

Wow I didn't expect to see this.


stefx23 wrote:

I think there are things that are still unknown here. I have read that those who participate in contact sports, such as BMX or football for example, well it can affect the brain, the repeated blows to the head over a long career in sports, so it's possible that might have had something to do with this but no one knows for sure. It's all speculation. I agree with others who have said that this thread is just about paying respect to Dave rather than engaging in any judgments.

Omg you watched Concussion too! *****

Right I was about to say this is Concussion all over again, I Thought I would've been the only one!

Without the personal attacks I do think it is important to have an open and honest conversation about suicide. Suicide is hard to comprehend, I've never been in a place that dark so I can't comprehend it. To think there are people like Diem who are fighting for their lives and would do anything to keep living, it is hard to understand how someone could just end it. Especially someone with a wife and two daughters, how could he just give up watching them grow, graduate, miss out on walking them down the aisle. His daughters have to miss out on that as well, and will probably spend the rest of their life grieving along with his wife who is now left to raise these two girls alone. So I get how it can be seen as a selfish act but that is thinking from a rational mind. Dave Mirra and most everyone else who ends their life is a place so dark that in their mind the world, their family, and friends are in a better place without them. It's really heartbreaking that someone could be in a place so dark that they feel the only way out is ending their own life. Just try and understand not everyone mind works the same as yours and try and show some compassion and empathy.

You can feel however you want about suicide or the circumstances surrounding his death but there's really no place for that in an RIP thread. A man just died...either have some kind words for him or exercise a little restraint. Calling him a bad host or selfish or a coward in this thread is just in bad taste. RIP Dave. I didn't know much about him as a BMX athlete, but I always thought that he seemed to have a good time hosting the shows. I think one of the most upsetting parts about suicide cases is if the person had seen the outpouring of love for them afterwards they probably would have thought twice. And as was said above, you should tell the people that you care about how you feel about them as often as you never know the difference it can make

I am guilty of being one of those people who has made those comments, not in this instance but I have lost people I care about to suicide and I think it comes from a place of hurt and anger  - why couldn't you tell me you were in so much pain?? We all want to think we would be there, we would do anything to help.... but often people do give signals, try to let people know how bad it is and are told just cheer up, toughen up, shake it off...they can't. The year before last my younger brother attempted suicide and spent a month on a ventilator, I was scared to death and so mad at him... when he discovered it hadn't worked and found out what he put everyone through (sleeping in the hospital, taking turns by his side, our mom being so distraught she was sick, me working all day then driving over an hour to sit with him every night until 11 and driving an hour home) he apologized to everyone and yes he thought he would be doing us a favor, he is ill and didn't want to be a burden to his wife, to us.

I pray Dave's family can muster the strength to hold together, that his wife can forgive him and move forward, that his girls know there is nothing they could have done and it doesn't mean he didn't love them (kids ALWAYS blame themselves)

For all of you, if you're in pain - please tell someone, please. There are people who care about even when it doesn't feel like it, feelings aren't facts, they are fleeting. Don't find a permanent solution to temporary issues...

Kajun wrote:

Without the personal attacks I do think it is important to have an open and honest conversation about suicide. Suicide is hard to comprehend, I've never been in a place that dark so I can't comprehend it. To think there are people like Diem who are fighting for their lives and would do anything to keep living, it is hard to understand how someone could just end it. Especially someone with a wife and two daughters, how could he just give up watching them grow, graduate, miss out on walking them down the aisle. His daughters have to miss out on that as well, and will probably spend the rest of their life grieving along with his wife who is now left to raise these two girls alone. So I get how it can be seen as a selfish act but that is thinking from a rational mind. Dave Mirra and most everyone else who ends their life is a place so dark that in their mind the world, their family, and friends are in a better place without them. It's really heartbreaking that someone could be in a place so dark that they feel the only way out is ending their own life. Just try and understand not everyone mind works the same as yours and try and show some compassion and empathy.

JL81790 wrote:

You can feel however you want about suicide or the circumstances surrounding his death but there's really no place for that in an RIP thread. A man just died...either have some kind words for him or exercise a little restraint. Calling him a bad host or selfish or a coward in this thread is just in bad taste.RIP Dave. I didn't know much about him as a BMX athlete, but I always thought that he seemed to have a good time hosting the shows. I think one of the most upsetting parts about suicide cases is if the person had seen the outpouring of love for them afterwards they probably would have thought twice. And as was said above, you should tell the people that you care about how you feel about them as often as you never know the difference it can make

I am guilty of being one of those people who has made those comments, not in this instance but I have lost people I care about to suicide and I think it comes from a place of hurt and anger  - why couldn't you tell me you were in so much pain?? We all want to think we would be there, we would do anything to help.... but often people do give signals, try to let people know how bad it is and are told just cheer up, toughen up, shake it off...they can't. The year before last my younger brother attempted suicide and spent a month on a ventilator, I was scared to death and so mad at him... when he discovered it hadn't worked and found out what he put everyone through (sleeping in the hospital, taking turns by his side, our mom being so distraught she was sick, me working all day then driving over an hour to sit with him every night until 11 and driving an hour home) he apologized to everyone and yes he thought he would be doing us a favor, he is ill and didn't want to be burden.I pray Dave's family can muster the strength to hold together, that his wife can forgive him and move forward, that his girls know there is nothing they could have done and it doesn't mean he didn't love them (kids ALWAYS blame themselves)For all of you, if you're in pain - please tell someone, please. There people who care about even when it doesn't feel like it, feelings aren't facts, they are fleeting. Don't find a permanent solution to temporary issues...

Exactly. That's what people don't understand. When you're on the verge of suicide there's no "******* up"..that person needs help and if you really gave a damn you would've been there. Then when it happens people want to cry and moan and say "why didn't they tell me? I could've helped them" As a society we really don't understand shit like depression or suicide or things that could lead to suicide(such as depression).

Depression is a disease. Saying "******* up" or "just be happy" is not helpful at all and doesn't work. I understand why some people view suicide as selfish, but that comes from a rational point of view. In most cases, a person who attempts suicide is not is a right state of mind and doesn't think logically. A brain of a depressed person just doesn't work correctly. 

It's very sad news. He seemed like a great guy and I feel really sorry for his family. Please guys, be respectful.

most depression isnt wrong at all. if your life objectively is garbage then the correct feeling to have towards it would be depression. life isnt always great and its actually wrong to never be depressed unless your life really is that awesome all the time. thats what drugs and antidepresants do: they give you an artifical high and feeling of happiness when you dont deserve it

the type of "disease" depression is the kind where your dopamine(pleasure) receptors are actually screwed up and dont work. you basically cannot become happy at things that would make an otherwise normally functioning brain excited. this is very rare though and often over diagnosed. i doubt dave mirra had this. most peoples brains are working fine, its just their lives are not so their brains conform to their lives

depression does two things. it either forces you into being proactive to the point where you shift your life circumstances(job, relationship, community) to a place that can carry your brain into a higher and happier operating level(adaptation) or it makes you suicide. the latter would be if the depression made you feel that every action in your life would be futile or if you are in such misery or torture that the only relief you could get would be offing yourself.

Damn, thanks for the update Pinky, we don't deserve you!
